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MATTHEW:  I watched her run away, and I could feel my heart tearing in two. I don't understand what I did, but whatever I did, I just made her hate me all the more. I'm completely failing at being a good beloved for her. I feel like it's more then just her senses telling her something is off with me. Could it be a bond? She must feel it too, even if she is human. She might not feel it to my extent, is it overwhelming for her? I mind linked Sophia, asking for her to meet me by our lockers. Maybe she can understand what is going on. Matthew, is everything okay?  I heard Mr. Leo in my thoughts. I looked over and saw him looking at me. I think so. Zapphire left, she wasn't feeling well. She's my beloved. I think the bond might have been to much for her. Mr. Leo was part of our coven, our whole school had a mixture of vampires, werewolves, witches and human. He gave me a sad look and nodding in understanding. Mr. Leo, I am going to go to my locker and meet up with Sophia, I will talk to you later. I cut off the link after that, packed up m things and started towards my locker. I have no idea how I'm going to get through to Zapphire, what was so wrong with me calling her "Fire"? I thought it was a cute nickname, I wanted to call her something other people didn't, I wanted a special name for her. Did someone special call her that? Could it possibly be an ex boyfriend? I shook my head trying not to get myself worked up. She's probably been with other people, I mean I have, I cannot expect her to be pure. Nor is it a bad thing if she isn't, but it would be nice if she was. Truly only mine. She's human, I cannot expect her to be waiting for her beloved, soulmate, mate, whatever you want to call it. I got to my locker with Sophia no where in sight yet, I started putting my things away. Come to think of it, it's weird Sophia hasn't mind linked me back, she usually always responds, she knows I hate talking like that, so she must know it has to be important. Does she maybe have her mind link off? Or can she not get away? She was in Mrs. Anderson's class, she's human, also shes pretty strict. It might be harder to get away from that class. I finished putting my things away and leaned against my locker, not even bothering to shut it, looking up at the ceiling. Would Sophia even talk to me about this?  With this little crush she has on me, it might be uncomfortable. Would she even accept her? Sophia is to be the next Sire of our coven, will she even accept her? Will Izzy, our mother even be able to accept her? If she doesn't, how will I ever be able to have a life with Zapphire? I can't have her living as a human forever. Being my beloved, her blood smells the best to me, not only that, it is the best for me. It'll heal me faster, make me stronger, faster, everything. I'm also just not the best around humans. I try to drink the blood of vampires, and only on the willing.. but I've been known to slip. I started thinking about what it would be like to have Zapphire in my arms, putting my face in the side of her neck, inhaling her beautiful flowery scent. I wonder what she would taste like, I have no doubt she tastes as good as she smells. I looked down and realized the bulge in my pants. I sighed. I need to stop thinking about that or I'm going to have some major blue balls. I took deep breaths trying to calm down, and looked around for Sophia. I can't find her. She's probably not coming. I turned back to my locker, grabbing my car keys and headed out towards my Audi A7.  Why is Soph blocking the mind link? Or is she just ignorning me? Has she figured it out? Is she mad at me? s**t!  Once I got in I felt that all to familiar burning and squeezing sensation in my throat. I need to feed. I thought about going over to the blood whores, that are always willing to donate blood, but quickly shoved that thought away. I shouldn't be feeding on anyone besides my beloved, if I was going to feed on anyone at all. I also don't want to use her as a blood bag. I also have no idea when I can't feed on anyone else, before Zapphire starts feeling it. I started my car and headed towards a wood I know was safe from werewolf territory, and should be safe from humans. I wish I would've been paying more attention on when the pain from feeding starts for a human beloved. I never thought I'd have a beloved, much less a human beloved. Not that I'm complaining, the Moon Goddess has blessed me, and I am forever grateful for my beautiful beloved, even if she chooses not to be with me, or chooses to be with me and doesn't want to be a vampire. Would Zapphire ever want to be a vampire? After today, I'm not so sure. But I should keep an open mind, it's only been a day, I remind myself. I still have plenty of time to win her over. We're beloveds, we were made for each other. This has to work. Right? I sighed, parking my car, and stepping out into the woods. Making sure to check it for any humans before going on my hunt. Once I knew all was clear, I let myself lose myself to my instincts, and probably fed way more then I should. Once I was done I felt very squishy and full. I suddenly heard laughing and looked up to see, Sophia's mom, my adoptive mom Izzy. I looked around and smelled for Sophia but got nothing. I looked back at Izzy and she was still laughing. Her and Soph looked so much alike. Same hair, eyes, skin, just Izzy looked a little early. Probably in her early 30's. Every human in town thought she looked way to young to have two teenagers, but any supernatural knows the truth, Izzy is probably over 300 years old. "Really Matthew? Squishy? Why would you let yourself get that full?" Izzy said, still laughing. I rolled my eyes and laughed with her. I walked up to her, and waited for her to stop laughing. Really it wasn't that funny, but Izzy found the most random, silliest things funny. Once she did, she put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure you're wondering where Sophia is?" I nodded and she continued. "Today took Sophia for quite a shock. She told me she heard you mind linked her, and she left class as soon as possible. Once she saw you, she read your mind." I scowled, I hated when she did that. I told her one day, she wasn't going to like what she heard. I guess today was that day. "Hey," Izzy started, pointing a finger at me. "Young man do not give me that face. I am your mother." I sighed and tried to relax. "Anyways Matthew, I heard you found your beloved. You must be excited." I frowned, and looked down. "I am, but I'm scared that I've completely messed everything up." I felt Izzy wrap her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged her back after a moment."I'm sure everything will be okay. You just need to relax. Sophia also told me what you were thinking towards the end of your worrying rant. I want you to know, and so does Sophia. We will of course accept your beloved. We're upset you even considered it. We want you to be happy Matthew. Her being your beloved means she is family. We of course love her and will protect her. We cannot wait for her to become part of the coven." I took deep breaths, taking in everything Izzy said. "I'm sorry Izzy, I guess I'm just really upset thinking my beloved might hate me." Izzy pulled back to look at my face. "The Goddess, never makes mistakes Matthew. I'm sure everything will work out the way it's suppose to. You'll just have to get her to love you the old fashion way." Izzy said smiling. I smiled back at her. I thanked her, and then we started back towards my car. "Did you run here Izzy?" She nodded. "I needed a good run, and I knew you would bring me home after our little talk. Which by the way, when things settle down, I'd like to discuss something about the coven with you." I looked over at her, giving her a confused look. "Is something wrong?" She still looked straight ahead as she spoke. "No, of course not. It's just something that needs to be discussed." I nodded. We continued walking in silence until we reached my car, we got in, and I looked back at Izzy. "Izzy, where is Sophia?" She sighed, and buckled her seat belt. I did the same, started the car, and started heading home. "She decided she wanted time for herself. She's happy for you Matthew, but this whole thing came as a surprise for her. I'm sure she knows she has a little crush on you," I nodded and still looking at the road, and she continued. "I think she just needs some time to herself, to let it sink all in." I nodded again, sighing, continuing home, still worrying about my beloved and now worrying about Sophia. 
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