
3091 Words
"Can you play cards?" Demelza asked, chewing on her chips as she sprayed out the game cards on the small table. Karen had just walked in and Demelza had noticed her immediately. Karen looked around at the kids seated around the table with Demelza. They weren't much. "Can you play cards?" Demelza's voice came again and she looked back at Demelza, then shrugged before taking a seat. "I could try." Demelza picked up a pack of cards and started sharing it around. Karen looked around again and that was when she noticed Neville seated at her left. She thought he'd disappeared from the house. She hadn't seen him around in a while. His face was not in her direction so she looked back at Demelza who was sharing the cards. When the cards had gone round equally, Demelza dropped the remaining cards. Karen picked up her own portion of the cards and stared at them. She stared at the numbers, the shapes, And they were all trying to bring back a memory. She didn't fight it but just let it play out in her subconscious. She could see herself seated on the floor with Mujang Connor. They had cards scattered all around them and had some in their hands as they played. "It's my last card now," Connor's voice filled her subconscious as he grinned at her. She laughed out and pointed at him with a shake of her head. "You're cheating!" "I'm not." Connor laughed. "You're cheating! Get up!" Her laughter resounded. "I'm not." "Karen, It's your turn," A voice spoke, drawing her out of her reverie into reality. She looked at the person who'd spoken and saw that it was Neville. She looked back at her cards and slipped one out, then dropped it on top of the small pile of cards at the centre of the table. She then, watched as Neville stared at his cards, picked out one and dropped it on the small pile of cards. Her eyes remained on Neville. Her brows were slightly arched in confusion and amazement. Isn't Neville supposed to be blind? How did he know exactly where the pile of cards were? And why was he staring at the cards like he could actually see the numbers and all? He unexpectedly turned his head gently towards her direction, and she didn't look away. She kept her gaze on his face, particularly, on his grey eyes. Her brows were furrowed and her eyes, slightly narrowed, as if trying to figure out something in his eyes. Slowly,she finally moved her gaze away from his face and back on her cards. They played for a while before finally ending the game. Elena had just come there to announce that it was time for lunch. Demelza packed the cards into a sack and Karen stood to help, grabbing as much cards as she could. Neville was still seated there and was just watching his fingers on the table. His support stick was lying beside him. Demelza and Karen finished packing up the cards and Demelza put the sack away. "C'mon, Neville. Lunch time!" Demelza said excitedly as she hurried past Neville who was still seated on the chair. She grabbed Karen's hand and began to pull her along as they walked towards the doorway leading to the room where lunch was served. Karen looked back as Demelza pulled her along. Neville was just standing from his chair, picking his stick at the same time. "Demelza." She tapped her. "What of Neville?" Demelza looked back at Neville but kept walking and pulling her along. "He'll be fine." She smiled as they walked down the corridor. They got to the hall and most of the kids there were already eating. They were paired at several small round tables. Demelza and Karen walked up to an empty table and sat. One of the nannies brought their food, and Karen looked back towards the door just when Neville entered. "Extra," She told the woman who nodded and left to bring Neville's plate. Neville got to their table and sat on the empty chair there. The woman returned just then and dropped Neville's food before him, then left. "You couldn't even wait for me." Neville huffed looking directly at Demelza. She couldn't hear what he'd said, but with his expression, she got a hint of what he'd said. She rolled her eyes and started eating. Neville sighed and Karen watched as he picked up his spoon from the exact spot it was on. "Are you really blind?" She couldn't help but ask. He looked up at her and she watched his grey eyes that were fixed on her. "Not completely," He finally spoke. "I can see you...and every other thing in here...but the view is partially a blur." "What are you two talking about?" Demelza asked, watching them. They both looked at her. Karen stood and left, returning later with a paper and ink. She placed it on the table beside her plate and began to write down the words for Demelza. "About Neville. He acts like he isn't blind." She wrote. "Oh." Demelza picked her spoon and resumed eating. "He sees partially. His vision is not completely clear. It's partly blurry. And has Neville told you he has magic?" "Huh?" "He does. He has this gift that enables him see things that are very far away." "Who asked you that?" Neville sighed in exasperation and then ate a piece of his meat. Demelza didn't hear him, of course, and just continued talking to Karen. "He can see a hundred miles away from here. That ability only comes out when he wants it to,though. But physically and normally, he's blind...Partially. You want to know where he's from?" Neville sighed again and covered his face with his palms while Karen giggled. "Where is he from?" "Creston." Karen's mouth opened in awe as she looked at Neville. "Creston?" "Yes. He's lucky, isn't he?" Demelza grinned. "Being from Creston isn't something to be so proud of," Neville said, pouting. "Of course it is." Karen hit him lightly. "It's the dwelling place of the guardians." Neville simply shrugged and took another spoonful of his meal. "Did you ever get to meet the guardians while you were still in Creston?" Karen asked, taking a spoonful of her food as well. "I don't remember a time I was in Creston. Firstly, I was blind from birth. Secondly, I was abandoned when I was barely three, So No, I've never met the guardians. It's not like I even know my parents." Karen chewed on her food slowly, then looked down at her plate and took another spoonful. No one spoke again till they were all done with lunch. They left the room with the swarm of other kids. Demelza and Karen walked side-by-side while Neville walked behind them with his walking stick. Demelza led them to one of the windows there and they looked through it. Their eyes landed on a girl outside there who looked about their age, swordfighting with an older man. She was doing it so perfectly that Karen got enthralled and leaned closer to the window. The girl was skilled! She was dressed in white baggy trousers and shirt. A green material was tied to her waist and there was another around her head. Her long ponytail followed her each time she spun round. She was using the sword like she was born with it. "Who's she?" Karen asked, still watching in awe. "Chloe," Demelza answered after lip-reading Karen's question. She was watching the girl too. "Advice number 1: Never cross her path," She added,then moved away from the window. "W—Why?" Karen asked and leaned away from the window too, following after Demelza. Neville followed and Karen slowed down to hold his arm, leading him as they walked. Demelza didn't answer Karen's question and Karen concluded that she didn't hear her, but she decided, however, not to ask again. They kept walking with Demelza taking the lead. "You're not taking us outside, Demelza, are you?" Neville asked. He must be so familiar with the house. Demelza didn't answer and Neville had to poke her back with his stick. "Ouch! What was that for?" "You aren't taking us outside, are you?" He asked again, and she lip-read. "I am. I want to go outside for few minutes." "You know what's going to happen if Madam Elena finds out." Demelza grinned. "Like you said. 'IF' she finds out." She turned and continued walking while Karen just stood on her spot,still holding Neville. "You can go with her. I'm going back inside." He turned and began to walk back inside. "Why not come with us?" "I don't want to. I don't feel like going outside. You can go with Demelza. Just stay near her and you'll be fine." He turned to smile at her before continuing his walk. Karen turned and ran to catch up with Demelza. They didn't go through the normal exit door, but used another door. They came out to the outside and the sun immediately greeted their faces. As they walked further, the breeze blew in their hair and they could feel its gentle massage on their scalp. "Feels so good to be outside." Demelza smiled, inhaling the fresh air. Karen inhaled too and perceived the smell of freshly baked bread. She sighed out dreamily and continued moving beside Demelza. They were walking past several people who were going about their various activities Karen touched Demelza's arm and Demelza turned her head to her as they kept walking. "Where exactly are we headed?" She voiced out and signed at the same time. "Nowhere." Demelza smiled. "We'll just walk around and go back. But we'll be fast before Madam Elena notices our absence." "Alright." Karen nodded and watched the several people around as they walked. "What's that?" Karen asked, pointing to a building from where she could see few children inside. All seated and dressed in green. "That's the sirak school. All sirak kids go there to be tutored on their powers. How to use it properly and all that. They also train them in swordfighting." "Wow," Karen whispered as they walked past the school. They'd had nothing like that back when they were in Eldon. Every mujang child got tutored by his/her mujang parents. They walked around for a little more while before Demelza finally decided it was time to go back to the special home. They reversed and started their walk back to the Shenon Special Home. They started to walk pass one of the buildings there when Karen slowed down, watching the boy that was training inside the building. The two-sided door of the small building was wide open so she could see everything inside. She finally stopped walking completely and just stood, watching the boy who was training all alone. He was dressed totally in black and green and Karen stood, amazed at how he moved his sword swiftly and easily. He had no idea he was being watched. "Karen?" Karen turned and found Demelza walking back to her. "What are you doing? Let's go." "Who's he?" She signed, then pointed into the building. Demelza looked inside it and saw the boy. "His name is Ishaan. He's cute, isn't he?" Karen smiled and Demelza stood there with her, watching the boy fight the air fiercely. His expression, tough and fierce. "When did Ishaan become so good with the sword? And when did he become such a tough fighter?" Demelza asked, watching him dreamily. "What do you mean?" "From what I know and from what I've seen, he wasn't so good with the sword before. And he wasn't even a tough fighter." "Well, I guess he's been training a whole lot recently," Karen said and Demelza lip-read, then nodded. "Do you want corn?" Demelza suddenly asked and Karen looked at where she was pointing at. There was someone selling corn nearby. "Yes." "I have some money here. I'll be back. Don't go too close to the building. Cromwell might be anywhere around." "Cromwell?" Karen asked but Demelza had already walked off. "How's Cromwell connected to Ishaan?" She wondered as she returned her gaze to the boy. He still hadn't noticed that he was being watched. Or maybe he noticed but chose to ignore. They boy moved farther into the room and Karen could hardly see him anymore so she walked closer to the building and leaned against the wall close to the door then slowly peeped inside. She could see him clearly again. He was still training. Just then, he turned around, and then paused. He had seen her! She remained where she was, Not hiding or even trying to run. She just stood there, staring at him while he stared back at her. "And who are you?" A voice suddenly came behind her and she froze. The voice sounded familiar, and she hoped it wasn't who she thought it was. Slowly, she turned around and looked up, right into the face of Lord Cromwell. She watched the way his face distorted in disgust on seeing it was her. "You? You seriously want me to finish you off, don't you?" She fearfully took a step back. "And what are you doing watching my son!" Her heart thumped. Son? She looked around for Demelza and found her paying the trader selling the corn. Demelza turned just then and froze on seeing Cromwell standing before Karen. Cromwell pulled out his sword and placed the pointy tip beneath Karen's jaw, raising her jaw with it so she could look directly at him. "I promised not to try to harm you again...but on a condition that you don't cross my path. Unfortunately, you just did...and I don't think I'm sparing you this time." He brought down the sword and pushed Karen inside the building. "Karen!" Demelza screamed just as Cromwell banged the doors close. Inside, Karen looked up at Ishaan who was still watching both his father and the strange girl. He noticed the colour of her eyes just then and Karen watched as he gave a little cringe. "Son, it's time for the last part of your training," Cromwell spoke as he picked a long green material from a small table at a corner, then walked back to Karen. She was breathing hard and she and Ishaan were still holding gazes. Cromwell stood behind her and her breathing turned even heavier as he placed the green material around her head and began to tie it at the back. She shut her eyes and gulped. Her heart was beating unsteadily. Not necessarily because of Cromwell's presence, but because of the green material he was tying around her head. Her entire being wanted to tear the material off her head. "I'm not a sirak!!" Her subconscious screamed. She felt very uncomfortable and uneasy because of the material around her head. An identification for the siraks. Cromwell finished tying it and then patted her head with a smile. Her eyes were still shut and she was still breathing hard. He walked back to the small table, picked a medium-sized sword—A real sword, just like Ishaan's—and headed back to her. She finally opened her eyes again as he handed the sword to her. "You'd love a little swordfight with my son, won't you?" He had a mischievous smile on his face. She didn't answer. She was simply staring back at him and her grip on the sword was not tight. Infact, the sword felt heavy in her hand and she felt like she would drop it any moment. Her heart was still thumping. Cromwell smiled at her again, then walked to his son, Ishaan. "That's your target for the last part of this training." He bent to Ishaan's height and whispered the remaining words. "No mercy, Ishaan. Kill her," he finished and patted his shoulder, then stood straight. "Start," he ordered. Both stood at their spots with their swords, watching each other. Both were breathing heavily. Ishaan's eyes watched the supposed human target before him. "Ishaan..." His father called lowly. His eyes narrowed with his gaze still on the girl. He held the handle of his sword tighter and in the next second,he rushed towards Karen who began to move back hurriedly. He swung his sword at her and she jumped back. Her own sword landed on the floor. Ishaan began to swing his sword at her in a fast pace and soon, dodging became more difficult for her. She'd never engaged in a swordfight before. Cromwell stood where he was, watching them. Ishaan attacked again and this time,Karen used her powers. It was mostly an unconscious act and more like an act of reflex. It was something that worked with her mind and in the next second, Ishaan's pace slowed, enabling her to move away. His pace returned to normal immediately she was out of the way and he landed on the floor on his stomach. "Ishaan! Get up!" Cromwell's voice was stern. The boy winced and gently stood, holding his stomach. He wrapped his hands firmly around his sword again and then dived at Karen with the sword. She slowed his pace again and ran to the other side. He automatically got released immediately and landed hard on his stomach again. "Ishaan!" Karen looked up at Cromwell and saw that he was marching towards them. She seized the opportunity and made for the door. She got to it and started turning the knob frantically but the door refused to open. It was locked. She kept turning the knob and banging on the door. "You little..." She felt hands pull her back by her dress and she landed on her butt. Of course it was Cromwell. He pulled her up to her feet and turned her to face Ishaan who was already standing again with his sword. He pushed her and she stumbled forward at the same time that Ishaan lunged at her again. She raised her head just when his sword moved through the air towards her. The next thing that followed was a sharp cry of pain as the sword cut deeply through her thigh and blood immediately began to gush out. "Karen!!" Demelza's voice suddenly travelled through the room from outside as hands began to pound on the door. The pain shot through her entire body and her cries filled the room as she placed her hand over her b****y thigh and lowered herself onto the floor.
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