The Principal

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Mister Hevisen, principal of the school named Prince High School, known as the gentleman of the building, kind and well-mannered. Every student and staff admired him for his great techniques of controlling the school. He had good control of the economic system regarding the school education, staffs income, facility for learning and raising forth the studies to the peak of level. Every student stepped out as a successor from his school which they felt like the prince of the school just as the name and it was the best symbol. Controlling the education system, advising the teachers, checking out the student’s level in studies, all were firmly under his custody. No one felt a burden in their works. Every morning, no matter the weather condition, no matter how busy his duty timing would be, Mister Hevisen, the Principal would always be present by the gate of the school, greeting all his students till the very last students entering the gate, he would see everyone and welcome them in. Such kind this person was. On the other, when the entire school of the city, rejected the student Joe from admitting into their school just because of the statement he was known for ‘Child left in mysteries’ only this man agreed for keeping him by saying: “My school will recover the mysteries for him. We will return him into a normal student.” He welcomed him with open arms, adding a gentle smile, encouraging him to be the best student of his school so that it would cover away from the title he was known for. Certainly, the student did his best and recovered the statement. By then, every morning the principal would wait for him in great patience, by the gate, greeting all the arrival and when Joe would appear, even from the end of the street, he would send his glaze up to him and call out loud in the upper most volume of his voice “JOE! MY BOY!” This would pause all the people around. The arrival students, teachers, staff members, pass Byers, shopkeepers, gatekeeper all stare at the direction of his call, wondering who exactly is in the top of his list. It was embarrassing at the first call, making Joe drown into his shoulders by the stares of hawks from around him but then sooner or later, it became a pride for him. When he would hear the call he would increase his pace, speeding up to the man in case not to keep him waiting. He would greet him at the gate and enter on the same day, farewell him goodbye and leave the school at the sunset. These times are really beautiful when you come to think about it, someone who would always appear for greeting you by the start of the day till the sunset hours. They are impressive. Although you may think those people who always be nice to you as the best people you have ever met, and then draining away the ones who are close to you, what some people make mistake is that they only vision the upper cover and accepts them, they view their kind greetings and loving words from the first seen. Aye, that is the rule of every first appearance to meet each other happily. They really think they are the best people they have met in this way, rather than to seek the below dark mysteries part of the fellow mate. The attracted people get caught inside their very own foolish emotion and then later reject all about what had happened. No one’s to be blamed about your regard cause when the quote was already said by wise men, it was you who wasn’t ready to believe instead you fell into your own desires.
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