Chapter 2-2

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The miles rolled by. There were no streetlights on the deserted country roads; the only illumination in the cab came from the instruments on the dash. The warmth from Jake’s body, the blanket, and the truck’s heater plus the soft country music on the radio and the gentle massage Jimmy was giving Barry’s feet all combined to send him into a light doze. Part of Barry didn’t want the journey to ever end; he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so relaxed. Barry felt the truck turn right and the road surface change to an uneven track. “Almost there,” Jake said, rubbing the side of Barry’s face with his stubbled cheek. Barry yawned and stretched as best he could. “What time is it?” Then he remembered he was wearing a wristwatch. “Time to f**k,” Jimmy said. Jake’s hand shot out and smacked Jimmy upside his head. “Show some cooth, dickwad.” Jimmy punched Jake’s left arm. “If you’ve changed your mind, then all the more ass for me.” Barry laughed. “There’s plenty for both of you.” At least he hoped so. They turned another corner and Jimmy drove into a yard that was bordered by a number of buildings, mostly in shadow. A yard light illuminated the entrance to what Barry assumed was a barn. A lower-slung building off to one side with a porch running the length of the front was maybe the bunkhouse. Jimmy braked, switched off the engine, opened his door and raced around the front of the truck. Opening the passenger door, he leaned in and grabbed Barry. “Hey,” Jake batted him away. “Patience.” To Barry, he said, “He isn’t usually this…animalistic.” More loudly he added, “Anyone would think he never gets any sex.” Jimmy harrumphed and Barry laughed. Bending as best he could, Barry began to search for his sneakers. “What now?” Jimmy asked. “Looking for my shoes.” “f**k that, I’ll carry you across the yard.” The idea appealed to Barry, who got off on the whole caveman cowboy thing. But before he could voice his assent, Jimmy had plucked him from Jake’s lap and was carrying him towards a white clapboard building. “Now you know what it’s like to be held by a real man,” Jimmy growled low in his chest, Barry feeling more than hearing the words. “Bullshit,” Jake protested, following them across the yard. “He’s had the best, now he’s having to put up with the booby prize.” They stepped up onto a wide porch and Jimmy swung them around. “Shut up, dipshit, and get the fuckin’ door.” Barry felt like a virgin bride being carried over the threshold, but kept the thought to himself. “Okay, you can set me down now,” Barry said once they were in the entry hallway. Jimmy hesitated, no doubt wanting to carry Barry all the way to the bedroom, but reluctantly loosened his grip. “Thanks.” Barry patted Jimmy’s impressive left biceps. He couldn’t stop the pat turning into a stroke. “Like my muscles, eh, Englishman?” “Oh, brother,” Jake said, turning on a light. This was the first time Barry had seen the men close up in good light. Each man was ruggedly handsome, sporting at least a day’s growth of beard on their square jaws. Jake’s face was model perfect, while the symmetry of Jimmy’s face was interrupted by a slightly crooked nose. Jake’s eyes were a dark blue while Jimmy’s were a bluish green. The red and blue of their shirts was continued in their hat bands, which had colored threads woven into them—Jake’s red and Jimmy’s blue. “You’re both really handsome,” Barry said, feeling his cheeks heat. “Thanks,” Jake said, puffing out his chest. “You’re easy on the eye yourself.” Barry was definitely blushing now. “Yeah, man, you’re pretty hot for a smaller guy,” Jimmy echoed. Glancing over at Jake, he added, “But I’ve got bigger muscles than him.” Jimmy flexed his arms, then his chest. “Maybe,” Barry conceded, “but Jake carries his muscles better.” Jake laughed and Jimmy deflated. “But you’re still smokin’ hot,” Barry assured the man, running a hand down his broad chest and washboard abs. Jimmy was right, he was the better built one of the pair, but there wasn’t much in it. Both men had amazing bodies, no doubt gained from lifting bales, punching steers or whatever it was that cowboys did. Their muscles certainly didn’t come from pumping iron in a gym. “Thanks.” Jimmy smiled. Maybe Jimmy’s smile wasn’t quite as knee-trembling as Jake’s, but Barry still felt himself swoon. “You’re pretty sexy for a college-age dude yourself,” Jimmy said, giving Barry a quick up and down stare. Barry hadn’t expected the compliment but it pleased him. He explained he’d graduated three years earlier. “Wow, didn’t think you were, what, twenty-four?” Jake said, coming up to rub Barry’s shoulders, which were nowhere near as broad as either of theirs. Barry nodded. “Be twenty-five in a couple months.” Jimmy reverted to type and asked, “So, we gonna f**k or what?” Jake sighed, but Barry saw the huge bulge below the guy’s belt buckle. “Lead the way, you old romantic, you,” Barry said, grinning. Jimmy’s smile increased in wattage and began to rival Jake’s best efforts. Letting out a loud yahoo, he barreled down the hallway. He stopped at the end, turned around in a doorway, and said, “You coming?” Jake snickered. “We thought we’d let you start without us,” Barry fired back but began to approach the eager cowboy. “Who’s first?” “Me!” Both men said together, pushing Barry through the bedroom door. Barry smiled. He’d expected such a reaction. Stepping further into the room, he gave the large space a quick look over. Clothes were draped over every piece of furniture as well as scattered across the hardwood floor. The huge king-size bed at least looked to have clean, if wrinkled sheets. Barry sat on the end of the bed and eyed his two suitors, who had begun to wrestle, no doubt to decide who went first. The sight was hot, and the idea of two men fighting over him was almost enough to have him cumming on the spot. But Barry knew he’d have to say or do something before Jimmy and Jake came to blows. Again the thought popped into his head about how…satisfying it would feel to nurse their wounds. “Uh, guys?” Barry finally spoke up when the two men had begun pushing at each other. “Maybe you could toss a coin or something? “Do you mean flip, Englishman?” Jimmy asked. “No, I meant toss.” Barry got out his wallet and removed a fifty pence piece that he’d carried with him as a reminder of home. “British coin, British toss.” “Sounds good to me,” Jake said, smoothing down his red shirt. Barry wondered why he was bothering; it would be coming off soon enough. Although the idea of being f****d by the men in full cowboy garb had him leaking more precum into his already soaked briefs. “Jimmy?” he held up the seven-sided coin. The man shrugged his massive shoulders. “Okay.” Barry tossed the coin in the air, caught it in his palm and slapped it on the back of his wrist. Keeping his wrist covered, he asked, “Heads or tails?” “Tails,” Jimmy said and both men crowded in to see the result. Barry uncovered the coin, revealing the queen’s head. Jake crowed in victory. “Doesn’t count,” Jimmy protested. “It isn’t a real coin.” “Bullshit!” Jake said, giving Jimmy a hard shove. Barry was too horned up to make an international incident out of it. He pocketed the coin and regarded the two combatants who were seconds away from hitting each other. “Stop it, the both of you!” he shouted. To their credit the men stopped fighting and turned to face him. “Okay, different test, one that’s universal. Which one has the biggest dick.” “I do,” both men said at the same time. Barry threw up his hands in defeat. “Mine’s longer,” Jake said. “But mine’s fatter,” Jimmy added, smiling in apparent victory. “Jake, you can go first and help break me in for Jimmy’s fat rammer.” Barry hoped making complimentary remarks on the thickness of Jimmy’s d**k would take away the sting of disappointment. It seemed to, as the men didn’t return to hurling insults at each other. Jake began to undress, starting with his Stetson, revealing a full head of medium-length brown hair. Barry knew it was impractical to keep the hat on, even though it would have been totally hot being f****d by a cowboy with his hat and boots on. Jake then unbuttoned and shrugged out of his sexy red shirt. A plain white tee that hugged Jake’s muscled chest to perfection was peeled off over his head. The man’s naked torso had Barry forgetting all about hats. Jake’s chest was lightly furred, with a denser patch of hair between his impressive pectorals. The hair thinned out to a trail that led down to the man’s waistband. Like with many cowboys Barry had encountered, Jake’s forearms and face were tanned, but the rest of his upper body was pale. Jake kicked off his boots before shimmying out of his tight Wranglers, revealing a pair of red boxers. Barry was about to ask if Jake had deliberately matched the color with his shirt when the underwear was pushed down and…“Holy cow!” Barry didn’t know whether to run screaming from the room or drop down to his knees in worship. The cowboy sported an awesome monument of masculinity that jutted proudly from a nest of brown curly pubes. A set of low-hanging balls in a hairless sack dangled beneath. Jake grinned and distantly Barry heard Jimmy mutter, “Mine’s fatter.” Without being conscious of his actions, Barry found himself on his knees and reaching for Jake’s d**k. The skin was smooth, hot, and covered in a network of fine veins. A drop of precum glistened at the exposed head and Barry’s tongue whipped out to lick it away. He moaned at the slight sweetness. “So what am I supposed to do?” a frustrated Jimmy asked. Reluctantly pulling away from Jake’s d**k, Barry looked up at Jimmy and instantly felt sorry for the guy. It was obvious he was the more competitive of the two, and coming second was something he didn’t deal well with. Getting to his feet, Barry ran his hands along Jimmy’s clothed wide shoulders and down his broad chest. “Jake will need a lot of time to stretch me. It’s been a long time, if ever, that I’ve had anyone as big as him.” Barry reached down and gave a firm squeeze to Jimmy’s crotch. “Or you. And I can use that time to make you feel good. I have two holes as well as two hands.” Jimmy’s smile told Barry he liked the plan. He started to undress. “Oh no you don’t.” Barry put his hands on top of Jimmy’s larger ones. “I didn’t get a chance to unwrap my first gift of the evening, so I’ll be damned if I’ll miss out on the second.” The kiss Jimmy laid on Barry’s lips was unexpected, hot, and over way too soon. Refusing to be left out, Jake pulled Barry into a kiss from him. Barry was glad the men didn’t demand to know who was the better kisser because he’d have to judge it a tie. As with Jake, Barry mourned the removal of Jimmy’s hat, even though he got to do the removing. Jimmy’s hair was a little shorter than Jake’s and maybe a couple of shades darker. Jimmy’s shirt was slowly removed. The man had on a white cotton wife-beater that showed off his muscled arms to perfection. Peeling down Jimmy’s Wranglers, Barry had to hold in a chuckle at the sight of blue boxers. They were definitely a couple of color-coordinated cowboys. “Told you it was fatter,” Jimmy smirked when Barry pulled down the man’s boxers and his d**k snapped up to slap Barry on the cheek. “Uh huh,” Barry said, mesmerized by the phallus that was every bit as impressive as Jake’s. With six hands undressing him, Barry was naked in record time. Then the fun really began. Jake got to his knees behind Barry and started eating out his arse. Barry meanwhile explored with tongue and hands every part of Jimmy he could reach, Jimmy returning the favor with equal enthusiasm. “You two having fun up there?” Jake asked a few minutes later. Barry felt guilty for somewhat excluding the guy. “I certainly am with two hot studs working me over.” “Time to step up the pace,” Jake said, sliding a huge bottle of lube from under the bed and flipping open the cap. Both cowboys chose to help grease Barry up, Barry lying on his stomach, squirming at the attention the men were giving him. “Please, someone f**k me!” Barry eventually asked when he was able to accommodate four fingers. He didn’t know or care whose fingers they were, or indeed whose d**k would be first. The men had driven him into such a frenzy, he just needed f*****g. Over his shoulder he regarded both men and simply said, “Now!” The men stuck to their original agreement and very soon Jake’s slightly more slender—but still massive—d**k probed at Barry’s arse. As the d**k slowly pushed its way in, Barry felt uncomfortably full. The men had done an excellent job of opening him up, but could anything have prepared him for something the size of Jake’s member? He was sweating with the effort to stay still and allow Jake to do his thing. Barry had to admit the cowboy was being as gentle as he could, but, God, there was so much! Barry buried his face in a pillow to muffle his moans. “How you doin’, bud?” Jimmy asked, touching Barry’s cheek. “Not much more to go.” Barry turned his head to smile his thanks. “Now you know why I didn’t want his big prick up my ass.” Jimmy looked fondly up at his partner. “Though when he’s in, he knows how to press all the right buttons.” “Which makes you scream my name,” Jake said. Barry laughed. “It’s great. It’s just I’m not used to anything this big.” Before Jimmy could say what Barry knew he’d say, Barry continued, “I know, you’re even fatter.” That earned Barry another kiss from the big stud. “I’m all the way in,” Jake announced a few minutes later, resting his full weight on Barry’s back. “I’ll just give you a minute, okay?” “Thanks.” Barry squeezed his arse muscles, drawing a groan from Jake. Jimmy situated himself so his back was to the headboard, his spread legs between Barry’s shoulders. Jimmy’s d**k, which hadn’t gone down any since he’d undressed, brushed the top of Barry’s head. Lifting Barry’s chin, Jimmy said, “Didn’t want your other hole to feel left out.” He smirked and guided his dripping d**k to Barry’s lips. “Open wide.” Barry did so, but soon found it painful to deep throat the guy. The angles were all wrong. Barry’s attention was also taken up with Jake, who had begun to set up a steady rhythm, building up in speed and intensity. Jimmy was right; Jake was pressing all Barry’s buttons. Barry would have screamed out Jake’s name if he hadn’t had Jimmy’s thick d**k doing its best to choke him. “We gotta get you up on your hands and knees,” Jimmy said, pulling out. “Uh, yeah, thanks.” Barry coughed and wiped tears from his eyes. It took some rearranging, but soon the three were back in business, Barry being spit-roasted by two awesome cowboy studs. Barry almost lost it a few minutes later when he realized Jake and Jimmy were leaning toward each other and kissing passionately. Just for a second he wished he had someone who would kiss him like that. But then he, a simple guy from England, was able to give pleasure to these two strong and powerful men. What more could he ask? He had two huge cowboy d***s pleasuring him. It was his dream come true. “s**t, gonna c*m!” Jake moaned. “Shoot it, dude,” Jimmy encouraged. Jake gave Barry’s arse a few more hard thrusts, his rhythm becoming jerky before he held himself still and let out an enormous roar which Barry thought the neighbors would surely be able to hear. “Oh God, oh God!” Jake panted and collapsed on top of Barry, sweaty chest against equally sweaty back. “I’m close,” Jimmy admitted, “but wanna come in your ass.” Jimmy slid his still rock-hard tool from Barry’s mouth and, seconds later, Jake started to pull away, too. Could Barry cope with another pounding so soon? He’d have to, he’d promised. And Barry never went back on a promise, not when it involved a f**k from a hot cowboy. “I’ll get a washcloth,” Jake said, moving off the bed. Barry got a quick glimpse of a semi-erect d**k wrapped in a condom whose reservoir was filled to the max before they and Jake disappeared through a doorway. Barry hadn’t seen Jake suit up, he’d been too lost in lust, so it was a good thing one of them had been thinking with their big head. Barry sat up but was careful not to put too much weight on his sore arse. “You okay?” Jimmy asked, running a hand down Barry’s spine. “Yeah. Intense,” Barry panted, still out of breath. “You haven’t come yet,” Jimmy said, looking at Barry’s stiff and leaking prick. “Hey, dumbass, you didn’t make Barry shoot his load!” he shouted through the door. “Don’t tell me. I should have let you go first.” Barry smiled before wiping a hand across his sweaty face. Jimmy slapped Barry on the shoulder. “You’re learning.” Jake came back into the bedroom, washcloth in hand. “Was gonna take care of that while you f****d him.” He smiled at Barry. “That okay with you, dude?” Barry nodded. Jake took a few minutes to wipe Barry’s face, chest and arms. Barry was surprised at the caring gesture but let the big man do his work. When Jake had finished, Barry thanked him. “No, bud, should be me thanking you. You’ve got a sweet ass. Thank you for letting me inside it.” Barry blushed. “And speaking of getting inside sweet asses,” Jimmy moaned, giving his d**k a couple of tugs. “It’s my turn.” “You up for round two?” Jake asked, resting a hand on Barry’s shoulder. Barry nodded and his d**k, which had softened during his cleanup, sprang back to life. Jake lay face up on the bed and pulled Barry on top of him, Barry’s back resting against Jake’s front. Jimmy rolled on a rubber and his condom-clad d**k quickly found its target. Barry was still open and greased from Jake’s f*****g, so despite Jimmy’s d**k’s slightly wider girth, the entry was relatively painless. From Jimmy’s earlier macho talk, Barry was expecting an aggressive pounding. But Jimmy surprised him. The man was gentle, slow, and took infinite care to make sure Barry was comfortable and enjoying himself. What with Jake’s hands caressing Barry’s shoulders, chest, and stomach, plus Jimmy’s hands working Barry’s d**k and balls, Barry was having the time of his life. He wasn’t shy about vocalizing his feelings. “Come on, man, fire that load,” Jake encouraged. “Gotta be a big one, you’ve been storing it up all evening.” Wasn’t that the truth? Jake took over wanking duty while Jimmy lifted Barry’s legs, draping his knees over Jimmy’s arms. “Ready to turn this up a notch?” Jimmy asked, looking directly into Barry’s eyes. Barry nodded. “Ride me, cowboy.” The pace and power increased, as did the pleasure. One of Jake’s arms wrapped itself around Barry’s chest to hold him in place while the other worked furiously to bring Barry off. It wouldn’t take long. Barry could feel a tingling in the base of his spine that had nothing to do with Jake’s huge log that had woken back up and was making its presence felt. “Close,” Barry whimpered. “c*m, dude. Shoot that f*****g load.” Jimmy said, finding yet another gear to shift into. With the mattress bouncing and the headboard banging against the wall, Barry closed his eyes and hurtled over the precipice, hoping the two cowboys would be waiting at the bottom to catch him. “Yes! Oh, God, yes!” Barry heard Jimmy yell amid the fireworks and heavenly chorus of his own climax. Jimmy flopped on top of Barry, the cowboy’s sweat-soaked torso pressing Barry into Jake. They were a cummy, sweaty mess of bodies. Barry was in the middle of a post-coital cowboy sandwich. There was no better place to be. But alas it didn’t last. Jimmy peeled himself from Barry’s chest and slowly pulled out of Barry’s arse. Barry would have held the man in place but his arms felt so heavy it was too much effort to lift them. Jimmy slapped Barry’s shoulder. “You look plumb fucked.” “I was well and truly f****d,” Barry replied. “Twice.” Jake laughed softly. Barry knew he should get up; this couldn’t have been the most comfortable position for Jake. He tried a couple of times to lift himself but couldn’t summon the energy. “Sorry.” Jake laughed again and rolled them both to the side. “Want me to get a fresh washcloth?” Barry nodded his ascent then let out a long, wet fart. Both Jimmy and Jake laughed. “Uh, think I should visit the bathroom.” Barry sat up and swung around to put his feet on the floor. “Where is it?” “I’ll take you,” Jake said, getting to his feet. Before Barry knew what was happening, Jake had put one arm under Barry’s knees and the other behind his back and was carrying him across the room. “I can walk,” Barry said, though he knew his protests were weak. Where had all his energy gone? He felt like a rag doll. “Jimmy carried you earlier. Now it’s my turn.” Did each man have to copy what the other did? Jake carried Barry out of the bedroom, along the hallway and into a darkened bathroom. “Jimmy, get the light, would ya?” Jake asked, setting a naked Barry on the toilet. The light snapped on and Barry found himself in a white tiled room, the biggest feature of which was a huge shower stall that looked like it could accommodate half a football team. Barry’s eyes swung back to Jimmy and Jake who stood about a meter away, watching him. “I can’t piss or s**t with you too groping at me like that.” He smiled to lessen the sting of his words. The men looked abashed and withdrew. “I’ll just be outside if you need anything,” Jimmy said. “Jake, think we need fresh sheets.” Barry continued to sit on the toilet expelling huge quantities of air. This wasn’t the romantic end he’d planned for the evening, but as two huge d***s had been plowing him, Barry guessed it was to be expected. * * * * The bedroom was pitch black. There was no moonlight coming in through the open curtains. Rain gently spattered against the glass. At either side of him, a hulking cowboy slept peacefully, their soft snores and snorts providing a sonorous counterpoint to the distant thunder. Barry yawned, closed his eyes, and snuggled into Jimmy’s warm, furry chest. Behind him, a still-asleep Jake rolled closer, pressing Barry even tighter into Jimmy. Barry’s day was sure ending a lot better than it had begun.
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