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JAKE I wondered who this pack member was that had said I made them feel safe. It felt good knowing that one of the pack thought of me that way. I wanted the whole pack to feel the same. I would be their Alpha one day after all. We reached the office, and I paused for a second when I saw that it was Amie sat there. Dad took his seat behind his desk and motioned for me to sit in the chair next to Amie. Once i was seated, she reached out and took my hand, grasping it tightly. “Thank you for coming, Jake. It means a lot to me.” She said in a sweet voice, fluttering her long eyelashes. Damn it, I hoped that this wasn’t just a ploy of hers. I couldn’t pull my hand away without making Dad suspicious. He had always approved of my friendship with Amie, but had warned me not to make it romantic. He didn’t agree with me sleeping around in the pack. He had always said that it would only lead to awkward situations with women who dreamed of being my Luna. He said it would also cause uncomfortable situations for my future Luna. Obviously, I hadn’t listened. I gave her a half-hearted smile, I was a little worried about why we were here. What was she up to? “Of course, I’m always happy to help a pack member.” I replied. She kept hold of my hand as she explained her concerns to us. I was relieved that she was here with a genuine problem. My dad assured her that we would find a way to keep her mum safe. She asked if we would be willing to consider allowing her mum to sleep at the hotel on her night shifts. Even offered to work extra kitchen shifts to help with the cost of a room. Dad explained that he’d already offered her mum a room, but she’d turned it down. Amie looked confused. Dad told her not to worry, that we would figure something out. She thanked us both and headed out. Giving g me a long, hard yearning look as she went. AMIE I was confused by the Alpha’s words. Why would my mum turn down a free hotel room, choosing to sleep in her car instead. I needed to find out what her problem with Alpha Cooper is. I at least felt better about the hunter situation now. I was confident that Alpha Cooper and Jake would come up with something to keep my mum safe. I had been happy when Jake hadn’t pushed my hand away. He had sat there letting me hold his hand in front of his father. He must be getting closer to being ready to announce our love. I didn’t really feel like going home. Mum was working again tonight anyway, so I hung around the pack house for a bit. There was plenty to do here, and it was for the use of all pack members regardless of rank or title. I’d heard of some packs where only higher ranking wolves could even go into the pack house unaccompanied unless they were working. Life at Dawn Sky was pretty good, even for an omega wolf. I decided to go into the games room. It’s where a lot of the wolves my age hung out. Ben was in there playing pool with one of the other warriors. He froze when he saw me. I hated that I’d hurt him. Ben was a good guy, no actually he was a great guy. He’d treated me like a queen this past year. I could have seen myself falling for him if I hadn’t already been in love with Jake. I gave him a small smile and walked over to where Sarah was sitting drinking. I grabbed a drink of my own and sat down next to her. I needed a drink. Today had been an emotional roller coaster. ALPHA COOPER I asked Jake if he had any ideas. I was at a loss, if I’m honest. Amie’s mother Kelly had long been a sore point for me. I had known her since we were young. We had actually been very close during our childhood. Then, one day, she had just stopped speaking to me. I had never known why. Every time that I’d asked, Kelly would just sneer at me and walk away. I had been happy when she had gotten married and had Amie. Then, her husband died in an accident, leaving her alone to raise a child. I reached out to her many times, but each time, I was met with that same sneer and a refusal. How was I supposed to help someone who wouldn’t let me? Jake came up with the idea of sending a warrior into the city to watch over her without her knowing. Until we came up with something more long term. I agreed, I was proud when he even offered to take the first shift himself. I knew that my boy was going to make a great alpha. Dawn Sky would be in great hands. I looked over at him “Son, there is something else that I’d like to discuss while I have you here.” I told him. He nodded to show that he was listening. “You did very well at the training academy and with the way you have behaved since returning home, helping with the refugees and such. My son, I think that you are ready to take over the reigns here. I know that you will continue to make me proud.” I said. He was speechless for a moment. “Dad, I don’t know what to say. I won’t let you down.” He told me. “I know you won’t. We can discuss the details of me handing over the pack tomorrow. Obviously, your mother will continue on as Luna until you find your mate.” I finished. He stood up, nodding and left with a big smile on his face. He would be heading into the city tonight to watch over Kelly. Tomorrow, we will come together as a family and discuss my retirement. I headed back upstairs, I would sleep well tonight.
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