Meeting Again...

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"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences..." Liam's pov I am sitting on my place in the throne room with James. David, our King has invited Mira's pack, the Greenwood pack and three more packs. The one of them is this i***t's pack, Cooper's, the Full Moon Pack. The other one is an old Alpha's pack, Jeremy's pack, the Blue River's Pack. We are waiting for one more pack, David said they will be here soon. I look around me in the room and see the hatred in their eyes for me. Mira's family is ready to kill me and Cooper is staring at me angrily. Well this is our only common point, I hate him too and I would gladly kill him right now if I could. "So David which pack are we waiting for?" Jeremy asks with curiosity. "It's a surprise Jeremy, you will see soon. The only thing I can assure you is that the Alpha is a great, strong, smart, completely capable and elegant indepented young lady." David states and we all stare and him shocked. "What do you mean? A woman?" I ask surprised and David nods. "This is a disaster, what a poor pack... Really now? A woman?" one of Cooper's guards says and Cooper growls at him frustrated. "You don't even know her Tim. Stop talking and think before you open your mouth again." Cooper orders him annoyed and David stares at him pleased with his reaction. "My King they are here." David's Beta informs him after he gets in and bows and David stands up immediately excited and heads to the door. "Excuse me everyone but I need to greed them properly, it has been years since I met this pack for the last time and I am very excited. It is an honor to have them here." He explains and leaves the room leaving us all alone waiting for him with the last pack to join us. Phobos is nervous and James is looking around us at everyone annoyed. Colton, the current Alpha of Mira's pack is staring at me with disgust, her parents and brother maybe with more tension and I admit I understand why. I decide to ignore them completely because I am not here for them and I don't have any interest in talking to them. All I am interested in right now is meet the new Alpha David told us about and I wish Mira was here with me right now... Mira's pov I am standing outside the King's palace with my children, my father, April, Oliver with Harper and Jack in her arms and my 130 selected fighters. The 30 of them are part of my special 60 fighters. The other 100 are part of my 600 common warriors. David asked me to take the most I can with me and so I did. "Jacob what an honor! I finally see you again!" David says while walking out of the palace and straight to my father. "It's a pleasure to be here again David. I am glad you invited us." My father says and they shake their hands smiling to each other with a quick hug following. "Oh, that must be our girl! Mira Adams come to me my child." David says and opens his arms for me. "Thank you for everything finally in person my King." I say and hug him smiling. "Don't mention it sweetheart! Your pack is a big and certain power for the kingdom! And please don't call me like this. I am just David for you and look who we have here. Are they Ethan and Angel for whom I have learned so much about?" he says and kneels in front of my children who are both smiling happily. "Yes, they are my children David. My loves say hi to David." I ask them and they both say hi to him and giggle shyly. "Call me uncle David, I am like a brother for your grandpa, we have cooperated lots of times in the past." He says to them and stands up. "Your rooms are ready! My Beta will show your fighters their rooms, you will join me in the throne room. They are all looking forward to meet you, they are curious about you." He continues turning to me and I nod. "Harper, take Ethan and Angel with you in your room. Keep them for as long as I tell you with two guards outside your door. I will come soon to see you and take them in my room." I command her and she nods quickly. David's Beta leads my fighters to their rooms, I kiss Ethan and Angel and they leave with Harper, Jack and two of my best and most trusted fighters. I turn and look my father and April nervously, it is the time... Moira is howling ready for anything, I take a deep breath calming myself down and David leads us to the throne room. I am walking next to him with Oliver next to me and my father and April right behind us. We reach outside the throne room after a while and I get ready for everyone's reaction. This is going to be difficult! Oliver takes my hand in his and squeezes it softly giving me a warm smile. "I am here for you cousin. Don't worry." He encourages me through the link and I nod slowly. The door opens and we take some steps in the room. They all turn their gazes to me and I feel my heart stop beating. I am standing in front of my pack and family again after five years with Liam in the same room, what a nice situation I am in again!? "Everyone, this is the new Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack who came back to USA two months ago. Here is Mira Adams, the woman I was talking about." David announces and my parents stand up instantly and take some steps forward quite shocked. Fucking perfect! I think I am going to collapse on the floor and imagine I was trying to prepare myself! "Mira!" they both scream after some seconds of staring at me and run to me with Paul right behind them. First reaches me my mother that pulls me in her arms like crazy and breaks into sobbing. I wrap my hands around her I start crying realizing that I have really found them again, finally. I miss them more than I had imagine! Some seconds later my father, Ryan pulls both of us in his embrace and he starts crying with Paul staring at us completely lost. Soon Colton, Lily and my uncles are joining Paul and stare at me like I am a ghost. "Is that really you Mira?" I hear Dom asking and coming to me and my parents breathless. "It's her." My father, Jacob replies and it is then that my mother seems to wake up and pulls back, breaks our hug and turns to him angrier than ever. Alright, she always had a temper but now... She could kill him! "Jacob you lied to me, you told me she wasn't there!" She screams but Ryan immediately pulls her back and stops her. "It's okay honey, calm down! I am sure Jacob did it for a serious reason." He says calmer than her (like always) and I nod. "Mother, I asked him to. I was the one who told him to lie when you called him and asked about me and Cassie." I explain nervously with a big dose of guilt and she stares at me with a confused expression. Of course she can't believe it! I was always crazy for them, I... I couldn't live without them! My other family's members come and hug me while Paul is staring at me still frozen. We are all crying, Lily is screaming and sobbing excited, Colton is laughing loudly happy but I have misses him... My one and only brother! I break the hug with my cousins some seconds later and turn and look at him trembling overwhelmed, he is stumbling like he is ready to pass out. "Paul?" I whisper doing my best not to break into sobbing and run to him breathless. "Sister!" he cries out and hugs me tightly once I reach him. "Is she your lost daughter Zoey?" David asks shocked and I can hear her saying a single 'yes' through her sobs. "Why did you do this to us Mira? I was worried sick, I thought you were dead. We have been searching for you and Cas everywhere!" Paul says emotional. "Where is Cas?" Lily asks me and I turn to her quickly smiling. Okay, logical! The next one is her! "She is my Beta! She stayed back to take care of the pack, I left her in lead of them for as long as I will be here. Where is her family? She asked me to tell them to go and see her." I explain and with the corner of my eye I see James jumping up from his sit worried. Well... Interesting! "We will inform them baby, don't worry! They will come here soon." My uncle says quickly and I nod. I can feel Liam's eyes on me but I try to ignore him. Okay, all this time I am trying to ignore him and because of my family I had succeeded until now but... Now? Moira who was happy about meeting our family again has now turned her interest in Phobos. She wants to communicate with him and I understand her need, I missed him too. From what I can see Liam's face is pale, his eyes are full of surprise and his body reveals he is in tension, his jaw is clenching, he is standing up but doesn't seem so well... "Mira, I was so worried about you." I hear someone else shouting and I turn to see Cooper walking to me with quick steps. Huh? "Cooper?" I exclaim surprised and he pulls me in his embrace. "You are an Alpha! How? I was worried about you Mira." He says and I giggle. "We will explain to you then Cooper. Mira is my daughter! Zoye got pregnant when we were back at the college, we wanted to keep her and here she is. She came and found me five years ago back to Australia." My father explains and Cooper nods staring at me confused. "See? Women... She is weak for an Alpha. The way she was crying all this time... Just what I said before, a shame of an Alpha, poor pack..." a tall man with muscles speaks up and I feel my rage raising and my blood boiling. Excuse me you dumbass? "Show some respect to my Alpha and cousin you stupid jerk." Oliver warns him through his teeth and Cooper growls at him as well in annoyance. I take some steps to him leaving everyone behind me. He smirks with a disgusting expression and Moira is asking for me to kill him right now and here. I smirk to him and continue walking with slow dangerous steps. Do you know what? He is already done! "What did you just say?" I ask trying to sound calm but inside me I am too close to kill him immediately. "I said you are weak and I am sorry about your pack." He repeats again. Big mistake mister stupidity! I laugh loudly in a wicked way which informs my father, Oliver and April about my intensions. Everyone else is frozen staring at me terrified. They are worried about me (don't ask me how, I just know it), so let them change their mind and show them who is the real boss here! "Well... You are lucky I am happy about meeting my family again, so I will be generous with you... We will fight at the arena with all the packs watching us and because I am generous as I told you before I will let you choose someone to fight with you against me. Is that a problem David and Cooper?" I say and turn to look at them waiting for their answer. "Not a problem at all Mira. Cooper?" David says and turns to Cooper. "Mira are you sure? I mean what if they hurt you?" he asks me worried and my father laughs loudly. See? He knows me too well! "Hurt her? Is he going to hurt her?!" Oliver asks with a really funny expression. "You should be worried about him Cooper, not Mira." April says crossing her hands in front of her chest with a smirk and he nods lost. "It's a deal. I will have Jim with me." The i***t one announces and I nod smiling pleased. Good! Liam has lost his color, James is looking at me with a big smile and to be honest with you I think I like this man, he seems honest. My family are staring at me with concern and I smile satisfied! "We will meet in the arena in half an hour then. David can you please inform everyone? I want them all present." I ask him with confidence and he nods smiling immediately. "Of course my dear!" he replies and I walk out of the room with Oliver behind me leaving all the others speechless trying to precede what just happened and will happen. Let's kick two asses...  ~half an hour later~ I get in the arena with strong confident steps and look around me calmly. This is going to be fun! The King, the Alphas and my family are sitting in their places on the stage observing me getting out of the right room in which I left my clothes in case I shift and need something to wear afterwards. Tim with Jim are walking out of the left room right opposite of mine in which they left their clothes as well. The audience's sits are full. My pack, my old pack, Cooper, Jeremy, Liam and David's packs are all here. Once I stop near the center of the arena some meters away from Tim and Jim my fighters start howling and cheering proudly of me. I am a damn lucky Alpha for my pack! I always knew it but if you could see their expression you would be able to understand what I mean! They believe in me from the first day they saw me, they never doubted my abilities! I am wearing my training sport clothes and I have my hair up in a high pony tail. I know I am an attractive woman but the gasps I hear after a while are making me feel even better and Moira is acting like crazy in my mind for one specific reason which name is Phobos. "He told me he missed us, he is proud of us Mira." She whispers full of enthusiasm and I smile excited, I was sure about his reaction! "We are gathered here because Tim insulted Alpha Mira from the Silver Moon Pack and she challenged him to battle. Tim selected Jim to fight with him towards the Alpha." David announces and the fighters of my current and old pack let out a loud angry growl in union. "Are you ready?" David asks and we nod. "Let the battle begin then." he orders and Jim gets ready and begins his attack in his human form. He runs to me and tries to give me punches but I easily block him, kick his stomach and before he manages to react I pick him up on the air and send him to the ground some meters back with power. Everyone is already cheering and Tim shifts in his wolf form. Pathetic... His wolf is not that big, he is light grey, really short and Moira is laughing with his size. "I am so scared..." she says ironically and I laugh loudly back to her comment. Tim's wolf runs to me, jumps on the air and tries to attack me by biting my neck. I am quick and I avoid him in time, I jump on his back and wrap my hands around his neck tightly enough. He struggles to free himself from my hold but in vain, I am holding him with a lot power and let's do not forget that I am an Alpha, I am stronger than the usual. I fall from his back and pull him on the ground with force as well. I keep him like this for some seconds before I am sure he passed out and let him down unconscious. Jim is in his wolf form now and runs to me again trying to attack me. I get ready and grab him from his neck. He tries to cut me with his nails and he manages only some small scratches making me even madder. I take a deep breath and raise him on the air throwing him on the wall of the arena some meters behind and he falls on the ground unconscious as well and turns to his human form making me officially the winner. The audience is cheering my name, my pack is shouting 'Alpha' with pride and I bow to them smiling. Moira is laughing and I am walking up the stairs which lead on the stage where my family and the others are waiting for me. I reach them and my mother pulls me in a tight hug again, God! This woman is crying again! My fathers are staring at me with pride and my cousins, brother, April and uncles are smiling for my victory. Liam is staring at me speechless, I have no reason why, really and James smiles at me warmly. Cooper walks to me and once I break the hug with my mother he bows and smiles to me. "You know I am glad you are alright, don't you?" he asks me and gives me a charming smile. His dark blue eyes are shining, his dark blonde hair is messy and he looks very charming and elegant, I have to be honest, right? I giggle to his comment and nod to him but David clears his throat and interrupts us. "It was great my dear, I..." he begins to say but he stops when we all hear a familiar voice shouting and I turn panicked to look towards the arena. Ethan and Angel are running to the stairs and Jim's wolf is awake taking small dangerous steps to them. They haven't noticed him and my heart is beating so fast that I feel I will die! Moira is screaming to protect them and I lose my control. "Mommy you won!" they yell happily and Jim starts running to them. "ETHAN, ANGEL!" I scream and jump on the air as far as I can, shift in my wolf form and the last second I jump on him and both of us fall on the ground violently. I land on top of him and I quickly get up and tear his throat out without losing any time. I leave him some seconds later laying dead on the ground with a small lake of his blood. I hear my father, April and Oliver screaming for me and my children panicked, my fighters are howling outraged and I am out of control for sure now. I want to kill everyone in front of me, this bastard tried to harm my children! MY. CHILDREN! I let out a loud angry howl challenging someone to fight me but they all sit down except from my fighters who are still frustrated about someone's attempt to harm their next Alphas. Ethan and Angel are standing frozen some meters behind me and Moira tries to calm me down. "They are safe and sound Mira, calm down! You are scaring our pups." She says worried being the more logical between us this time and I slowly calm down. I turn back and walk to my children quickly. Ethan runs to me and Angel follows him immediately. They reach me, I sit and they bury their faces in my belly's fur. I wrap one paw around them and lean on them taking her scent to make sure they are alright. Fortunately, they have no scratches, no blood, they are perfectly fine! "Thank you Moira!" Ethan whispers and I purr relieved. "Father come and take them!" I tell him shortly through our link and he quickly comes downstairs and takes them in his arms. I immediately get in the small room I had left my clothes, shift back in my human form and get dressed. I take a deep breath, walk outside and stand in the middle of the arena facing the audience with my back towards the stage. I still want to kill someone you know! That bastard was not enough! "The next one who tries to harm little innocent children and especially MY CHILDREN is dead just like this worthless 'man' I just killed. Stay away from my children if you want your life. Am I clear?" I shout in my alpha tone and they all bow their heads immediately with some of them having terrified expressions on their faces. "You are all free to go! I will meet you again tomorrow in your training, get ready!" I command them and most of them look at David waiting for his approval. "When Alpha Mira commands you follow her orders without asking for my approval, her commands are fine by me. Dismissed all of you." He shouts and quickly they all get out with my fighters being the last who leave after the bow to me one more time. I exhale and close my eyes in frustration! Then, I turn and get upstairs quickly, this is going to be extremely difficult! I have to stay calm and strong enough to talk to my children, explain to my family what happened and avoid Liam's gaze who seems confused and he will soon realize that Ethan and Angel are his children as well, if he hasn't realized it yet... I reach in front of my father and take a deep breath. Ethan and Angel are hiding behind him, they know I am mad at them and only my father and April can save them from my wigging. "Ethan and Angel Adams in front of me now." I say using my alpha tone and they immediately come and stand in front of me with their heads bended looking on the ground. "Mommy..." Angel whispers but I growl and she stops. "Don't you 'mommy' me Angel. I am Alpha for you now. Who told you to leave the room? Who allowed you to escape from Harper's supervision?" I ask them strictly and wait impatiently for their answer. I know that using my alpha tone is kind of weird but believe me I have to or else they are going to get out of limits in some years from now. They have pure Alpha's blood and I know it from personal experience, they have to know about discipline because else I am done! You have no idea how energetic, fearless yet clever they are! Ethan for example was about to burn his room and the entire pack house about one month ago because he said he wanted to learn how to start a fire and it took me about one day to calm down! They have no sense of danger! Anyway... I feel everyone's eyes on me, some are staring and me confused, some shocked, some surprised. But most importantly I feel Liam's eyes burning my skin, I can feel his frustration and I get ready for everything, I will be strong for my children! He won't touch them, he won't take them away from me, he won't hurt them like he did to me, I won't accept it! "Aunt Harper told us you would fight and I wanted to see you mom, I was worried about you... I left from the balcony, aunt's room is at the first floor and I fell down on the ground by using a tree which was touching the balcony. Angel followed me because she was worried about me and we followed some of our fighters secretly. It was my fault." Ethan explains and I growl frustrated. See? I told you! My kids were always 'demons' but now... FUCK! "Damn the moment I started training you two. What did I tell you when we came here?" I shout and I kneel in front of them. "We are sorry, you can punish us if you want Alpha." Angel says and looks at me in the eyes seriously. Great, kill me more Angel! It is breaking my heart looking at them staring at me like this. They are strong kids, they love each other and me very much, they are not afraid of anything when it comes to the three of us, I guess I have taught them something basic yet necessary. "Don't be so hard on them this time Mira, look at them." Moira whispers in adoration and I nod defeated. "Come here you two little devils." I say softly and open my arms for them. They realize what I said some seconds later and they rush in my arms giggling and kissing me. I kiss them back and tighten my hold on them more relaxed than before. My father and April are laughing relieved and Oliver is shaking his head speechless. "We love you mom!" they both say and I kiss their foreheads again softly proud of them. "What is happening? Why are these children calling you like this? Your kids? Mira, what are you hiding me?" my mother yells ready to pass out. Dramatic as always and now even more than before! Thanks mom, it's cool... "I am hiding nothing mother. These are my children, Ethan and Angel Adams, they are twins." I state and most of them gasp breathless. Liam's eyes fall on Angel and Ethan and then travel back to me. I avoid his gaze and I pull Ethan and Angel closer to me. They all seem unable to believe what I said. The first one who seems to understand what happened is Lily who takes some steps to me and kneels in front of Ethan and Angel looking at them amused. "This is my cousin my loves, Lily." I tell them and they smile at her excited. "We know you! You are mom and aunt Cassie's best friend. You are our aunt!" Angel yells and jumps on Lily in ecstasy. Lily hugs her and Ethan joins them one second later. Lily is crying while kissing them like crazy causing both of them to giggle loudly. After her comes Colton, Dom and my brother. My parents and uncles are still staring at them speechless without moving. "My baby have babies and I learn it now?" my mom says through her sobs and kneels down with my father doing the same. "Go to your grandparents." I whisper pointing them and Ethan with Angel run in their arms and my uncles join them crying touched. I am ready to start crying again when Liam lets out a low growl some seconds later and I rush to Ethan and Angel while giving him a warning, wild look. I take them in my arms and stare at him furiously, I was expecting it! I guess the beast inside him has just woken up. The weird thing is that he doesn't seem angry, he seems... Hurt? James is standing next to him with a big smile on his face, with his gaze travelling to Ethan, Angel and back to me for some times but I can't be fine with it, I mean with Liam because the more I look at James the more I like him despite what happened with Cassie... "Take our pups and leave, I don't trust him." Moira shouts at me and I gain my thoughts again. She is right! I can't trust Liam for long, he might act calmly in front of everyone waiting for the right moment to hurt me or most importantly my children. "I have to take my children back to my room! I need some time with them. Excuse me." I say and take some steps back. "We will see you at the dinner then in some hours from now my dear." David says not really aware of all these and I nod immediately. "You have a lot to explain to us young lady. I want to spend time with my grandchildren." My father says firmly in a quite warning full of meaning tone and I nod again awkwardly. "You will father! You will all spend time with them... Oliver come with me." I say in hurry and we quickly get out of the arena and head to my room. Thanks Goddess! "That was close." Oliver murmurs though the link and I sign relieved. "Did you see his face?" I ask him worried. "Yes, I can't say he seemed dangerous Mira but you are doing the right thing. He won't come close to them." He tells me and I give him a weak smile. "Mom are you alright?" Angel asks me and I look at her with affection ready to cry. I don't know if I am alright or not, I just know I am grateful yet relieved that they are safe and sound in my arms! "I am baby. I was just afraid about you when I saw you at the arena. Don't do anything like this again to me!" I say softly and they bury their faces in my neck whispering a single 'yes'. We reach my room and I get in leaving Oliver to go back to Harper and Jack. I lock the door and lay on the bed with my children in my arms. I take their scent and close my eyes trying to calm down for good and forget about Liam. Now he knows, I feel it, he... Knows! But Ethan and Angel don't and they are safe! For now... ****************************** Hello everyone! This is the 4th chapter and I am back because you asked for it so I want to welcome you and I can't wait to know your opinions! Wow, right? Liam met Mira again but he did nothing wrong like Mira was expecting! From the other hand Mira was not so calm but I guess she is excused, or not?  What do you think of their behaviors? What is going to happen next? Is Liam going to approach Mira and if yes then how is she going to react? What is going to happen next?  If you liked this chapter and you want more please write me a comment and tell me your opinion or even share the story!  This is for now! See you again in the next chapter or in one of my other books (there are three more for those that don't know it yet) or even this one if you want another chapter so much! Until next time have fun, be safe and smile! Love you all,                              Marie!
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