Chapter 47 - Inescapable Fates

2598 Words

Chapter 47 – Inescapable Fates Barely holding back small tremors of exhaustion and pain, Jacob lifted Brandon's limp body higher in his arms as he swiftly exited the giant black swirling hole that had appeared suddenly in the middle of a giant domed room, covered with countless etched eyes and eerie candle lights. The Sanctum.   For a moment he gazed dozen at the pale burden resting in his grasp, until he couldn't quite handle the view and averted his gaze. Brandon's already devastated frame, punctuated with countless scars, some of which Jacob had placed with his own fangs and teeth, was now marred with a battlefield of fresh destruction. There didn't seem a single spot on the Druids flesh that wasn't bruised black and purple. Or bloody. Or cut and torn. It hurt to see. Even with all

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