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'My hotel room' Leo replied, testing the waters to see Marilyn's reaction. She laughed and looked towards Leo in shock and admiration. 'Are you usually this daring and domineering? There's something brash about you, I just can't place a finger around' Marilyn told him. Leo, knowing exactly what she was talking about concerning him being brash, kept his aura as light as possible. There was no way he was going to key into what she said because it will make him have to explain what the domineering aura was about, and then she might find out about who he really was, so he kept his cool. 'Brash is a harsh word to address someone by, you know? Are you indirectly hinting that I'm rough?' Leo asked her, pretending to be hurt. 'Well, you be the judge of that.' She replied. 'You attacked me at my house this morning, remember?' Marilyn asked. 'Attacked you, how?' Leo responded, his eyes glinting in surprise at her accusation. 'Dude, you barged in on me, as if I had known you all my life. Do you realize that we only met last night, for the first time in our lives? Now here you are, talking about you taking me to your hotel. How daring of you for real' Marilyn ranted. Leo quickly turned to observe her. She suddenly sounded upset, or was it just the energy naturally building up while she tried to catch up with so many words at the same time? 'I'm not taking you to my hotel' He quickly confessed. 'There's a quiet spot at the extreme of the street my hotel is at. I go there to clear my head and feed pigeons if I can' he added. 'That's where I'm taking us to' Leo remarked, looking ahead of him warily. He secretly wished that Marilyn had accepted to join him indoors. 'How boring' Marilyn replied, rolling her eyes and fiddling for her phone inside her bag. 'There are a thousand and one places of interest in Lion, and you can only think of taking me to a quiet spot where pigeons are being fed?' Marilyn said and scoffed. With her phone in her hand, she started to search for locations, befitting locations that could spell out some actual fun for them. 'There you go. There's a car racing center just around the corner. We can go there and race ourselves to a bet'. She said excitedly, showing the screen of her phone at Leo's face, but he gently pushed her hand aside. 'I want to spend time with you, alone. In the quiet. I want to get to know you' Leo replied. He tried as much as possible to sound as calm and romantic as possible, but Marilyn thought it was awkward. 'Why can't you get to know me at the race track?' she asked him with a ridiculous look on her face. Leo was tongue tied. The real reason he had chosen that spot to hang out with Marilyn was because there was hardly anyone around there. No one would notice him and start making fanatic gestures at him. He was running away from all that. 'Marilyn, I know you are a tough one, but please just allow me this one okay?' He begged. 'Okay, just this once and no more than this, please' Marilyn replied. 'Oh, you already agree to other dates apart from this one, that is encouraging to hear. Thank you' Leo told her, bowing while he thanked Marilyn for saving him the stress of asking her on another date, and hoping that she will not decline his invitation. She rolled her eyes. There was always something clever about him. Anytime she thought she had him by the balls, stuck to a corner without a way out of her smart mouth, Leo always wriggled his way free. Just as he had said already, there was the spot he was talking about. Peaceful and serene. It didn't take time before Marilyn understood what he meant by being there most of the time to clear his head. It was indeed a therapeutic place to be at. But she genuinely hoped that it would not become a habit of theirs because she could already tell that she would be spending time with him most of the time, as far as he remained in Lion. 'Here we are' Leo yelped, switching off the car and adjusting the hat he wore to cover his face better. 'What's the hat for? You have nice hair, so?' Marilyn absent-mindedly said while she hopped out of the car. 'Do I?' Leo asked excitedly, taking a look around to confirm that there was nobody in sight, and then taking off the heart. If the miss thought that he had nice hair, then he would flaunt that damn hair for as long as he could. 'What? You have got to be kidding me' Marilyn exclaimed, laughing intensely when she saw that Leo had taken off the hat because of what she said. By now, Leo had started to get in the mood to engulf her with his presence. Both romantically and domineeringly. According to her claim that is. He allowed Marilyn to wander away towards the lake that burbled its way across the space that it occupied. 'This has got to be the one' Leo muttered while he watched his woman of interest live free. Marilyn fell in love with the spot instantly. 'There are your pigeons' she yelled at Leo from afar while he gently made his way towards her. Wondering how he intended to feed the pigeons because she didn't see him carrying anything that might have contained their food, she stared at him with expectation. 'They always have food stored in this pouch' Leo said, knowing what her expectant gaze what about. He dipped his hands into a secret compartment of the chair that stood there, waiting for anyone that came to bask in the serenity of the spot to sit on. 'Okay? How long have you been in Leo again, for you to know so much about this place already' Marilyn asked him in surprise.
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