Rants and threats

1019 Words

'I don't understand. You mean Arnold has descended this low?' Ruger barked angrily when Leo told him what happened at the disciplinary meeting. 'I tell you, coach, I was stupefied, myself. He told me right in front of the other executives, that I should own up and apologize,' Leo blurted. Ruger stared at Leo until his gaze shifted from Leo's face into space. He zoned out. Suddenly, Ruger snapped back to the moment and went for his phone. He started to dial a number. 'What are you doing?' Leo asked him, raising a suspicious eyebrow, but Ruger did not respond. 'Hello, President Arnold sir...' Ruger started to say. Leo's eyes widened in shock while he gazed at Ruger, wondering what he was going to tell the President. 'Can we have a short meeting, please? I will meet you up anywhere you

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