Chapter 14 Today's the day!

1097 Words
Ace's POV Sun flashed in my eyes as my Mother tore open the thick curtains in my room. "Rise and shine," she announced. Rolling over in my bed, I covered my head with a pillow. "You need to get up and pack for your honeymoon," she reminds me. With all the excitement and with my focus solely on Kaylee, I forgot to pack. Come to mention it; I haven't even told her about our secret getaway. Alpha Samuel has graciously offered his beach resort for us to use this week. Even though our Fathers hated each other, we have become more like brothers. Samuel has been checking up on me daily and very helpful in me finding my mate. Tonight after the wedding, we will be signing an alliance treaty between our two kingdoms. "Your uniform is hanging up in your dressing area," Mom said, pulling me back in from my thoughts. Jumping out of bed, the excitement and anticipation of the day claimed my body. Nervous jitters floated through my stomach. I decided to get dressed first before trying to eat anything. While I was walking to my dressing room, the doors to the main room flung open.  Beta Alex charges in with a big grin on his face. "Your getting laid tonight, Bro."  Great the teasing has already begun.  I just laughed at his comment and started getting dressed. Today I would be wearing my formal Alpha King uniform. The suit was all black with a burgundy sash, and gold buttons lined the shoulders. Burgundy and gold were the official colors of the Kingdom. Sitting down on the stool, I pulled on a pair of long grey socks with our family emblem at the top. A loud knock came at the door. Beta Alex ran and opened it while I was putting my shoes on. It was Gamma Lauren, "Captain Douglas would like to speak with Ace before the ceremony." Overhearing their conversation, I yelled, "Of course, have him come in now." I'm sure he wants to have the Father of the bride talk with me. Alex ushered him into where I'm seated. He looks at me and bows respectfully. Standing up, I declare, "Captain Douglas, have no fear. I will love and cherish Kaylee as my mate. I will gladly lay down my life for her protection." Captain Douglas stares at me, intently with his mouth slightly open. "Yes, Alpha King, I know you will take excellent care of my daughter. However, that is not the reason I have come to speak with you. I went to see Kaylee this morning, and she asked me to give you a message. Last night she had a dream. Her wolf warned her that the Northern Border of the kingdom would be invaded by Alpha Bane tomorrow. She also said that you and her need to complete the mating ritual before you leave for battle." I knew Alpha Bane would try and ruin my special day. He probably is counting on us leaving for our honeymoon and then destroying our kingdom. "Ahhh," I yelled, pounding my fist into the wall. "Assemble my troops at once! We leave for the Northern Border first thing in the morning. Have them pack for a long stay. We are not coming home until the Rogues are wiped off the face of this earth. Alert the Northern guards. Everyone is on duty tonight. Thank you for relaying this information, Captain Douglas. It would honor me if you would live in the Castle and protect Kaylee while I'm gone." "It would be my pleasure, Alpha," he said as he bowed to me. Knowing that Pearl could sense the future. I trusted her completely. Nanook was spinning circles in my head. He wanted to mark Kaylee now and leave to fight. I had to silence him by closing our mind link. Alex put his hand on my shoulder, "It's ten o'clock, time to get outside to mingle with the guests. The wedding is in one hour." I nodded and followed him outside. At the end of the Castle rose garden was a red carpet leading down to a platform stage. White and purple flowers filled the background. Tables with white tablecloths filled the grassy area. There were enough seats for a thousand people. I made sure there was a dedicated space for all the girls kidnapped with Kaylee and their mates. Alpha dignitaries and their Luna's were seated at tables in the front with gold tablecloths. Captain Douglas's family were seated at the first table on the aisle. Standing at the rose garden entrance, I greeted my guests, then Alex showed them to their seats. The orchestra started playing soft wedding music, and the minister took his place at the front of the platform. My mother, Isabella, walked up behind me and placed her hand on my back. "Son, it's time to take your place." I swallowed hard and tried to take a deep breath. I motioned with my hand for Alex to come over. We walked around the tables and stood on the stage. Next to my Beta Alex stood Alpha Samuel, the only two men I trusted. Sweat rolled down my back as we were waiting for the ceremony to start. This uniform is unbearable to wear while standing in the sun. What was taking so long? Finally, the orchestra began to play Pachelbel's Canon in D. I wanted to surprise Kaylee and included her little cousin Abby as the flower girl. Shyly Abby walked down the red carpet, not knowing if she should through the rose petals or not. Of course, that made everyone laugh. Alpha Samuel has a look of love and pride as his Luna Daisy walked to the front of the stage. The maid of honor is Breanna, Kaylee's best friend that she had saved during the kidnapping. Alex, who is standing next to me, growls and says, "Mine." Whoa, his wolf just claimed her as his mate. I'll have to congratulate him after the wedding. Thankfully they saved the best for last. Kaylee was standing at the end of the red carpet arm in arm with her Dad. She had the most beautiful smile on her face. Her diamond necklace failed in comparison to her shining blue eyes. As I watched her walk toward me, my own eyes started to water. How did I get so lucky to have her for my mate? Nanook was trying to claw his way out of my body. I decided to share and let him have a look at her too.
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