you should change yourself.......

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Knock…. Knock… knock The door of the room got knocked. Among the gathered people around the bed where Joe was laying and had recently woken up, the male in them, the man named Sevin, walked to the door and answered it. “Good morning gentlemen” greeted a tall young man standing at the room’s entrance to Sevin. “Good morning, are you a doctor here?” asked Sevin as he scanned the outfit of this new person who arrived. He was wearing a long loose robe white in color, wore under it plain pants and shirt. “Yes I am the head of this place named WIC company’s hospital and my name is Nilefil. I am a doctor here given in charge of our young patient named Joe. Is he here?” “Yes he is, come in” a young man up to Sevin’s shoulders entered the room. He had blue hairs shiny with a few threads of white running over his head from the center, with his silky hairs he had a slim long ponytail swinging at his back from the end of his head till his waist that hair enjoyed swinging around. He had orange color eyes and a thin face well educated in the doctoring field. He paced to the patient's bed with his hands in his pocket as Sevin shut the door. He stood at the right side while the weeping lady stepped back from the bed standing by the open window. Doctor Nilefil stood near the patient as the young boy was lying still on the bed like a dead body. With his exhausted expression, he looked up at him with his half-opened eyes and breathe out a deep sigh. “How are you, Joe?” asked the doctor in a pleasant tone with a light smile “how are you feeling right now?” “Exhausted” answered Joe hissing in his lowest voice “worn out….. I don’t feel much energetic but, just the pains are gone for now.” “I am glad to hear that, my boy” smiled the doctor Nilefil “you are a very strong young boy, Joe” he checked his brow by placing his palm over it continuing “you are still good to go and will soon discharge the hospital within few days. It’s surprising to see this great recovery in such a short time. Can you believe you were fainted for three whole days?” “WHAT?!” exclaimed Joe stunned “THREE WHOLE DAYS!!” The boy was shocked out of his skin as he lifted up himself half but, then again it felt to him like the bed pulled him back over itself, throwing his head on the pillow and he shouted “ahh! Ouch!” “Joe!” worried the weeping lady running forth to him as she took his palm over her own “please calm down my boy you aren’t well.” Joe only nodded laying still. The doctor scanned his recent condition and explained “Joe isn’t in the good condition for now. His body is weakened by the deep injuries he served unknowingly and needs quiet rest for nearly five more days. To my calculation, it was thought that this boy would wake up after six days fortunately, he had crossed three days and it’s a good recovery. Give him rest…” “Doctor..” asked the lady by Joe “what can we do to help him recover and get his health back?” The doctor smiled replying “do not worry but, again who cares for him?” The lady wiped off her tears introducing “I am an attendee in the book shop named Ringdom’s book store. My name is Maglet and I have adopted him as my own son since he was a lost child in the street. I was so worried for him when I first heard that he was admitted to the hospital right after the last night of his farewell day in the school. Please doctor comfort me that he will recover soon, he is the only one left for me.” “Do not worry Madam, I ask you again” confessed Nilefil the lady “he will be fine, your boy is strong and he will make it soon. I will arrange my medicine for him. It will be affecting him strongly causing some dizziness that is if he is a weak boy, however, if the case leads to this stage, we will also arrange a good meal for him to challenge himself against this weakness attack. He will do it, I have trust in him. Plus, to ensure you we have sighed two personal nurses for him.” He introduced her to those two young girls who were standing at the other side of the bed. He introduced them as Oro and Ora. Oro was in her eighteen and Ora in her seventeen, both were teenagers. Oro had brown hairs tied up as a bun at the back of her head with a flower clip at the left side of her head, with pink color eyes she nodded bowing to them. On the other hand, Ora, had orange hairs opened at her back till her waist with a hairband over her head, swiping a few hairs of her brows. She had light brown eyes with honey glittering she bowed in respect as her introduction was done. Both wore a long creamy color skirt with a white coat over it and a bow tied around their neck. With white socks and white boots, both nodded to Maglet. Nilefil said “they will help our patient grow and they are in charge of his meals too, his medicines, his wounds, his rest, and all the necessary requirements for him to recover back into a healthy lad again. Please I will ensure you that your boy will return back to your house. So stay calm and don’t take tension.” Maglet nodded replying “all alright, I trust you but,…” he looked back at Joe then veering to the doctor asking about the charges? Is it going to be expensive? The doctor was about to speak out when Sevin stepped in ensuring “I will pay.” “What?!” exclaimed the lady in astonishment “but, sir! It’s going to be fine, I can pay.” “No worries” replied Sevin weaving his palm as no problem. He made it clear that everything was under the control and he would do it. This froze the lady in frustration, her heart sunk in sadness by the offer this man gave. She felt it disrespectful as it was her responsibility to provide support to her boy as she picked up a heavy boulder in raising him. From childhood, teenager till here at present, all the need she fulfilled it for the boy but, then why now this was happening? Why was she left not responded? Why wasn’t she able to pay the bill for the boy’s medical report? She didn’t feel it good. With her fist tightening the hold of her purse she looked back at her boy who was lying with his shut eyes and eyebrows shivering, it was seen that he was struggling for breathing and fight his pain. Miss Maglet nodded apologizing “alright sir…. However, I am sorry for this action.” “No worries, Madam after all he too is like a son to me.” replied Sevin “I am his teacher, right?” “WHAT?!” thundered Joe inwards when he heard this sentence from that man. His eyes suddenly opened as wide as an egg, “what did he just bark?” “Your right…” frustrated the lady. In the meantime, doctor Nilefil clapped his hands once catching all attention towards himself saying “Alright it’s settled, Oro and Ora follow me to my office. I will arrange his further treatments and for the charges…” he turned back to Sevin asking him to follow up later. The man agreed and soon the doctor left the room taking along with him the two nurses, they shut the door. Lady Maglet turned to Joe sitting down on her knees beside the bed as her long blue dress spread wide on the floor. To Joe’s surprise, she took his hand into her palm and said in her eyes of mist “I am sorry Joe, please forgive me.” “For what aunty?” he asked while turning his head to her side “you didn’t do anything wrong to me then why are you weeping so much and pledging for forgiveness? I should be the one to confess my apologies to you, aunty I made you worried.” “No, my boy” interrupted Maglet as she placed her hand on his head, stroked it saying “it was always my duty as a mother to wait for you at the end of the day in our street for your return but, I didn’t care a lot. I didn’t for you today thinking…….. thinking that it was your last day so I let you take your time in the school. I should be the one to be blamed my…..” she burst in tears while her cry was increasing “by my own fault you were punished…. You had to bear the consequences. Later, I was told……I was informed at the early hours of the day about your accident…” “Accident?!” surprised Joe by hearing this “but, it’s a lie, it’s not an accident aunty. No one hit me!” he tried to tell her the truth but, Lady Maglet interrupted him by placing her hand on his head and said, “You must not trouble yourself much Joe. It’s understandable how your memories have been cracked down and you don’t remember much of what happened. It’s alright, from now onwards I will try to be careful about your presence. Do not worry..” By hearing this Joe’s jaws were left open. He wanted to tell her the truth cause she was getting worried on lies, Accident wasn’t the tragedy that happened! It was something else but then how will he speak the truth to her. It could be difficult for her to believe him. In the end, all he could do was shut them and nod in silence. Still, Maglet wasn’t satisfied with his condition, she still blamed herself for what happened to Joe. She rested his hand straight to her forehead, drown in her despair she fell on it and started weeping. She cried as much as she could with her tears floating down her chin like a raining shower, dripping drop by drop on the bed. With her breathing choking in her neck by the pressure of guilt, blame and above all sadness, she felt for Joe’s ill situation. How kind a person can be who has fallen in worries, hopelessness regret, and burden, blamed herself for only a child whom she has just adopted? He wasn’t even her real boy or anyone of her close relative still she cried for him as though he was her blood-related boy. On the other hand, Joe too liked her cause she was the only person who opened her heart to him, hurting her feelings or breaking her heart were actions he never wished for her, and now here when all the cautions he had been taking to avoid worried for her, he ended up making her cry out of regret. There was a short pause between the two people, the mother and the adopted son. Just then a step paused towards them confirming, “Madam please hold on to yourself,” said the voice. Maglet looked up at her left and saw that man Sevin standing by her. He couldn’t explain to her nor convince her that it’s alright cause he wasn’t her son, it wasn’t going to be a real feeling but, just a burden for irresponsibility yet, still he tried. “Joe isn’t weak just like the doctor said. He is an extraordinary boy, strong will with the high aura of fighting anything. Whether it be a sickness or a battle, sports or challenge from exams. You must believe in your boy with whom you chose to be his partner, welcoming him in your lonely life. Trust me, he is worthy of your trust.” In tears some eyes, she asked sadly “you are his teacher and I trust you with your words cause you have helped him a lot in his studies, so do you really mean it?” It’s true she was confused in her state and Sevin realized it but still, he nodded for her reply. Though his words weren’t special still all he could do was hide the truth and layer it with some encouragement. Miss Maglet expression faded in blue as she turned down. On the other hand, when Sevin’s sight ran towards Joe his heart skipped a beat in surprise. Eyes filled in rage blazing up in hatred and aggression of flare that patient was shooting at him with his sight of anger. It was obvious to see the burning rage in his eyes towards this man that his eyeballs were shrunk into a small size like his own pupil, with a slim red line swift on his ball. Though he was silent in his lips, his eyes were shouting and yelling at him, they were speaking more than his words. He was locked on this man. However, by viewing this Sevin’s reaction was normal. He just smiled a gentle one saying, “And as for you Joe, you must change yourself. Don’t stay on the path that you had chosen back there. As your class teacher, I will give you a piece of advice, change your track, though this may seem to be relaxing, you must convert it into another form. That will keep you stable on your way out.” Back there, when Joe realized his life was about to turn upside down, he decided to turn himself against it by converting his emotions into dark and gloom type who aims nothing except to clear his path by using the method called ‘killing.’ However, this strange advice of the Reaper made confounded in Joe’s head. If that wasn’t right then what other way can be there? The young patient wanted to question however, even using his breath for him made it a hateful act. He didn’t even want to look at this man. Joe didn’t speak out a word instead he turned away his sight towards the right wall. His mood was off, he wasn’t even ready to look at him. Certainly, after what this trustworthy man had done to him, thou, he was a class teacher before and for every student, their classroom teacher is the first one to be trusted, this man had completely flipped his page on himself. And the boy was upset with him. “Excuse me, sir” spoke up Maglet when she heard his weird advice “is everything alright?” “No worries, I will be heading for the bill, see you all soon.” He picked up his top hat placing it on his head, he walked towards the door paused in his moments. Little did he turn towards the patient but, then he continued out shutting the room’s door when a whisper rang in Joe’s ear that surprised him due to the familiar voice “Forgive me, Joe.”
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