Chapter eleven

2039 Words

Chapter eleven How two jurukkers stood guardNothing more was seen or heard of the werewolf that eventful night, and for the next few days I and my comrades were plunged into hectic activity. There was so much to do. The forces to be taken up to reinforce Turko had to be selected and organized. There were innumerable delegations from all over our part of Vallia to be received and treated honorably, their grievances dealt with as best as possible. Justice had to be delivered. The budget was a constant thorn. Taxes — well, I spare you that blasphemy, for, although as an emperor I needed taxes from the people to pay for everything necessary to run an empire — rickety though that was — I can wince as well as the next fellow when it comes to paying out taxes. Mind you, by Zair, there are taxes

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