Chapter 6 - Strange Attraction

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Chapter 6 – Strange Attraction With a sudden and explosive shout Nate slammed his right fist into his palm. "And there it is!" Nate said. "The thing that's been making you march around this place with a sick up you're ass...!" Suddenly Nate stopped clean in his tracks, blinked and cried out in utter astonishment. "WAIT! What? DO I HAVE FEELINGS FOR WHO NOW!? Feeling more and more embarrassed and foolish by the moment Ezekiel clearly stated his question again. "Brandon....Do you care for him?" Ezekiel slowly asked as he rubbed a hand across his mouth and continued with a sure voice, trying to discern just what it was that he had been seeing and sensing from Nate the past week. "Nate I've been noticing little things. You touch him a lot more lately. You hover around him when he's in the room. And when he was hurt during the meeting with Hovel, your Wolf curled around him protectively....and for the most part it all seems to be subconscious. You don't even seem to remember what your wolf did that day. But...I can see that there is something there." Casting Ezekiel a mysterious stare, Nate let the silence fall around them after that. For a long minute he didn't offer a response, but when he finally did, it came on the back of a heavy chuckle and a dry smirk. "Wow, I cant believe this..." Nate gripped, almost at a whisper to himself, then he turned his eyes on Ezekiel and in a serious voice he said. "Ezekiel....before I even attempt to answer your question....Let me ask you something first?" Nate stopped, and put up his finger. "All of us. Mom, Dad, Erin, Drin, Lander and Walter...." Nate slowly counted off, steadily raising his fingers on his hands as he shared Ezekiel's gaze. "Don't you think that we've all been acting a bit strange?" Nate said drawling out his question as he dropped his hands. Ezekiel shook his head. "What do you mean?" Nate smirked harder and replied. "I mean around Brandon. Think about it." Nate suddenly challenged. "From the moment he arrived....Its like the world shifted and started revolving around him." Unsure of the direction their talk was suddenly going in Ezekiel hissed and gestured at his brother. "What are you talking about? Nate come on..." With a vehement snarl Nate flashed his fangs and nearly barked in sudden frustration. "Think!! Ezekiel nearly four months ago this guy was a complete stranger to everyone in this house! We went from stranger to Prescious commodity in like no time at all! Think about it!!" Nate darkly implored with a strange look in his eyes that Ezekiel couldn't ignore. Not know what this all was leading up too Ezekiel did as Nate asked and he thought about Brandon...and the members of his family. Their interactions. Their growing connections. He thought of every incident leading up to the newest attack. And with a small disquiet in his heart Ezekiel realized that Nate was right. There had been a fundamental shift in all of their lives. In their actions. Things that had seemed natural. Normal. Good. But in hindsight....were a bit bizarre. Yes a hundred other things had mixed up into their decisions to help Brandon at various times since he arrived that fateful night only a few months ago. Personal emotions. Integrity Morality. Clan Dignity. Clan Protection. Friendship. Sacred Law Torture. Cruel Experimentation. the core of it all was Brandon. Every choice and decision had started and ended with him. Let him go. Let him die. Or Protect him. Save him. And each and every time Ezekiel and his family had chosen to save and protect him. To put their lives on the line for a man that should have ben nothing but a stranger, but in a few short weeks Brandon had become something....much more. Rubbing a hand across his mouth Ezekiel bit his lip and asked Nate. "So...what are you trying to say?" Ezekiel asked him directly. Ezekiel himself was not sure exactly what conclusion to draw...or if he even believed the claims of his mysterious sibling. "What does it all mean?" Nate laughed suddenly and rolled his eyes. Placing his hands on the counter his brother leaned towards Ezekiel and cried. "I don't have a clue!" Then Nate motioned towards Ezekiel. "I just wanted to point out how laughable it was that you came in here asking me why IM acting strange around Brandon...When from what I can see? ALL of us have been swirling the loony bin for weeks, ever since he came into our lives!" Nate softly slapped the counter, and dropped back into his seat, a slow smirk growing on his lips, before he continued to speak. "Now...back to the "Do I have feelings for him" question...." Nate started, using his hand to make quotations in the air. A moment later he dropped his hands and the smile on his face softened. "The answer is no Ezekiel. I....don't have feelings for Brandon like that. But I do adore him. I like him alot. I sense  alot of good in his heart. Like you." Nate openly expressed without any hesitation. Instantly Ezekiel knew that Nate was telling the truth...but what Nate said next was even more troubling then the mistaken idea that his brother had romantic feelings for Brandon. Nate slowly explained. "I was willing to kill or die fighting Hovel and Jacob when they invaded and tried to abduct him.'s not because I love him or anything..." Nate suddenly turned his eyes down and sighed. "Hmmm...I don't really know how to explain this so that you will understand..." Nate bit his lip and glanced up, his two toned eyes clear and strong. "But here goes. I guess the way I feel for Brandon is reminiscent of how it feels to be in presence of an Alpha Wolf." "What?" Ezekiel blurted, catching Nates gaze, and seeing the intense nature of his wolf dancing there. Small lights flikered in his pupils. "Yeah....that's what it feels like." Nate replied with a serious tone that belied the smirk on his face. "The power of an Alpha is so intoxicating and powerful." Nate started to explain next and a strong shiver traced his body. "For a Wolf its Like being pulled towards that individual. Like having all of your concerns narrow down to a single point." Nate stopped, put up a fist and closed it into a fist, as if he were crushing something. "When I touch Brandon and hover around's because Brandon, much like an Alpha wolf, is magnetic and Prescious in some inexplicable way." Nate closed his eyes and a smile split his lips, as if he were visualizing something beautiful, and his voice fell to a soft mummer as if he were praying. "You feel the insane need to protect them...and to be protected by them." Another sudden shiver traced Nates body and with a sigh, his fists fell into his lap, and his eyes opened slowly. Ezekiel was thoroughly fascinated, and equally disquieted with his brother's words. So much so that he couldn't find the words to interrupt him or dispute him. But Ezekiel found himself more disturbed than anything else. What exactly was Nate trying to say and why was he painting this picture? And if what Nate was telling the truth...? Then where did Ezekiel go from this point? IT was just more shadows and walls that he had to surmount when it came to Brandon. More mysteries to inhabit the place in his mind where Brandon had taken a permeant residence. And yet Nate kept talking and as he talked more mysteries arose from his intense words. "And yet....I will say this." Nate supplied next with a small scoff, that brought Ezekiel out of his own swirling thoughts. "The feeling I get from Brandon is even more intoxicating and powerful then what I feel from my own kind." At this point Ezekiel came out of his disturbed silence to interrupt. "Wait! More powerful than the pull to submit to an Alpha of your own kind?" Nate shrugged and replied. "Yes....and I've felt Brandon pulling on all of us from the moment he arrived Ezekiel." Nate scoffed. "I think I noticed it first because I was used to the feeling from my childhood living with other Wolf Shifters. But none of you seemed to understand what was happening or why. That's why Lander got so damn prissy and Dad nearly flipped and snuffed Brandon out the first few days after he arrived. Brandon unnerved everyone because we all felt the connection settling around us like a snare. Each of us were easily pulled in and even now it's only getting stronger." " uh ok Sure...I guess that explains a lot....Well Shit...What the hell is going on then?" Ezekiel breathed glancing away, trying to find his footing in this new set of questions. But before Ezekiel could truly assimilate Nates words or even consider if he believed him, Nate leaned forward and punched him lightly in the arm. "Hey..." His elder brother chuckled as Ezekiel glanced towards him. "One more thing. I can't believe you thought I was trying to make a move on Brandon! Even if I wasn't strait as a pencil? Ezekiel I would never make a move on the person that you've Marked as you own. I would never ever betray you that way." "Marked!? What are you talking about!?" Ezekiel exclaimed in shock and surprise....everything else in Ezekiel's mind took a swift backseat to that one word. At his tone Nate scoffed and smirked. "Yes. Marked. Damn..." He teased with a sigh. "I know I'm older then you, but I didn't think you were this clueless Lil brother. Didn't Mom explain Mate Marking to you?" "Shut up!" Ezekiel gripped back, not amused. "I know what MARKING is you asshole. I was just surprised that you think I've gone and Marked Brandon, which I haven't! Just so were clear." Ezekiel continued with less of a belligerent tone. "How could I have Marked him? I've barely made it past second base with Brandon and I was under the impression that the Marking of Mates could only be initiated during more....strenuous activities ie mating." Ezekiel exclaimed at his brother. In fact from all that Ezekiel had been told by other Mated Pairs like his parents, Erin and Drin. The Marking of a Mate could only be applied after the two Mates agreed to be bound in flesh and by soul. This was generally done in the throes of passion and the Marks only appeared on a couple that truly had bonded. True Life-Mates. Ezekiel had been taught that the Marking of a Mate was not so much a conscious act, but more of a supernatural act, where the lovers became one and the Mating Marks appeared on the flesh of the bonded couple. Still Nate had outlined it as if Ezekiel and Brandon were already past all of this. I would never make a move on the person you've Marked... Ezekiel was more than shocked by Nates words. Marking was.....sacred. It was the first steps towards making another your Shifter your Life-Mate. Perhaps it was so strange to him, because Ezekiel had only just realized the depths of his feelings for Brandon and...Ezekiel had only just managed to convey those feeling to the man that he craved. For Nate to believe that Ezekiel had already Marked Brandon was not only revealing of just how attached Ezekiel had become to Brandon in his family's eyes. It was revealing that Ezekiel was engaging in behaviors that a Male Leopard normally displayed around their potential Mate. Strangely the idea of Brandon as his Mate had never ever arisen in his mind. For the longest Ezekiel had been convinced that he knew nothing about Brandon. And once Ezekiel did in fact learn about Brandon's past....Ezekiel had then been left with more mysteries. Lots of unanswered questions. Passion that couldn't be fulfilled as one threat after another stood between them. And yet the idea of Marking Brandon. Claiming him. Body and Soul. Mating with him. The concepts were so beyond anything Ezekiel had dared to venture into. For weeks Ezekiel had strived simply to gain Brandon's trust and friendship. For months he had worked to uncover his secrets. Simply desiring to talk with him, then to touch him....and finally to taste him. Obscure desires and motivations had transformed over time into genuine emotions and feelings. Love had emerged. But as of last was a lonely love. Ezekiel's love had been left unanswered. At worst it was unrequited. At was feared. Brandon and Ezekiel had yet to settle into a place where anything real could grow between them. Coming back to Nate after a moment Ezekiel shook his head. "Nate you've probably imagined more that's happened between me and Brandon then ever really has. Trust me. I haven't Marked him. I can barely touch him....I don't even know if he's the one I'm meant to Mark." Nate rolled his eyes. "First of all Ezekiel....that was wayyyyy to much information. Secondly....youve only gotten to second base? Damn you're slow. What's it been like three months already...just how blue are your balls by now!?" "You're such an Asshole you mangy dog." Ezekiel hissed back with a small smirk. Nate made a mock shiver. "Just wow so sad." He said, then he sobered quickly and a sharp white light started bleeding across his eyes. "But honestly, don't tell you think you need to have s*x with him for the Marking to happen? You think there is only the physical in the Marking of a Mate?" Nate softly mused, his eyes shining like twin moons and a small snarl touching his voice. The Wolf speaking through his lips. Nate let out a nearly condescending chuckle that was almost beastly and cold. "Honestly my Wolf is tickled by all of this brother Leopard. He has felt the pulse of his Mate and he knows that the physical is only a fraction of that bond...the twining of souls once bound cant be broken or ignored. It is spiritual."
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