A Night With The Prince

1388 Words
~ It takes one mistake for everything you've worked so hard for to royally screw up. ~ **ALEXANDER** King Richard walled behind him muttering barely audible responses to the guard's greetings. They all had a long day so they both needed well-deserved rest. Sadly, Alexander had other plans. He knew rebelling against their decision was pointless, they were King and Queen, their words of mouth were made laws, he knew this was his life, it was only a matter of how long he still had free will. The time limit was set, Alexander had two weeks until he was betrothed to a princess and less until he was a married man. In that small period, he planned to live his life, party, and break as many rules as he could. It was the least his parents would expect for planning out his life. ** On that note, while the palace slept, the Prince of Vermont snuck out of the walls, like any other day, he got into his sports car and drove out without anyone noticing. Sneaking out had gotten easier over the years, it was almost too easy. Almost. There was always this thrill each time he did it, no matter how easier it got, the feeling of escaping was still there. The maids would be in his room by five pm, he'd be back before then. The last time he slipped that time frame, he had to sleep with the maid on duty and we all know how that turned out later on. While driving, a call came through from Josh. **Dude! Where are you? Don't tell me your parents didn't let you out?** He chuckled merely mocking his friends if only he knew Alexander didn't care about them at this point. **I'll be there in less than five minutes.** His reply came as a shock to Josh, it took a few seconds before he answered back. **That's great, tonight we party till the sun comes up!** At the other end, Josh screamed before the call got caught off. In the car, Alexander sighed once more wishing he could body snatch, Josh. Josh didn't need to get married any time soon, he has the ladies, he had the money, Josh had everything whereas he got responsibilities and a wedding. “Duty Above All.” His tone was downcast and drained. Alexander hoped with a little bit of booze, his mind would be off the marriage, for one night at least. Come morning, the reality slaps him in the face. ** “Finally! You're here.” Josh sat at the far end of the bar, pouring himself a glass of wine. In some ways, they were both alike. The only difference between them was Alexander was an heir, Josh wasn't and for their physical appearances, Alexander was slightly taller, he has broader shoulders and a much cuter smile but Josh was alright as well. He didn't need the charm to get the girls, as long as he has royal lineage, they came willingly. The scandals were too many to count, I doubt Josh had a care in the world. His parents would pay the reporters off eventually and he'd go back to repeating the same thing. It's always been like that with him, carefree, jovial, fun and most importantly, in the driver's seat of his life. “I need a shot,” Alexander demanded nudging towards the bartender. The young man acknowledged his needs as well as his reputation, he turned around and got the glass followed by the bottle and carefully slid it over to them passing a disapproving look as he did. Well, his opinion mattered less. “Leave the bottle.” Alexander's voice was stern, enough to portray that disobedience was not an option. The bartender gave the young men and final glance before returning to his duties. “Wow, normally you're scared to take one shot and now you want the bottle. Are you sure you're Alexander Richard?” Josh gulped half of his glass then chuckled. “Right, laugh it off,” Alex responded then poured himself a glass as well. **** Half a bottle later, Josh was off with some girl, having the best time and Alexander remained on the barstool, twirling the shot glass with his fingers. Moments later, he placed it over his lips then gulped its content down. Feeling that familiar burn at the back of his throat, he popped the cork of the bottle and poured another glass. “Penny for your thoughts?” A feminine voice offered, whispering each word straight into his ears. She came up from behind, taking him by Surprised, her actions caused him to halt, dropping the glass on the table. He turned around and his gaze landed on her. She was beautiful. From what I could make of her as the alcohol flowed through my body affecting his reasoning, she was a brunette, a gorgeous one. Her long hair touched her shoulders, gap teeth which were barely visible as she threw several flirtatious smiles in his direction and finally as his eyes scanned her body, Alexander got a new definition for the perfect shape. This woman, whoever she was had all the curves in the right places. The Almighty spent over time with her. “I don't have a penny though,” Abruptly, he tore his gaze away before letting any silly thoughts get into his head. “Well, you've been in here for quite a while taking shots, don't you want to do something else?” Once again, she came up from behind, tucking his loose strands before giving his left ear a slight lick. The alcohol coupled with his natural order started taking effect and Alexander turned back once more. She hadn't moved to ensure their faces were almost colliding. With a smirk on her face, she tucked her hair then lowered her lips on his. As strange as it was, the alcohol presented it as a whole new adventure. If only he realized his life was about to turn upside down afterwards, maybe a hard push would've done the trick. **** Somehow, she knew exactly where to go. he brushed past sweaty people who reeked of booze, she would tug at his arms whenever he felt distracted. Alexander's mind was in different places at once. He wanted to be a rebel, see where this girl took him to and let her do anything, but he also thought of the consequences. He stopped, recoiling from her touch. Swiping a hand over his face to clear his vision, Alexander watched as she pulled the strands of her dress over her skin until they pooled over her feet. Looking around, there was no one there. They were in a typical room, a storage room maybe, it had several things that were out of place, boxes and tapes. How did he get in here? Before he could scan the place further, she cupped his chin forcing his attention back on her alone. He threw caution out of the wind, grabbed her waist and smashed his lips on hers. Fueled with alcohol and desire, Alexander picked her up from the floor finding the nearest desk. Disposing of everything on it, he placed her on the desk and proceeded to remove whatever clothing she had left. First, the bra, then her panties until she was fully naked. She reciprocated by doing the same. With the lack of foreplay, Alexander buried himself inside of her within seconds. Her nails scraping at the base of his neck, her eyes wide open then shutting abruptly, her moans filling the room regardless of who was out there. “More,” As inaudible as she was, he heard her pleads quite alright. The events leading up to this point replayed in his memories, the possible consequences relived in his mind and guilt flashed in his eyes for a second, one second until it disappeared. Her fingers trailing lines around his features taking his mind off those thoughts, He didn't need to feel guilty, after all, tomorrow he'd go back to being his parent's lapdog, tonight was for him. Duty above all could wait. The f*****g prince of Vermont getting it in with a girl, inside a storage unit. Nothing could go wrong. Oh how very wrong he was. ****
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