You are not invited

1020 Words

‘’Leo, my sister is around,’ Marilyn told Leo as soon as she picked up his call. It was a Sunday evening and Agnes had been in Lion for twenty-four hours. ‘Say hi to her for me. Is she having fun?’ Leo asked. ‘No. No, I’m not having fun, it ought to be your responsibility to make me have a good time here,’ Agnes yelled into the phone. ‘Babe am I on speaker?’ Leo whispered to Marilyn. ‘Mhmm’ Marilyn hummed. You have been having a blast out there, now it’s my turn,’. She told Leo. ‘A blast, how? Marilyn, I’ve been at work!’ Leo responded. ‘Wow then. Work must be such a blast for you all the time,’ Marilyn replied. 'I don't understand. What sort of replies are you giving me?' Leo asked warily. He was honestly confused because Marilyn was speaking in riddles. 'Leo, don't act like

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