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I nearly screamed. She closed my mouth by slapping it with her hand. “Prove it to them,” she commanded. I was shaking and looked over at Carmine, who gave me a thumbs up, and Gerard, who nodded at me to go on. I shook my head; at least Gerard would understand how scared I was. He came to me and rubbed my shoulder with a smile. “I’m scared, Gerard; there’s blood and organs all over the place. I felt like I was in the midst of thousands of dead bodies. I want to vomit. Please tell Mom not to do this.” I pleaded with him. “People are watching Oceana, but I’m here for you; do it for me, love. I will always be here to support you.’ “Okay, Gerard.’ I gobbled my saliva and began walking. Slow. Everyone was watching. I was scared, hoping that I wouldn’t fall on my face. I stepped on the cold blood as my body shivered and my eyes welled up with tears. I began imagining all kinds of horror movies and being eaten alive. What kind of ritual was this? Suddenly, something moved under me. I screamed and nearly fell on my face. Gerard caught me in his arms and carried me up in bridal style, with blood dripping from my legs. I looked up at him, holding the terrifying wolf's head. "Scaredy cat," he whispered and grinned at me. "I'm not..." "Hush! The people are watching you, little wolf.' I tried to hide my smile as he began moving, stepping on the blood. He walked barefoot in front of these thousands of people with his gentle grace. I held him tightly; he got to the end of the red line and put me down. He took the crown from one of the council elders and put it on my head, and then bowed before me. I then look at the rest of the people, who also bowed before me, welcoming me as their princess. “Hail Princess Oceana.’ Everyone cheered and clapped for me. The celebration began, but my parents were not happy about Gerard interfering with me. They hoped I had gone through it alone. Although Gerard helped me, I tried to avoid embarrassing my parents in front of the people. That's what is most important, right? I tried to be happy and smile for the public, thankful to Gerard for being by my side throughout the celebration. It was because of him. I got through the festival. We had lots of fun. He played, carried me on his shoulder around the whole place. We both threw sweets and balloons at each other. Carmine also joined in, running away from the festival while chasing me. I miss my brothers a lot. We had fun till almost dawn with everyone partying and drinking. Carmine was wild all over the place and having fun. That night, after celebrating, my parents asked me and Alex to excuse them so they could have private conversations, but Gerard volunteered to put us to bed first before agreeing to their instructions and my parents agreed. It was time for bed and Gerard escorted me to my bedroom after helping Alex to sleep in his room. He hovered a blanket over me and whispered. “Good night, princess.’ He was about to get up when I grabbed his hand. He stopped and looked over at me. ‘What is it, princess, afraid to sleep alone?’ “No.’ I shook my head. I raised my back from the bed. “I just…want to speak with you.’ He nodded and drew a chair close to my bed and sat down close to me. “What is it you wish to talk about, love?!” “Do you think I did well back at the festival? Mom and dad are mad at me for not finishing it up and asking for your help.’ “Why do you think they are mad at you?” he softly asked and his voice was like a little angelic, which always melts my heart. I can never get angry or scared, talking with him about anything. No matter what happens, he is always willing to help me out in any situation. “I don’t know. Properly, they think I am useless. I can’t shapeshift or do anything right. How was it for you when you became the prince of the realms?’ He slowly chuckled and rubbed my hair with his warm hand. “It’s been so long I can’t remember.” He smiled and kissed me on my forehead. “Stop thinking about unnecessary stuff. You are not useless. Always remember that, okay?’ “I know, brother, but…” “It will take time, Oceana. I know what you are worried about. Give it time. You are still okay and you have a long way to go.’ “Yeah.’ I murmured and used the edge of the blanket to cover my lips playfully. “Did Mom say something to you? If she isn’t the one, then who is making you think such things?’ “It’s Mom. Her words sort of scared me today.’ I blurted out and told him everything that happened and how I had no friends to play with in school because I can’t shapeshift. “Mom is always worrying about your future. Take things easy and don’t let it get to you.’ I nodded, and he kissed my forehead and whispered. “You need to go to bed. We will talk tomorrow morning, okay?’ I raised my head up and slightly kissed him on his lips with a whip of excitement and whispered. “Good night, Gerard, and thank you for the necklace.’ My baby kiss shocked him for a second and he laughed. “Good night, kitty.” He left as he shut the door behind him. I got up and wanted to tell him about the fated mates because of what Jessie was telling me before the ceremony. When I heard muffling noises at the dining table and Alex, who was just escorted to go to sleep, was busy playing video games. I ignored him, but my curiosity got the best of me. I hid behind the pillar, trying with so much strength that I was virtually sweating profusely on my forehead to eavesdrop on them. Finally, I could catch a few words. “Why did you come back?’ My father’s voice sounded solemn, and he slammed the table. “Dear, you need to calm down; the kids will hear you,’ she whispered. “I… I had to come for the... “I don’t want to hear any excuses from you; don’t you dare fail me and the clan?’ Why was he talking to Gerard in such a manner? I thought he was happy he came home. Was it because he helped me? “Let this be the last time you come home until Oceana finds her mate, or else you will cease to be my son.’
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