An inner selfish greed.

1291 Words
“When I was unconscious from the outside I was thinking to myself from the inside. I kind of wondered how easily I got trapped in a bird’s cage that size that won’t even fit me in and I got pushed inside it. When I knew they were lying to me, I knew those three students Gorgon, Vonika and that decent devil Lila were all two faces. Tragically, it was me who fell under their feet. The only reason I stayed silent was I wanted to see what else these three demons would do against me and what lies would they create. To be honest, why I mentioned they were lying when they said “we were up to late-night here completing our homework” is that when I entered the classroom I saw no books, stationaries or remains of papers in the surrounding of the class. It was all empty and clean just the last day of every school period. Not to mention, even rubber scrambles weren’t present on the floor or on the desk. Similarly to this, I noticed these because I have a keen eye side naturally since my childhood so I used it. Perhaps, these three were already present at the spot and pretended to be lost people in a horror house. Well, you can say they were actors because that demon girl who stayed close to her friend with innocent eyes printed with fake fear by the surrounding was the first one to remove her mask. I lost my guard from them and got captured.”   “Naturally, those three were demons who needed my head so I was going to be chopped off from my head. Yeah……. My head was going to be separated from my body. But, honestly I wasn’t thinking about that in my unconscious state. The pain and the race of heart reducing when life is been dragged off my body. I wasn’t thinking any of that; the only thing that ran in my head that will soon be departed from me was rage.  I was angry on myself at the highest level, why?  I was weak and pretended to be a noble gentle man just to learn my surrounding. I feel for my emotions for learning my answers but, instead fell into my own foolishness. I deserve what I get YES that was what I was torturing myself. I hated enormously what I did, which was why I made a choice. I cursed my act that….. How foolish it was of me to fall for a child’s trap, how i***t I was to make a decision……. When I knew very well how to do and what to act, still I came late……which was why I made up my mind for the term I was going to be locked in it……….and that was……..”     In the dark office, long in 12 meter and 14 meter wide, there were chairs standing aside each other by the wall at the left and right above them were two large window that view the correct white circle of the full moon, with a large cupboard standing on the right side, a large wooden table stood empty when suddenly a body was thrown on it of a gentle man dressed in orange suit.   By the force of landing, his hat dropped off his head rolling aside of the room. This youth was fainted laying still without any movement. Just then, three people gathered around the table with their eyes fixed on the boy. The three people dressed in uniform, Gorgon, Vonika and Lila were filled in excitement for the task they were preparing to complete.   Vonika asked in a smile of cheers “so this is our next sacrifice named Joe Auston. I am pretty excited to complete our task and submit it to our company. What do you think, Lila?” she asked the girl standing at the left side of the table as she was at the right.   Lila smiled a cute smile as she seemed very innocent in it and replied “I am excited too; I can’t wait what reward we will be receiving this time by sending another head to the company”.   “If you ask me” both turned to the boy who was standing on top of the table side, pulling his sleeves up. He was the one who dragged Joe all the way into the office from the back of his collar and threw him on the large table; he continued “I think that these requests really are worth catching”.   He mentioned that all the time they hunted their prey and stole out their organs that was required for their task like a doctor’s brain which they sliced it off alive leaving the body behind writhe to death, a child’s left eye letting the little human bleed to dryness as we did this by hanging her upside down. Not to mention, a lady’s arm that we tore off her body leaving her scream at the corner of a street that awoke the entire street by it, all we sent and received great rewards that helped us a lot.   Vonika mentioned “like free educating, jobs for our families, huge amount of money, it was fun”.   “I think this will be worth of all” commented Lila as she stepped forward to Joe and opened his neck collar “he is a gentle man so a gentle man’s head is more valuable than money because everyone respects them here” she pulled off his tie and threw it on the floor with his broach making a clear opening on his neck. She ordered “get the axe from the last cup board, let’s finish our task, mail it and get home. I am starving from hunger”.   The other three agreed to this, Gorgon opened the last cupboard of the shelf where extra stuffs were saved like matches, candle, brush broom and other out school stuffs. There were placed here to prevent student hand reaching on it. It was unexpected that why this cupboard was left opened at this time of hour. There the boy found it saying “here we are, an axe and….”he carried the axe that wasn’t heavy but, equal to his height and weighted enough to be carried by any person or student if in case of evacuation.   If a fire caught up or a room was locked, this axe would come in handy. No one will feel heavy or burden by carrying it. It was equal friendly and stable in its balance which was why on the dark side it was also an easy object to kill someone and here was its task taken.   Before Gorgon closed the cupboard, he dived inside picking out a matchbox and questioned “won’t we need this?” he showed the girl named Lila. She took a glimpse of it, getting hit with an idea and nodded replying that surely it would come in handy “once we behead him, we will burn the body using his clothes as fuel to start, so Vonika it’s your job to do, take it”.   The boy handed over the match box to the girl, paced at the left side saying “okay!” he exhaled, picked up his pressure, lifted up the axe high on the air and marked “here I go!” In great speed, the axe came down straight on the boy’s open neck and a loud thump echoed in the entire school building. CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! The sound of a sharp material been hit on the board deafen the entire office room CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!
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