Chapter 3- A stalker

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"Did you see those two from earlier?" a waitress, Carol said. "I've never seen such fine men in my life before." "They looked like models." another waitress, Helen replied. It was no surprise they would find the men attractive as most immortal men were dangerously good looking but even Lilith had to agree that they were stunning. However she found the quiet one particularly eye catching. He had brown hair that looked disheveled, probably from constantly running his hand through it and amber eyes that had almost made Lilith sigh. Of all the immortal men she had come across, he was without doubt the most attractive. When she had gone to hand their bill over, she noticed he tried talking to her but ended up fumbling his words which she found oddly cute. If she were to judge him based on appearance alone she never would’ve guessed him to be the shy type, Seeming embarrassed he didn't attempt speaking to her again. Watching him leave had disappointed her a tad, although she didn't want to admit that to herself. All this time she’d made sure to limit her contact with as much immortals as possible, she felt Octavier wouldn't find her that way. Pushing the thoughts of the fine stranger away, Lilith finished her shift for the day and headed home. Her apartment was only a few blocks away from the restaurant so she walked home. She wasn't far from the restaurant when she got the odd feeling that someone was following her but it was hard to tell with the crowds of people lining the busy street. Lilith wasn't even sure if she was being followed because she didn't feel the hairs on her neck stand in alarm, her usual warning signal that a threat loomed. That meant she wasn't in trouble so she just decided to ignore the feeling altogether *** Dion was ashamed of himself. Indeed he had kicked Asher out of his car and had driven off yet somehow he found himself driving back to the restaurant but was too ashamed to walk back in and ask for her contact. He didn't even trust himself not to stutter like a blubbering fool as he did earlier so he sat in the car waiting for what he didn't even know. A couple hours later, she walked out of the restaurant only this time she wasn't dressed in the button up shirt or pencil skirt. She wore jeans that were a bit baggy and an oversized shirt. She looked gorgeous in casual clothes as well. She swung her tote bag over her shoulder and walked away. The streets were busy even at this time of the day and soon he lost her in the crowd of people. He got out of his car and followed her trail. 'gods I feel like such a stalker' yet he couldn't help himself, he followed her all the way to her appartment building before deciding to end it there. He watched her walk up the steps to what he assumed was her home before he turned away and walked back to his car. He actually followed her back home like some creep. Putting his head on the steering wheel, he continued to scold himself yet his thoughts somehow strayed to the gray eyes that had nearly taken his breath away. No woman in existence was that stunning and yet fate had made her his mate. How could one man be so lucky yet so unlucky at the same time? *** "I tell you the lad couldn't even speak properly. The ever smooth Dion stuttering in front of a woman" Asher laughed as he recounted the events of their visit to the restaurant to Malcom. Dion Glared at the Lycan while Malcom guffawed. They both seemed to get a joy from laughing at his predicament. "And you said she's fae too. What kind of fae is she?" Malcom asked and Dion was suddenly reminded how he knew close to nothing about his fae mate. All he knew was her name and where she lived. "I didn't get around to asking if you couldn't tell." Dion answered with a hint of annoyance and Malcom gave a hearty laugh at his response. "I'm just so happy you found her. You have no idea the euphoria you'll get from simply being in her presence." Dion stared at Malcom, he didn't think his story would be half as easy as Malcom's. Olivia had been infatuated with Malcom from the moment he rescued her and had claimed she would wed him. Malcom was the one who tried resisting the fae because she was but a young girl at the time. He had merely seen a girl worshipping the man who saved her. It took years and one life threatening experience for Malcom to come to terms with the fact that he couldn't live without her. In Dion's case he couldn't even manage to talk to Lilith. He had nothing connecting him to her other than the fact that he had stalked her home. Malcom's phone rang at that moment and his eyes lit up, probably expecting it to be Olivia. The phone read Old witch and the three sighed. The Old witch was the owner of the restaurant where he met Lilith. Eve, a very powerful witch who was respected by many immortals including Dion himself. Malcom felt he owed her greatly for saving Olivia's life once. He picked up the call on the third ring, "I need you and the boys to get me some herbs from the Draken plane" "Not even a hello, I'm hurt Eve. It almost seems like you only contact me when you need something." Malcom feigned sadness eventhough he would do anything the witch asked. "I wouldn't want you to think otherwise." the witched laughed from the other end of the phone. "I need those herbs as soon as possible, I've already let the portal guards know you'll be on your way." Dion and Asher groaned. The Draken plane was a dangerous demon plain that most immortals would normally avoid and yet she wanted them to fetch herbs for her like they’d only be taking a trip to a backyard garden. "By no means are we botanists of any sort, how would we know what you need. You're better off sending one of your apprentices" Dion said clearly not wanting to go to the dragon infested plane. "I'll have one of my girls accompany you. If anything you should thank me Dion, I'll be granting you a favor." the lady snorted. What possible favor could she offer him? He saw her words as no more than a ploy to keep him from complaining. "Drive by my place and come pick her up." She hung up the phone with that and they all sighed heavily. "I'll call Olivia to tell her what's happening, we'll head to the witch's place in 10.” With that Malcom strode off with his phone in hand. After some time they arrived at the building the witch lived in. They walked in, already familiar with the building's layout and headed towards what they knew as her favorite work room. They were faced with what looked like a witch doctor's lair which wasn't totally inaccurate in this case. Two young witches were present actively working on grinding the contents of their mortars with small pestles. "You're here." They heard Eve's voice from behind them. "Took you long enough." "I hope you aren't sending us to our death here." Asher said. Each and every time the witch sent them on errands they had nearly died. "You'll be fine," she chuckled then suddenly turned serious "You're to accompany my ward and she is to return without a single scratch on her pretty head. Do you understand?" Dion arched a brow at that. So Eve could be protective. Whoever they were here for was obviously very important to the witch. A second later a tall black haired female walked in and Dion froze in his spot, his eyes instantly fixated on her. She had on cargo shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt. A leg harness was strapped to her left thigh and it held what looked like a dagger and a pouch. She had a big bag slung over her shoulders. The tips of her ears weren't covered by hair this time as her hair was put in a messy bun so he got to admire her unique ears, fascination evident in him. Dion's breath hitched. What were the odds that she would be the one they were to accompany? And then he suddenly recalled Eve saying she was doing him a favor. He glanced in Eve's direction to see a smirk on her lips. Eve knew. He didn’t know how but the witch knew. Dion couldn't take his eyes off her ears. Would those tips be as sensitive as Malcom said they were? According to the vampire the tips of their ears were apparently an erogenous zone for the Fae. The shorts she wore gave him a glimpse of smooth plump thighs and the harness she wore made his thoughts stray to indecent places. A goddess. She was a goddess. When he finally managed to pry his eyes off her body, his eyes met hers. Clear gray pools stared back at him as if she saw into his very soul. "I'm Lilith and I guess I'll be in your care for the next couple of days." She greeted with a soft bow. At the mention of her name Malcom’s head snapped in Dion's direction. From the look on his face, Malcom could tell she was his fae. Dion's was trying to keep his calm but his hooded black eyes betrayed him. Malcom had a hint of what was going through his head because he himself remembered constantly lusting over Olivia in a similar fashion. "Now you head over to the portal and get me my herbs. And don't forget what I said. Not a single hair on her head should be hurt or I will feed your loins to ghouls.” "I have a feeling that a certain someone would never let that happen." Asher laughed.
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