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“What? What do you mean?” exclaimed the girl in turmoil.   “I heard all that you three were speaking to each other back there before your tires on to beheading me” he replied in an annoying way that didn’t show any care or texture of his words or in his speech.   “How?!” exclaimed the girl as she was dumbfounded by the reply.   Since Joe didn’t have any interest in hurting or killing the two girls especially Lila who was the worst of all in the beginning but, now by her recent condition she was useless to him. He stood with his rifle straight returning it into an umbrella and answered “I will return you your answer…………. Do not worry” he spoke up explaining.   Back there when the evil boy jolted the young boy off the stairs which resulted in a hard landing, Joe couldn’t open his eyes due to severe aches all over his flesh but, instead, he felt something odd inside his body. He felt his blood all rising in temper, heat waves released from all over him and he felt a whistle peeping in his ear out loud that could blow up his head. When the three students came down and gathered around him, gazing down at the wounded soul, in his ear drums those whistles went lower and he began to hear voices in the silence.   Voices that had rhythms of echoes at its end, each voice disperse from the other, “Should I have to drag this fool? Better just chop him here. After all, no one will find him after his death” was the dull voice of Gorgon murmuring in his ears.   Right when this was clear, a grave female voice echoed “beheading and then chopping a gentleman like him is surely tasty” which were recognized as that demon girl Lila. As her voice faded and the next one was only a sigh, just by the air-breathing Joe learned it of Lila’s partner, the girl named Vonika who sounded carefree of her surroundings from the inside. However, from the outside complexion, she seemed to be always aside her friend. Thus, Joe was kind of puzzled at the beginning why was this hearing appearing in his ear drum but, then when Gorgon grabbed his back collar dragging him along the corridor with the body sliding on the floor. He heard the boy speaking outside how heavy he is but, at the same time he heard him whisper darn it.   At that time, it made him grow surprised at the same time unbelievable to learn that he was in really hearing the deep voices of the human. In other words, he could hear two voices at a time of as many humans as he could from around with just one deal that they should talk inwards to themselves and Joe could hear them all. But, then the next question rises about the unique ability of all, converting his solid meat body into an air that can pass through everything making it transparent.  How could he do that? Joe replied looking at the dead body that he shot and continued “well, I don’t really understand how I did that but, all I can say is that I am feeling my body running with hot blood and heating up. Aye, the same pain which I felt when I took the strange liquid offered by our two-faced class teacher, what a lame”.   Vonika stared at him, confounded as she was still frightened that this boy would do anything against her within his next move. She was drowning in despair. She was left alone even by the one only person she trusted by her side and on top of it; she couldn’t trust anyone anymore. Even her own steps she couldn’t trust where it would lead her. She began to tremble and murmured “stay away…… stay away from me…… stay away!” she yelled in terror “Do you hear? Do not come closer” her paces began to go reverse as her eyes were fixed on that terrifying gentleman, “Stay away you are evil!” one foot back then the second foot reversed, shaking all over her breath grew heavy as she got separated from her friend who was glued to the floor “I don’t need you all. Stay away; I don’t want you all at my side! Stay away you monster!” her fear was rising by every beat of her vibrating heart. But, by her these words of stay away! Stay away! Stay away! That she yelled repeating it nonstop, it started annoying Joe and he replied,   “Tsk! I am not even bordered on you aimless creature. You keep repeating those words I won’t hesitate to own fire at you”.   “Eh! No please!” yelled the girl when suddenly she stamped by a chair behind her by which she tripped and fell on her side. But before she hit herself with anything she held on the wall balancing herself and she heard, “I only want your friend Lila, that brat has answers and I shall seek it even though I am forced to rip out her heart to hear voice…..” he threatened her targeting her friend by just simply standing at the corner of the staff room.   In every school staff rooms of teachers and sir are known as the most respected place of the entire building. In their teachers are in different made with an open expression which impresses every student and they wish to be part of it, selected among one of the chairs one day in their life. The aura of dignity, support, and friendship that releases from within the staff room even though the male or female head quarter is found empty, every student, aims to be a part of it one day. Unfortunately, this beautiful aura, the fantastic symbol of a teacher releasing fragrance was entirely evaporated. It had no sense of honor or respect anymore. A dead body laying at the side ever a blood pool, at the other side a collapsed girl attacked by trauma was fixed at the spot, a cold expression glaring, the poor student screamed out loud “AAAAAAAH!” the poor girl Vonika ran away in search of an escape to this and abandoning her own two friends behind her back. Viewing how one friend is unable to fulfill her duty towards her other friends Joe felt uneasy at this saying,    “This makes us understand our true selfishness towards others by hiding our identity behind the valuable word friendship”.    “JOE!” suddenly a cry of a boy stunned him.   When Vonika was about to escape from the exit, as she pushed open the door suddenly, she got a hard punch on her face which threw her away falling on the ground and she fainted. Joe was surprised to see who entered when swiftly a white suit boy rushed inside, filled in depression. He scanned around the head quarter, swiftly running his eyes around the room trying to catch an image due to dim light inside the office. He kept on seeking when suddenly his eyes got locked on the orange suit boy and he yelled out, “WATCH OUT JOE! IT’S COMING FOR YOU!”   This warning suddenly alerted Joe who came out of nowhere and he directly asked “what do you mean, Jin?”   That was him, the white suit boy was Jin who was left behind with Jet and Jan. it may seem pleasure for Joe to him safe and sound standing back on his feet. However, despite all the greeting and health conditions the room was conquered by a dark strong killing intent that ran in both the boy’s scent, making all their hairs stand up in terror, and they stood poised not letting their guard down. Suddenly, in a slight move, the entire staff room began to quake. All the chairs moved from their places and the table tripped at the center. By viewing this, Jin turned to Joe and warned aloud “Joe! Jet has seen it! He has the vision of it approaching for you. I need to remind you that Jet has observed his ability that refers to his eyes. He has two ability one he can see kilo meters far from every large creature to the smallest of all and second, he can transfer his sight into others’ sight by which means he can see what others are looking at and what they are tracking! The same goes for me too! I can run fast and jump high to the highest spot!” Joe paid full attention to his keen speech and said inwards “the same goes for me, I am also included in two abilities, reading mind and growing transparent. What exactly is happening to us?” CRASH! a loud crashing sound deafens the entire atmosphere increasing the shakes in the room, signaling as tough something large, something is approaching towards them in a crazy matter “ JOE! Listen Jet saw its vision. It’s approaching here and heading straight on you!”   “Who JIN?!” contested Joe in return. Before his arrival friend could reply to him CRASH! Suddenly above Joe’s head, the wooden celling collapsed, and there it was coming down,    “THE WEREWOLF!” both exclaimed. That giant was the wolf, appeared, drowning straight at Joe. Swiftly, Joe opened his umbrella, raising a large blockage between himself and the beast. The huge muscles creature landed directly on the umbrella in a solid landing, trying to crush its claws through it. The force of the heavy creature, bumped on the young boy who was struggling under its weight, trying to escape the grip of the beast when suddenly out of no warning, the earth under Joe’s feet cracked intensively opened and he got pulled inside along with the heavy beast jolting on him. Both the beast and the boy were taken down   “JOE! DARN IT!” shouted Jin by looking at the hole on the ground “he got him. It dragged him to the first floor where it’s possible that summoner could be waiting” he quickly turned away dashing out into the corridor and rushed straight to the end of the second floor in full rage scolding himself inwards “I need to catch up with him! I need to get to him before that protector gets her hands on him! Joe doesn’t know anything about that protector more than I and Jet do! I need to back him up as soon as possible before all three that summoner, the protector, and that beast tear him apart for their own need. He mustn’t be hunted! He shouldn’t be! It is not the correct path! He isn’t the right one to be hunted down!”                   
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