Chapter 34 - Child of Sun & Moon

2614 Words

Chapter 34 – Child of Sun & Moon As if the inside of his soul was an echo box the last words of his father echoed unpleasantly across his shocked core. ...The Balance Breaks The Balance Ends Light and Darkness breed the end. Brandon was hard pressed to assimilate all of the emotions he was feeling correctly in this situation. His heart hurt. Hurt for the woman that had been his mother. A Druid. Tatiana. The woman who had fallen into a passionate affair with a mortal only to have it break her heart. His head hurt as he tried to fit together the pieces of his own life...his own purpose. His place in this ever swirling tragedy full of one terrible realization after another. What did it all mean? Child of Sun and Moon. The words of his father....the prophecy he had recited like a child

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