Chapter 18 Blue Thread

1159 Words
Kaylee's POV I awoke the next morning with a lonely heart and a lonely bed. Ace's half of the bed was a cold reminder that he was gone. I was hugging his pillow to my chest to smell his unique forest vanilla scent. The maids had tried to wash the sheets, but I forbid them. "Touch those sheets, and you'll spend a WEEK in the dungeon!" This crazy possessive side was coming from somewhere deep inside my bones. I'm afraid if another woman were even to touch Ace, it would be off with her head. This morning I had an appointment to meet with Hannah, the pack healer. We were going to be running some tests to see what was blocking my mind link abilities. I had been able to mind link with my parents before the rogues kidnapped me. Now I could only recently start to hear Ace's voice. It worried me that I had not heard from him since he left. I didn't want to interrupt him on his mission. He needed to focus all his attention on the attack. Hannah met me downstairs in the foyer. Alfred, the butler, showed us to a small side room. We sat down together on the couch while she started to ask me questions. Hannah had a sweet and gentle spirit. I could tell she genuinely wanted to help. "Have you been feeling different lately? Weak or fatigued?" "I have been more tired. I figured it was all due to the stress of the mating ceremony." "Here, lie down on the couch and put your head on this pillow." Pulling a dark purple pillow with a yellow string fringe out of her bag. I placed my head on top of the comfy cushion. Hannah walked around and placed both hands on either side of my head by my ears. A soft humming came from the back of her throat. "The traumatic events in your life have blocked your mind link. You need to return to the scene of the crime. Your brain needs to heal and regenerate. Take the people who were involved with you that you trust. Your brain has an invisible blue thread that is connecting you to your attacker. There are only two ways to severe this blue thread. One is to face your fears, and the other is by death. Even as we speak, Alpha Bane is drawing his strength from your white wolf. The thread needs to cut at the soonest opportunity. If you want to help Ace and your Kingdom, go back to Cambria Pines." As I sat up on the couch, I realized the truth in what she had said. "You are right. My Father and I will leave for Cambria in the morning. I will ask the other girls if they can meet us there." I couldn't help but wonder if the other girls also lost their ability to mind link. "I have another reason for my visit," Hannah shyly said. We need to discuss your first heat, which will be occurring anytime now. Please notify me at the first sign so I can come and help you through this time. Since Ace is gone, it will be tough for you. Even though you are marked and mated, the scent will attract many non-mated males. Not wanting to sound naive, "So what are the signs of going into heat?" "The most common symptoms are fever and abdominal pains. You will also have an intense desire to be with your mate intimately." My Mother never explained to me all the details of going into heat. I guess she thought we would talk about it when the time came. "Thank you for coming and helping me today."  I gave her a warm hug and promised to call when I felt my first symptom. She handed me a small paper bag with some herbs inside. Cook these herbs in a pot of boiling water and drink one cup twice a day. The herbs will help you process your past trauma. After Hannah left, I cooked the herbs as she prescribed. It tasted terrible, and the smell filled the whole kitchen. I had to pinch my nose while drinking the tea and try not to gag. My Father just stood there and laughed as he watched me drink the herbal concoction. I was willing to do anything that would help my brain heal. I sent out a group text to the 24 other girls. Half of them would be able to meet me in Cambria Pines on such short notice. Daisy had stayed in the Castle with me since her mate Alpha Samuel had also gone to get revenge. My maid of honor, Breanna, stayed with me as well after the wedding. The four of us would be returning to our hometown tomorrow. We would need to take plenty of food and a tent because the town was currently under construction. Mixed emotions swirled through my head. I couldn't sleep, and nightmares plagued me. Part of me was excited to return home and see everyone. The other part of me dreaded digging up all the memories I had buried. To ease my mind, I started chanting a mantra, face my fears, cut the thread over and over. To my relief, the sun started to stream in through the window, spilling light onto the bedsheets. I took a shower and pulled on my favorite jeans. Today was going to take a lot of work, emotionally and physically. There were so many places that I wanted to revisit. I think the best plan would be to start at the beginning, my home. More than anything, I wanted to go through all the burnt rubble and debris. Would my Father and I be able to find some items not destroyed by the fire? What had they done with my Mother's body? I needed answers to all of my questions. There are too many unknowns. At the breakfast table, my fellow travelers were already enjoying their meal. I took my seat next to my Father. "Good morning, sweetheart. Did you have any dreams?" "Only nightmares," I replied. "Don't let them get to you. It's probably coming from the blue thread connecting you and Alpha Bane. Remember, you have to face your fears. The dreams are part of his plan to scare you. You are a White Wolf, and you are stronger than him, and he knows that. You are not doing this alone. We are all here with you." "You're right again, as always. We need to leave as soon as possible. I don't want Alpha Bane to steal any more of my power." Ace placed a personal bodyguard, Micah, to watch over me, along with my Father. Micah brought a white SUV around to the front of the Castle and loaded up all of our gear. Ace always fusses over my safety. It shows how much he loves me.  
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