1457 Words
The voices were engrossed in discussion as I stepped into the dining area. My stepbrother approached me, instantly wrapping his arm around my waist He dragged me to the table. My gaze was cast down on the floor while my legs were feeling like rubber. "This is my daughter Medusa and darling he is your soon-to-be spouse Lucifer" Hearing Dad's words my head snapped upwards, he was the first person on whom my eyes were located but what surprised me the most was Dad's nervousness. I realized that approximately 15 people were sitting at the marble table, and soon my gaze found him. I felt my heart jerking against my chest. The flaring gray eyes were already staring at me keenly like an eagle staring at its prey, Those eyes held power that threatened to consume me. The heart shimmering through his eyes was making me feel restless. It was so damn hard for me to tear my eyes from him. His jet-black hair was tied in a sexy pony, his jaw cut line was sharper than the blade, his body was perfectly muscular, and his muscles were looking very prominent even after putting on a business suit. He had a dense dark dominating aura, everything about him was screaming threat. It took almost all my courage to remove my gaze from him and greet his family. His grandfather and Mom had the same aura as Lucifer. Even his men were looking as cold as ice but they all returned my greeting with a professional nod. "The supper is getting cold, come sit darling! " My dad's second wife said with a smile but her smile wasn't reaching her eyes. I took a seat near my father before anyone asked me to sit beside the brute Lucifer. I heard my father growling, it was clear he wasn't happy with my actions and for a second I felt as if he would ask me to sit with Lucifer but to my surprise, he didn't. I could feel the tension in the air. I guess it had been there before I even stepped here and why wouldn't the tension not occur after all we were sitting with the strongest family of North America, why only North America but they were renowned in the whole world. Brushing my thoughts I started looking at the food. I must say our chefs did a great job today but I had no appetite. That was why I didn't even touch the spoon. For a second I glanced but my breath stuck in my throat as I caught sight of his gray scorching orbs burning holes through me and making me feel smaller than I ever was. I rolled my eyes at him and turned my gaze in the other direction. I wish I could illustrate in words what I was feeling. Dad, our men, and the Knight family were at the table discussing business but I was the least interested in their conversation. I just want to get out of here, go to my room, and cry my heart out. My throat was tightening with each passing second and my eyes were threatening to leak. Soon my wish was fulfilled, dinner was over and I was about to get up so that I could leave but my joy was dashed. "I desire to talk to my soon-be wife in private " His dominating tone cuts through the air, making me hold my breath and wrench my gut. I shrunk into my seat further, fisting my dress tightly. He wasn't asking but spat his demand as if he owned me. I don't want to be alone with this man, not even for a moment. I turned my gaze to my Dad and passed him a pleading look but was brutally betrayed by his wide smile. "Oh! Now she is completely yours (Dad looked at me) Go and show your fiance your room" Dad wasn't asking either but ordering me with a warning. No matter how badly I wanted to yell at Dad and say no to him but my stupid legs started obeying Dad's order. I cast my gaze toward my stepbrother but he wasn't looking in my direction. Maybe he already knew I would look to him for help. All of sudden Lucifer Alexander Knight got up from the chair making me almost stumble at my place. He strode close to me and extended his palm. Does he want me to grab his palm? No way, I won't touch him! I screamed in my mind. I could feel all the eyes pinned on me, my throat turned dry and my mind was telling me to run away from him but the moment Dad cleared his throat, I had no other option but to slide my small palm into his big one. His big palm encircled my palm making me feel like a child. My eyes almost welled up with tears but with no other choice, I began to lead the way. My body was stiff with nervousness, his body was almost glued to mine and I could feel the smell of his cologne. All of sudden he halted making me halt too, "You haven't told me your name yet! " He whispered dangerously close to my ear. I gulped my nervousness with my saliva but my own saliva was choking me. I chanted in my mind to calm down, I even sucked deep breaths to calm my trembling heart but nothing was working at all. My inside organs were quivering making me feel that I would crumple any second. I felt him observing me keenly as a lion observed its prey before pouncing on it. For a moment I thought to skip his words but realized that he wanted to hear my name through my mouth and he didn't request me but he demanded that I answer him. "Me. Medusa" My eyes were still fixed on the floor, I was feeling a little satisfied with myself. My voice didn't waver as much as I thought. "Look at me! " His sharp command came, which startled me. A wave of madness started growing inside me, I lifted my lashes and began gazing at him severely. What does he think of himself? Does he think I'm his slave on whom he can bark orders? "Watch your tone dude and learn how to talk with people! (I spat clenching my jaw) And one more thing I am not your slave whom you compel to fulfill your demands" I barked at him in his tone matching his intensity. His eyes narrowed at me, it was clear seeing the features that he wasn't expecting such bitterness through me. Soon the darkness loomed over his features, eyes clouded with rage and his finger gripped my jaw harshly making me groan in pain. Before I comprehend anything he pushed me into the wall and started looking at me as if he would swallow me any second. "Next time use this tone with me and I'll show you how hell looks with open eyes. (He leaned close to me, I could feel his harsh breath fanning my face) And next time if I demand something You are meant to fulfill that demand " he constricted his grasp over my chin and a wail escaped through my mouth. He leaned closer, now there was only an inch gap between our lips. Not only my lips but my entire body was quivering under his gaze. "Next time you won't show this attitude to me and dare to talk back to me bitterly, right? " I nodded anxiously, wanting to do anything to make the pain stop as he was essentially crushing my chin bone. "Words! (He inhaled against my cheek making me feel all dirty, then once again started staring at me with his eagle-like gaze. He had the same eye color as my Lucian but Lucian had softness in them.) I need to hear your words" he demanded in a low but deadly tone making me lose my sanity. "Ye... Yes... " I moaned in pain against his harsh grasp, looking at him with broadened terrified eyes. It seemed like centuries before he freed my chin, I instantly started rubbing the sore area while my mind took me back to the time when I was with Lucian. Tears pooled into my eyes but sucking a deep gust, I blinked my eyes. For a second I looked up to see any remorse in his eyes but there was none. At this moment, Lucifer was looking like a real Lucifer of hell to me who had no fear of showing his dark side to anyone. I couldn't tie the knot with him, I won't.
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