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Nandini's office was a good 20 minutes ride from Manik's workplace and since he insisted that he will be dropping her off, he was the designated driver so Nadnini decided to check her mails and project files once before walking inside her office. Manik noticed his wife being deeply indulged in her work and when it wasn't true he couldn't help but admire how lucky he had gotten in the past few days, knowing her had actually made a space inside his heart which for now he couldn't name yet. But even though he hated what he was doing to her, he still had to but it were moments like these, when they are alone he felt were the best to be himself and hence he wanted to live them to the fullest so he did the best that could irritate her. He silently turned the AC on full swing directly towards her resulting on all her project papers flying around in the car. "Manik seriously!" Nandini roared in pure anger, she was always the scheduled one and hence wanted to be the most accurate infront of her workers. "You said something?" Manik slightly chuckled trying his best to put up the i did nothing face but inside he knew how much fun it was to freak her out at such times. "Manik you know it well what have you done.. I was working." Nandini cringed at the kid sitting beside her. Manik was enjoying her bickering face so he thought of levelling it a bit more so he turned the music box on to its full volume blasting the "I DON'T CARE" by Ed Sheeran. "Sorry wifey can't hear you" Manik shouted on top of his voice. "Manik close that" Nandini shouted to trying to make her dear husband understand how frisky she was with him. "Ahan i like this song" Manik chuckled and started moving his head along the tune "CAUSE I DON'T CARE WHEN I AM WITH MY BABY YEAH" he sang the parts of song looking at his angry wife from a side eye. Nandini got a glance of him and she knew he was playing with her well so she turned the sound down so that their was a decent sound between them in order to talk. "hey why did you do that?" Manik asked. "Because you are acting like a kid. Why did you make my papers fly away?" Nandini replied with a question to him. "Because you were ignoring me." Manik complained like a kid. "Manik i was not ignoring you i was just trying to be ready for the day today. I don't want them to feel that i forgot how to work." Nandini replied in a low hushed tone. "Hey you're the best okay in all your work. Don't be tough on yourself i know you're gonna rock it, and it's just been what 5 days max that you left them on their own. Moreover Cabir handled it well, i talked to him."Manik consoled her. "You did?" Nandini spoke with a spark in her eyes. She wasn't expecting Manik to be concerned about this. "Nandini you're my wife and  i didn't wanted you to get tensed so i told Cabir to take charge until you resumed." Manik shrugged replying her as if it was a normal thing to do not understanding how much such small gestures meant to girls. "Thank you. I am glad to have you in my life." Nandini smiled fidgeting with her fingers. Talking to Manik before wedding was way easier than now for sure. As if understanding his wife's awkwardness Manik moved his one hand towards her lap intervining their fingers until the leftover ride. When they reached their destination Nandini was in a dilemma if she should pull her hand away or let him do that but thanking she didn't had to make that tough decision when Manik slid his hands back to the steering wheel. "So i'll pick you up in the evening" Manik asked. "No it's okay i have a meeting somewhere so i'll be a bit late. I'll get a cab." Nandini declined politely. "Nope you are not getting a cab okay. I'll send the driver wherever you want. Okay?" Manik told her in an authoratative voice. "Okay sir as you say. So now can i leave?" Nandini asked raising her eyebrows. "your wish." Manik replied moving his head looking straight, how was he supposed to tell his wife that he was gonna miss her but as if on cue to his thoughts he felt a slight touch of lips brushing against his stubble and a smile formed on his lips. "I'll miss you too" Nandini dashed out of the car as soon as the words left her mouth and Manik drove away. *********************************************************************************************** The start of the day at the office wasn't that bad as Nandini had thought it would be. Getting over with the third meeting of the day for her Nandini got back to her cabin spinning around in her chair relaxing her shoulders. Last few days had been so hectic and getting back to office work wasn't easy too when her cell phone rang. "I was was waiting for your call." Nandini beamed with happiness. "Sorry they asked us to switch our cell phones off in the plane ." The voice retorted back. "Listen i am gonna meet you in the evening and i'll text you the address soon okay?" Nandini asked. "Mouse are you sure you wanna do that. i came here because you wanted me too but now i think that you should just tell everything to your dad and cabir. I can't let you drown yourself in this stupid chess game here. Manik must be a master mind or something but mouse you are so innocent and naive , i don't want you to get hurt." The voice reasoned trying one last time to get Nandini to cancel her plan. " Hey hey no one from either of us is gonna get hurt okay. It's them who are going to pay for everything that they are doing to us. And telling dad is not an option here it could affect his health and about Cabir he just got his friend back and i don't want to drag him into this." Nandini explained her dilemma. "Fine but if this doesn't work we are getting you off of it. Okay and text me the address soon. I'll meet you." "Yes i will and-" nandini stopped midway when she heard the door open and cabir walked in "yes sir i'll send you your presentation as soon as possible, thank you for your time. Goodbye." Nandini hanged up the call. "hey something important. I can leave if you want?" Cabir asked. "No no it was just a client. You came here to talk about something?" "Ya actually princess. I know i should have talked about it before but i just couldn't-" cabir moved infront of her. "Cabby you know you can tell me anything right." nandini smiled urging him to continue. "I know and i just wanted to say that even if me and Manik are buddies or whatever but you come first okay, you are always gonna be more important than anyone out there so if at any point Manik hurts you or does anything stupid you come to me. I'll take care of him." Cabir instructed her. Nandini smiled and hugged her best friend, even if her life had turned a whole upside down she knew she had people that had her back. "Only if you knew him cabir, only if you knew him" Is all Nandini thought.
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