The Girl Who Took The Drink I

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“Four!” I turned to my back and saw Han and the rest of her so-called friends, approaching me with their filthy hands inside their drug-filled pockets, walking and acting as if they were cool – but they’re not, at least from the perspective of someone like me who thinks that cool is when you have superpowers like Superman – and maybe if you’re super-rich like Bruce Wayne. It’s funny how intimidating they all look side by side with one another when they’re all a piece of s**t like how our lives, unfortunately, turned into. “You made it! I have coke here. You want some? To loosen up your saggy-looking ass.”  She slapped my buttock as she spoke. I grunted, shaking my head in dismay. I took a cup from the guy that was passing by and drank it before I get sober again and being sober only lets you feel all the pain in the world like a meteor shower. I let out a satisfied sigh as the cherry taste of vodka lingers through my senses – it didn’t sting my throat like the first time I had it. “Take it yourself. You look like you need it more than I do after all.” I replied to Han who was smiling by herself like the high she was right now, not drunk. “I’m so sober! What are you talking about?! I need more like, right now!” You’ve already had enough. I glared at Han before she stumbled by the counter like a drunken old woman with no spouse to run off to. At this point, I just wondered why the odds were making my life more miserable than it already was. My life is more messed up than it should have been, and it’s getting more messed up the day I met this f****d up woman who claims herself as my friend. Han suddenly wrapped her arms around me. “You’re not bailing at the party tomorrow, right?” Fuck. I choked on the drink I was trying to finish, jerking her away from me before she vomitted her guts out to me. “Parties are getting underwhelming. I hate dull parties, you know that.” Her lips moved in circles as she looked at me with her squinted eyes. “You and your little p***y!” She suddenly exclaimed, pulling and pushing my shoulders to directions she find fitting. “It’s the comeback party for starting another hella school year! You have to be there!” She screamed right over my ear, causing me to crouch away from her in irritation. “You never miss a party—you never did for the past five years! It’s your reputation now! Wild party girl, Forest Young!” At that, she danced like an old lady trying to seduce a man she took from a bar stool. Some reputation. “You said this is the last time you’re dragging me to a shitty party,” I glared at Han, resting my arms over my waist. “Be a man of your words.” Han grinned playfully. “I would,” She glared at me, raising another red cup from a stranger which she took. “If I were a man.” The more you know. “Too bad I’m not.” I rolled my eyes in disbelief. “Come on! Everyone will be there!” She wrapped her arms around my shoulder, tiptoeing to shorten the height gap. “All the good s**t as well,” “The more reason why I shouldn’t be at a f*****g party wasting my goddamn time!” I yelled back at her, and her friends didn’t look too happy about it. I didn’t give a f**k about what they think anyway. They can talk s**t about my ass, for I care. I can easily break their bones if I wanted to – I just don’t. She frowned, moving away from me to show how disappointed she was. “Stop being a party shitter and just come, will ya?!” She whammed a hand over the back of my head, so I furrowed my brows, shocked. “What the f**k is that for?!” I exclaimed, but she just laughed like I just cracked up some joke or something. One thing was for sure, I wanted my fist landing over her cheeks this instant. Maybe she can wake up from her dreams if I did. “There’s going to be some scag there, you know what I mean?” She wiggled her eyebrows and shoulders giddily, and I swear, she was moving so much on her own that it’s making me nauseous. “You better walk and come with me tomorrow or I’m dragging your fat ass there with me by force.” She crossed her arms and smirked at me like the usual asshole she was. “You’ve had it before, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that to happen the nth time.” “f**k you.” “I love you too, bitch.” She patted my head like I was her dog, and I didn’t like it. I shove her hand away from me as she spoke. “Besides,” She suddenly leaned closer to my ear and whispered, “I heard Gavin will be there this time.” I jerked her face away from me with a scowl. “Still looking salty, I see.” “Run before I catch up and strangle you to death.” I barked at her which didn’t threaten her – it only amused her. “I swear to God, Han. I’m giving you this chance to save your rotten life.” She turned her back with a smug look on her face, and left with her gang, yelling see ya before she was finally out of my sight – what an eyesore. Well, this is a great way to end vacation – wasted, watching college kids ruin their lives for the things they practically decided upon themselves.
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