Chapter 19 - Another Option

4104 Words

Chapter 19 – Another Option Jacob stood in the cold stone room staring down at Ezekiel's dead body on a metal tabletop. After being torn apart, literally, by an army of Alchemist and Jacob himself the Leopard had De-Shifted back into the bloody naked visage of a man. Having fought the Reaver and been witnessed to the dangerous power in him, Jacob couldn't ignore the curl of....loss he felt for something so.....magnificently beastly having been destroyed by the Alchemists' and by his own claws. Hadn't man taken enough from the Shifters? Somehow allowing the Shifter hating Alchemists to wipe out one of the last few Reavers in the world seemed like a betrayal to his own people. A betrayal to their true essence. Wild animals. Jacob paused, then laughed at his own poetry. It had been only

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