My Daddy.

1394 Words
Ariana Pov. A slight knock on the door woke me up. I looked around and noticed the sun is up. The person knocks again. "I'm up!" I answered. I sat up, rubbed my eyes then got up from the bed. I Made my bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, did my hair, and come back, I wore a pair of jeans and a white shirt. I took my bag and went to the kitchen. I saw my dad in the kitchen, making breakfast. He saw me, smiled, and said, "Good morning princess." Princess! Did I hear that right? What got into him now? "Sit down. I will dish you a plate of food." Dad said very calmly. I sit down at my spot. Dad is acting weird today. He is being nice. Is he sick? He placed a plate on my side and put one by his side. He took his apron off and sit down. "Eat dear." He said very loving. He is freaking me out. I nodded and stared at the plate in front. Did he poison the food? Well, if he did. Is a win-win. I don't want to live as it is. I began eating. It seems fine. The food is very delicious. Maybe he is about to go back to his old self again. Before Mom run away, he was a well-known chef in Denmark. He owned a restaurant there. But one day, out of the blue so many things happened. His restaurant burned down, his elder brother died in the fire and people started blaming him for his brother's death. He started drinking, then mom. Mom went missing. After searching for days, Dad found a letter which said she run away and will never come back. I didn't read the letter, but Dad started becoming violent. He told me that, Mom ran away, and she will never return. I was seven when my life started becoming bitter, wishing every day I die the next day. Seven was a big year for me. Mom ran away, Dad's restaurant got burned and he became abusive. A normal seven-year-old would learn how to ride a bike or have their first sleepover. I didn't get to do all that but rather I learned a new spot to hide from drunkard dad every day. My dad would come home drunk and would call my names and abuse me in all possible ways. One day he told me, He wished I wasn't his daughter. Because ever since I was born, his life started falling apart. He says I am a big black thing, that ruins beautiful things. Matter of fact, the main reason why I was born was to save my elder brother. He had leukemia. He wanted a bone marrow transplant. So, they had me to save him, but it was too late. He died the day I was born. My parents never celebrated my birthday. I know my birthday is a bad day for them, but at least they could have shown me some love. God might have taken a child from them but, he gave them another. "Ariana!" My dad bought me back to reality. I looked at his place, he wasn't there. I looked around and saw him in the kitchen. "Hand me your plate if you're done, I need to clean the kitchen before we go." I nodded and saw my plate is empty. That's why I'm full. I finish my food without realizing it. I handed my dad the plate and stood in the kitchen. After he was done cleaning, he said, "Let's go." I followed him to the car. He started the car, and we went. He drove past my school. Where is he taking me? Is he planning on getting rid of me for good now? Was that the reason he was being nice this morning? He stopped the car outside a building. I can see people walking in and out of the place. "Let's go." He ordered. I took my seatbelt off and followed. We went into the building. He talked to someone, and they told us to wait for our turn. I began looking around and noticed we are in a hospital. There is health information all over the walls. And people were coughing around us. After waiting for a while, they called us. We went into a room and a doctor was waiting for us. After greeting us, she asked us to sit. She asked. "So, which one is my patient?" "My daughter here." Said Dad. Me! But I am not sick. She looked at me, smiled, and asked. "What is the problem, Dear?" I don't know. I don't know why I'm here as well. This is so not him. He never took me to a doctor ever before, even when I'm sick. "My daughter can't talk. Well, she is mute. I will tell you what the problem is." Said, my dad. Dad, be honest. Tell her you forced your daughter to go mute and she isn't born mute. She took out a pen and said, " Okay. Tell me?" "You see. Doctor. The thing is. Yesterday my daughter returned from school and while she was changing her cloth, I saw some wounds on her body. I asked her who did it, and how she got it, but she didn't answer me. And last night, I could hear her crying in her room. I think is because of the wounds. I believe she is in pain. So, I would like you to check and see what we can do. I can't see my baby in pain." Did you say, my baby? REALLY? I'm your baby now? The Doctor dropped the pen, got up from her seat, and came to my side. She holds my hand, looked into my eyes, and asked. "Who did it to you dear?" While lifting my shirt. "She said, the student at school bully her. They bully her and she doesn't exactly know who is it." Answered my dad. She asked my dad to go out, but he refused. She took me to a corner and asked me to take my shirt off. After doing that she started putting pressure on my wounds asking if is still sore. I nodded. She applied something to my body. She whispered." Is that guy your dad?' I looked at him. He is busy with his phone. I nodded to answer her. She closed the curtain between us and Dad while saying. "Sorry, Sir. But I need to examine my patient's body. You might be her dad, but privacy is privacy." She asked me to take my pants down. I refused. She placed her hand on my cheeks and said, "Don't worry sweetie. I am like your mom." I don't like my mom. She slowly pulled my pants down and gasped when she saw it. I can see the tears lining up in her eyes. She pours cream on her hand and began applying it to my leg. Wow, she is shaking. My previous teachers saw it fresh, and they didn't care about it. She got up and whispered. "Is your dad, abusing you sweetie? Some of the scars on your body seem old. " I shook my head. She pulled my pants up and started closing up my shirt buttons while saying. "Don't be scared. Tell me. He won't be able to hurt you again if you tell me. But if you choose to walk out. He might hit you again." I shook my head again. She was about to speak but my dad shouted." Okay, Doctor! Too much whispering from you. Give my daughter back." She opened the curtains and said, "We done." She walked to her desk and wrote something. She handed Dad the papers and said, "Get her these pills. Is painkillers and a cream for the scars. She must apply the cream on her scars whenever she takes a bath and take the pills when she is in pain." "Thank you." Said Dad. "And yes, inform the school about the situation. These bullies should be incriminated for this! Your daughter's color is finished because of that. All you see is purple and green all over her body." Scolded the Doctor. My dad just smiled, and we went out of the room.
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