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Ariana Pov. I arrived at school, and my heart sank as I took in the sight of everyone comfortably dressed in shorts and tanks, a stark contrast to my choice of an oversized long-sleeve shirt and jeans. Adding to the peculiarity, I wore a scarf around my neck, earning puzzled looks. It felt as if people might mistake me for someone living in an icy land rather than blending into the casual attire around me. Undeterred, I walked into my class, finding it empty, and headed to the back of the room to start sketching in my notebook. The sharp snap of my pencil breaking echoed, pulling me back to a disturbing memory from the previous night." Last Night I woke up in Elijah's arms, panic setting in as I realized we were outside my house. Desperation surged as I hurriedly released myself from his embrace, attempting to shoo him away. However, he remained stubbornly insistent on meeting my dad first. Spotting my father across the road, anxiety gripped me. What if he sees us? In a hasty move, I pushed Elijah off the stairs, gesturing emphatically for him to leave with a wave of my hand. He sat up, catching sight of Dad behind him. "I am not going anywhere. I'll first ask him why he sent you with a stranger?" said Elijah, making it hard for me to comprehend the situation. Why must He care about my problem? This is none of his business. If He doesn't leave now, we will both die. I ran off the stairs and helped him up... I grabbed the sticky note from his pocket and started writing. ' Please Eli! Leave before Dad sees you.' "I want him to see me! He must tell me why he sent you with that guy!" 'He is my father! I can handle him.' "Well, I don't want to go!" 'Elijah! Please!!! He will kill me if he sees you with me.' He glanced at me after carefully reading the note. A brief moment of silence ensued, His eyes closed, and a deep exhale filled the silence. When he opened his eyes, they met mine, and he spoke with a mix of understanding and a hint of sadness, ''You are right. But please keep me informed about what happens." I nodded, and he ran back to his car, disappearing into the night. Before I could catch my breath, a hand rested on my shoulder. Startled and trembling, I turned back to see my intoxicated dad. He glanced behind me and slurred, "Where is Mr. Andrew?" Mr. Andrew? Who is that? Dad glanced around, then grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the house. He shoved me and locked the door, then started questioning, "What did Mr. Andrew say? Will he call you again?" Mr. Andrew? Is that the guy who had me the whole evening? Why will he call me? The shrill ring of the telephone echoed through the tense air, setting my nerves on edge. Panic gripped me as my dad got up and answered the call. His attention was diverted, creating an opportunity for me to escape the brewing storm in the living room. I moved with cautious steps, my heart pounding in my chest. Each footfall felt like a thunderclap in the silence of the house. The weight of the moment pressed down on me, urging me to reach the safety of my room undetected. The dim light played tricks on the walls as I tiptoed, desperately hoping that the creaky floorboards wouldn't betray my escape. The forceful call of my name, "Ariaaaanaaaa!" thundered through the house, catching me off guard. I stumbled, emotions stirring within me like a storm. My heart raced, pounding in my chest as I hit the ground. At that moment, a whirlwind of thoughts circled my mind, each question intensifying the uncertainty of what awaited me. What did I do to provoke such a reaction? He sat in front of me and asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?" Boyfriend? No, No! I shook my head excessively. He scoffed, his gaze piercing into mine with a fiery red rage. Without hesitation, he launched into a brutal assault, his hands tightening around my throat. Panic set in as I struggled desperately for a breath, attempting to push him away. The air grew thin, and each gasp became a painful struggle. I pleaded for mercy through my gaze, but the overwhelming anger in his eyes left no room for compassion or recognition of my suffering. Am I going to die tonight? He threw my head to the side, and relief washed over me as I began to breathe again. Before I could lift my gaze to him, he yanked my hair back, demanding, "Who was he?" I DON'T KNOW! He tossed my head to the side again and paced back and forth in front of me. The tension in the room was unbearable, and my heart raced with fear. After what felt like an eternity, he kneeled before me, his eyes burning with rage. "Who is the guy who got you home?" he demanded, his voice low and threatening. I sat up, the tension in the room thick and suffocating. My father's anger radiated, and I felt like I was walking on eggshells, desperately trying to navigate through the storm. "I... I..." I stammered, searching for the right words to appease him. He moved closer, his eyes drilling into mine. "I am asking a question. Which needs an answer." My mind raced, and I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "It was just a friend," I said, the lie hanging in the air. His expression darkened, and he seized my arm, his grip tightening. "Don't lie to me, Aria. I can't stand lies." I winced at the pain in my arm, trying to maintain composure. The room felt like a pressure oven ready to explode, and I had to tread carefully to prevent a disastrous outcome. My throat felt dry as I managed to speak, "It was just a friend, Dad. Someone I met at school." His eyes narrowed, disbelief etched on his face. "A friend?" he scoffed. "You think I'm a fool, Aria? Friends don't sneak around and hide things. Tell me the truth!" I hesitated, torn between the fear of my father's wrath and the desperation to shield myself from further harm. He stood up, hitting his head a few times in apparent frustration. A guttural scream escaped his lips, filling the room with an unsettling intensity. Then, he abruptly kneeled in front of me, his expression contorted with anger. Without warning, he started strangling me again, his hands gripping my throat with a force that left me gasping for air. As he tightened his hold, I could feel him gritting his teeth, and tears streamed down his face. The pain and desperation in his eyes were overwhelming, and for a moment, it seemed like he was battling some inner torment. The pressure on my neck increased, and I felt my vision blur. In a desperate plea for mercy, I whispered, "I don't know, Dad. I swear." He abruptly let go of me, his voice now strained and raw. "Listen here! I don't want to dirty my hands with your blood. Tell me! Who was that guy?" I struggled to regain my composure, coughing and gasping for breath. The room felt charged with tension, and I realized that I was trapped in a situation where death could be the only way out... I don't know what to do ... Eli is just a friend at school, and He doesn't want to believe that. He got up, took a deep breath, and his tone softened. "You want to be like your mom. You want to go out and sleep around with guys," he said with a bitter laugh, which abruptly shifted into deep sobs. His emotions seemed to spiral out of control, and I watched, helpless, as he grappled with his own turmoil. The room echoed with the conflicting sounds of his bitter laughter and heart-wrenching sobs, painting a haunting portrait of my fractured family. My mom slept around? This revelation hit me like a ton of bricks, shattering the image I had of my mom. He picked up his wine bottle, grumbled to his room, and left me alone with a mind full of uneasiness and questions. The weight of this newfound knowledge settled heavily on my shoulders, adding another layer to the complex web of emotions that engulfed me. I don't know what is more painful, the new revelation of my mom or the fact that He almost killed me. I need to do something to forget what just happened. With so much difficulty, I got up, wiped my tears with the back of my hand, and noticed the mess around our living area. Determined to find solace, I pinned my hair up and decided to clean up, hoping that this act of tidying would bring a semblance of order to the chaos around and inside me. After I was done cleaning, I took a bath, the warm water soothing both my aching body and troubled mind. Changing into my pajamas felt like shedding the burdens of the day as if the simple act of changing clothes could erase the emotional residue clinging to me. I made my bed with extra care, attempting to create a haven within the confines of my room. A headache throbbed persistently in the background, I reached for a painkiller, hoping it would grant me respite. The pill went down with a sip of water, a small attempt to alleviate the pain that resonated beyond the physical realm. Finally, I lay down to sleep, not out of the desire for rest but as an escape from the overwhelming reality. The exhaustion weighed heavily on my eyelids, yet the tumult of thoughts refused to subside. I closed my eyes, seeking refuge in the temporary redemption that sleep promised. The room, once filled with turmoil, became a cocoon of darkness, shielding me from the harshness of the world outside. I don't have time to cry. Matter of fact, I am tired of crying. I am tired! I can't do this anymore. I want to die more than ever now. I hate everything around me right now. The reason why Dad hates Mom is that she used to sleep around. Who wouldn't hate a woman like that? Perhaps Dad thinks I'm not his blood. Maybe I'm not. Why the hell am I on Earth? Someone like me deserves to be six feet under. I hate life. I hate Mom. I hate Dad. I hate everyone. Back to reality. The bell rang and everyone started rushing in. I quickly wiped my tears. Someone sat next to me. I didn't bother looking as I knew who it was. "Aria." He whispered. The way he says my name hits different. It's like he means it. Do I even make sense right now? "Aria. Are you okay?" Asked my savior. Or must I say the one who almost got me killed? I faced him and saw nothing but worries on his face. Just by looking at it, I had tears in my eyes. I know that look. It's the look of sympathy. He is being sympathetic towards me and I hate it. I saw his hand wiping my face. I didn't realize tears were flowing. He said calmer, "I am sorry. I didn't know he would do that after seeing me." Seeing you? What do you mean? Did He see what Dad did last night? That means He didn't leave. I got up and walked out of the class. I don't even know if the teacher is there. I feel so hurt right now to even notice my surroundings. I need to get fresh air. I can't breathe. I walked out of the school building and started walking. I don't know where I'm going, but I need to be somewhere safe. After wandering around for hours, I ended up at an open grassland, where there were swings. I sat on the swing and started swinging myself. I wanted the voices in my head to shut up but the swing wasn't helping. I stopped and got off. I looked around and it seemed empty. I threw myself on the ground and let all the unwanted tears out. I cried and cried. I cried, sobbed, and wept. I let all the emotions out. I feel so sick. I think I am sick of life. After drowning in my emotions. I got up and walked to a tree, a few inches away from me. I laid down and rested my head on the tree trunk. That was a good cry. My head seems light. "How are you feeling?" Asked someone. I quickly got up and saw no one near me. Who could it be? I looked on the other side of the tree and saw a guy. I got up and was about to go, but he said. "Don't go yet. Stay here. You will feel peace. This place will calm you." He is right. Anyway, it's not like I'll ever meet him again. Let me just stay. I sat back and rested my head on the trunk. "By the way. I'm Noah. Noah Cooper. And you?" I don't have the energy to engage in conversation. I closed my eyes and then sensed him near me. Ugh! Why? I opened my eyes and sat up. He was seated crossed in front of me. "May I know your name?" He asked. I shook my head without a second thought. He laughed and asked, "Why?" I shrugged my shoulder. "Okay, fine. I won't ask." Thank God. I was about to lay back, but stop to listen to him."Let's play a game... It's called Uno... Here are the cards." He took them out of his pocket. Is He for real? I nodded and looked away. "Okay.." He put them away. ''Do you know it's like eighty degrees today?" Noah asked, amusement evident in his voice. I nodded, acutely aware of my unconventional attire. "At least take that scarf off. You're going to overheat yourself," he suggested, pointing to the scarf wrapped tightly around my neck. I hesitated, my scarf serving as more than just a barrier against the heat. It concealed the scars I bore, memories etched into my skin that I wasn't prepared to expose. Before I could react, Noah took matters into his own hands, gently removing the scarf. A rush of vulnerability swept over me as the scars were laid bare. Unsure how to react, I avoided eye contact, focusing on the ground beneath my feet. The warmth of the breeze only intensified the internal conflict I felt. Noah, sensing my discomfort, spoke softly, "Are you okay?" I managed a nod, struggling to articulate the mix of emotions swirling within me. I wonder, why I bump into crazy dudes nowadays... I think my stars are angry with me. First, it was Elijah, then this one. "Are you okay!?" He questioned again. I looked into his face and smiled while nodding. I am sure He noticed why I had the scarf in the first place. He picked up the scarf and wrapped it around my neck while saying, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to..." And with that, he returned to his original spot. A brief silence hung in the air before Noah, brimming with excitement, unexpectedly appeared in front of me. "Do you want to know about me?" he asked, his enthusiasm contagious. Still processing the events, I was shortly taken aback, but he slipped into sharing details about his life. Noah revealed more information than I expected, painting a vivid picture of his family dynamics. He revealed having a twin and a unique habit of seeking solace in this quiet park whenever sadness engulfed him. Noah confessed to not going to school for the week, explaining that his twin had traveled to Australia to visit their sister. He admitted feeling too shy to attend school without his brother's company. The revelation left me in awe, admiring at the complicated details of his life that he willingly laid bare before a stranger. It was a testament to the strange connection we shared in that moment, under the vast sky of an open plain. Laughter bubbled up from within me. I couldn't believe that Noah, with his lively and outgoing conduct, was confessing to being a shy individual. He joined in the laughter, acknowledging the sarcasm, and continued, "If you're laughing at that, imagine my family. You know what? My family thinks I'm at school, but here I am. At this peaceful park." Noah's revelation added another layer of complexity to the puzzle that was unfolding before me. It was as if we had stumbled upon a shared shelter, a refuge from the expectations and assumptions of our respective lives. This encounter with Noah, in the midst of our individual struggles, was shaping into a unique and unexpected bond.
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