THE FOUR- Zaynep

520 Words
Zaynep I am Zaynep 26 years old, living with my aunt, I am chef at a small restaurant we started this year with the help of my aunt Samiha and uncle Nazir, my parents passed away , my dad had cancer and my mom passed away when she gave birth to me, and my friends abandoned me during some phases of my life, blessed to have my uncle and aunt who took me in since I was thrown from my previous Job , and left stranded , well I guess I was young and immature that time, I shouldn't have had such friends. My dream is to be chef in a big hotel InshaAllah but for now...Waiting I get such an offer soon. As they say life goes on... Here I thought that I would be able to move on from all those incidents, glares , which I have been receiving with in past years, I tried to ignore but it pains when you see evrything unfolding infront of your eyes and your not able to reach out, so close yet so far, what happened all of a sudden, it felt like yesterday only and now 5 years passed and I haven't met anyone , none of them tried to contact me, it hurt, but they all believed the lies and left me stranded. I wiped the tears and stood straight, I won't give up, not after achieving my dreams, not after reaching so far, I no longer believe on any friendship and love, these are all lies, everyone is same. "Can you forget someone despite all these years?Someone who has been so close to you but betrayed you later on?" "Is it that easy for someone people to betray their loved ones ?" What meets the eye isn't true, then how come none of them asked me for an explanation... "What are you thinking about?"a voice snapped me from my thoughts and I turned towards the person who has been my support, my strength, from the day I was thrown from the Job, from the day I was left by my own people , my parents passed away some years later after the incident, my aunt , my moms sister has been like my spinal cord, they say mom's sister is like a mom, so I believe in it Alhamdulillah shes been supportive day and night . "Why did this happen to me?"I know so many people going through rough and hard life , mine is nothing compared to them but still it's so painful . "Look at me,"aunt Samiha turned me towards her and wiped my tears, she brought me my favourite drink ,that which I can drink anytime of the day, tea, weather has been so cool here in Turkey Alhamdulillah. " So many years have passed and yet you are thinking about it again,"she held my hand and made me sit on the coach , she took a bottle of oil and smiled , she knew I like to apply oil on my hair at night, I smiled back and let her do what she wanted.

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