Chapter 51

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Chapter 151: The Admission Results Are Out! The black all-terrain vehicle was big and bad-ass, and looked especially conspicuous parked there. However, what was even more eye-catching than the vehicle was the person casually leaning against it as she used her cell phone with her head down. Nora, who was fully dressed in black, leaned lazily against the car as she busied herself with her affairs abroad. She was completely unaware that she had become a sight to behold. Students coming and going, as well as passers-by walking past the university gates, found their gazes glued to her. Fair-skinned, tall, slender, and curvy, people couldn’t help but turn their heads. Lisa was also a little surprised to see her. She called out, “Nora?” Upon hearing her voice, Nora finally lifted her head lazily. Her cat-like eyes stared at Lisa’s red and swollen eyes first.. She leisurely finished what she was typing on the phone, sent it out, and finally asked hesitantly, “What’s wrong?” The two words, however, made Lisa feel as if she was an aggrieved child who had finally found her parents. She could no longer control her emotions. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she said, “I… I lost my ID card and admission ticket, Nora!” Nora, “?” She had come over to take a look because Lisa was having an interview today. She hadn’t expected such a situation at all. She had been abroad all these years, so she didn’t know much about how Lisa did in school. She’d originally wanted to have her be admitted into graduate school on her own, but she hadn’t expected her to run into trouble. Since she had lost both her ID card and admission ticket, this was undoubtedly not just an accident. Lisa looked totally deflated after she said that. She hung her head and her shoulders slumped downward. Before she came to New York, her mother had told her not to give Nora any trouble. Thus, she had put up with everything all this time. However, she couldn’t help it anymore. She wanted to ask Nora for help. Not to help her get in through the back door, though; rather, she wanted her to help her fight for a chance to attend the interview. But before she could say that, Nora walked over. As she passed her by, she said, “Come with me.” Those three coolly-uttered words, however, made Lisa’s eyes redden. She lowered her head and followed Nora. Angela frowned. “What are you doing, Nora? The staff member has already refused to let her attend the interview. Are you intending to get in through the back door? It’s not gonna work!” Nora rubbed her ears and uttered in annoyance, “You’re so noisy.” Angela, “…” She flushed and said, “You—” Nora suddenly looked at her frostily. “If you don’t shut up, I’ll make it such that you can’t speak ever again.” Her eyes were cold and menacing, and tinged with impatience when she spoke. However, her slight display of irritability was actually because she hadn’t gotten enough sleep. Angela, however, didn’t dare to say any more and shut up for real. She followed behind them unwillingly and the few of them returned to the interview site. On the way there, Nora took out her cell phone and tapped on it a few times. When they arrived at the interview site, Angela couldn’t stop herself from muttering, “Isn’t it a bad idea to trouble Director Shaw for something as trivial as this, Nora? Director Shaw’s not going to take me as his student if you do that. You should just use whatever conveniences the Andersons’ name can get you on getting me admitted into the school instead! ” The staff member, who recognized them, stopped them resignedly. “Please show me your ID card and admission ticket.” Angela lowered her voice and said, “I told you it won’t work, yet you guys simply have to insist on trying. Now that we can’t get in, it’s going to be so embarrassing. You…” At this point, Nora took out her cell phone and showed the screen to the staff member. At the sight of whatever he saw, the staff member was instantly in awe. His attitude became much more respectful and he asked, “Is there something that requires you to come over in person?” Nora took back the phone. What she had shown the staff member just now was her position as an honorary professor in the university. The titular position was actually pretty useful. What Nora didn’t know was that this would never work in other professors’ cases. However, Anti had already become a legend to any medical student a long time ago! The staff member in charge of maintaining order here was also a teacher in the school, so he naturally knew of her. Nora pointed at Lisa. “Can an e-ID card act as proof of her identity?” The staff member immediately replied, “I’ll go and consult the higher-ups.” “Okay.” The three of them continued standing there in the meantime. A frowning Angela couldn’t help asking, “What did you just show the staff member just now?” “Nothing much,” replied Nora. Angela shut her mouth huffily. She reckoned that it was probably a business card or something from Director Shaw. As expected, the Anderson's were in contact with him. After all, Director Shaw was the only one in the entire medical university that staff members would treat so respectfully! Nora couldn’t be bothered about her, but she was surprisingly quite attentive toward that little dimwit. Five minutes later, the staff member returned and said, “You can go in for the interview now!” Lisa entered the interview room. Angela leaned toward Nora, who was leaning against the wall outside, and said mockingly in a low voice, “It’s still useless even if you help her. Do you know that she actually wants to focus her research on cranial nerve damage reparation? Are there even any surgeons who would do that? Most people with brain issues are already at risk of death; who would care about insignificant problems like that? Besides, I’ve already done my homework—very few people focus on that in the States. Director Shaw once wrote a paper on it, but unfortunately, it didn’t get anywhere in the end.” Nora raised an eyebrow. She had never thought that Lisa’s research would focus on that. A contemplative look flashed across her eyes. The interview didn’t take long. Lisa walked out of the room about ten minutes later. She had a rather awful look on her face. She had been in a panic after she lost her admission ticket and ID card. To make matters worse, the examiners’ questions during the interview just now had made her even more flustered, so she felt that she hadn’t answered well. Angela looked at her smugly. “I told you not to attend the interview, yet you just had to insist. Aren’t you embarrassed now?” Lisa didn’t say anything. She heaved a huge sigh instead. Medical university interview results were usually announced on the same day, so the two of them didn’t leave after the interviews. They continued to sit outside instead. The wait was boring Nora, so she said, “I’ll come back in the afternoon.” Lisa nodded. Angela pursed her lips and looked at Lisa. “Go and buy something for me to eat at noon. You definitely won’t pass anyway, so you’re not that anxious about it, right? I have nothing to worry about, either. After all, Director Shaw and I have already reached an agreement.” Her mention of Director Shaw made the examinees around them look over with envy. Upon becoming the object of everyone’s envy, Angela lifted her chin smugly. Mutual selection between candidates and professors was allowed in postgraduate studies applications. This wasn’t considered rigging—after all, everyone did it. However, people nevertheless still found those who could contact Director Shaw and reach an agreement with him—impressive. At five o’clock in the afternoon, all the candidates finished their interviews. Another half an hour later, the final admission results were released! Chapter 152: The Most Awesome Mentor! Inside the interview room. After contacting the professors of each respective specialization, the four examiners would collate the candidates’ interview reports, arrange them by the professor they had selected, and then pass the reports to the respective professors. The professors would then pick the candidates they wanted. Candidates who weren’t selected would then be passed to their next choice of mentor and be reallocated, and so on and so forth. As the newest professor at the New York University School of Medicine, Tina York was one of the examiners today. When she was going to the bathroom halfway through the interviews, she had happened to see Nora with Lisa and Angela. She had immediately narrowed her eyes at the sight. Angela’s interview was already over at that time. When it was Lisa’s turn, she had deliberately asked a few tough questions to make things difficult for her. Sure enough, it had messed up her answers even further. However, the research topic that Lisa had proposed during her self-introduction had been a refreshing change from the usual. After she went out, the four examiners had held differing opinions when they were discussing whether or not they should clear her for the interview. Some of the teachers were more pragmatic. One of them said, “Although the research topic is a relatively unpopular one, her written test results are good, and can completelymake up for a shortcoming like that. Besides, we can just discuss with her and have her change her research topic, and it won’t be a problem anymore.” Tina, however, sneered, “As a surgeon, meticulousness and calmness are the most important qualities one should possess. But not only did she lose her ID card, but she even lost her admission ticket. Her answers were also rather sloppy when she came in for the interview and felt as though she wasn’t prepared. It’s obvious that she panicked. Her mental resilience is clearly not up to par!” The teacher frowned and said, “I happen to feel the exact opposite. She was able to complete the interview and accurately express her thoughts even after so much had happened. You can tell that she’s still rather orderly even amid confusion and panic.” Another teacher said, “Yes, I think Mr. Shaw will like her!” Seeing that all three teachers were speaking in favor of her, Tina cast her eyes down and said, “Then we’ll let her pass.” People that passed the interview might not necessarily be admitted to graduate school, either. After all the interviews were done, Tina was responsible for sending Director Shaw the data of the candidates interested in becoming postgraduate students under him. She sent Angela Smith’s immediately when she came to hers. She was all form and no function. Even though she spoke boastfully, she had no substance at all. Director Shaw definitely wouldn’t be interested. Besides, she had said just now that she had already contacted Director Shaw. In that case, he would definitely inquire about her if he didn’t see her information anyway. Lisa Black, though… Tina lifted her head and glanced at the other three teachers—she could hold her data back for a few minutes. When Director Shaw replied with his candidate choices, Tina finally feigned surprise and said, “Director Shaw, there’s still another candidate here. Here, have a look…” However, Director Shaw said, “The ones I’ve selected are candidates whom I’ve already spoken with. The one you’re talking about probably didn’t approach me beforehand, right? I won’t take them in, then.” This was what it was like in postgraduate entrance examinations. One must definitely touch base with popular professors in advance. Otherwise, they would easily be cast aside. Tina looked at Angela’s data that had been rejected, and then at Lisa’s that she didn’t even submit, and the corners of her lips curled upward. Her gaze fell on Angela’s again. She thought of what she had secretly just dissed her about. _ Outside, Nora, who had finished her work, slowly walked over. The door opened practically at the moment she reached the entrance. Then, someone came out to announce the interview results. “William Lewis, Dr. Sullivan has accepted your application…” “That’s great!” A young man jumped to his feet excitedly. Some rejoiced and others grieved after that. After nearly half of the candidates’ names were called out, Lisa clenched her fists even tighter and craned her neck nervously to look inside. Next to her, Angela sneered, “It won’t be of any use even if you stick your neck right in!” At this point, someone came out with Director Shaw’s student admission list. “Next up is the admission list for those applying for Dr. Shaw as a mentor. There are five successful candidates in total. They are…” Director Shaw! Angela sat up straight and looked over cheerfully. After leisurely reading out four names, the teacher smiled and said, “There’s one last one.” Angela smiled triumphantly. Lisa lowered her head in disappointment. Director Shaw was the only one who would be interested in her research topic. She had gone out on a limb on this and was hoping that the research topic would attract Director Shaw’s attention. It seemed like a lost cause now, though. At the sight of her hanging her head, Angela’s lip corners curled upward and she patted her shoulder. She said, “It’s okay. I’ll show you my notes when I attend Director Shaw’s classes in the future. I can teach you everything you want to lear—” At this point, the teacher announced, “The last candidate is… Zack Lee!” Angela jumped to her feet and looked at the teacher excitedly, but right after that, she suddenly realized something didn’t seem right? Her eyes widened in shock and she looked at the teacher in disbelief. Her voice was shrill as she asked in surprise, “Who did you say it is? Did you get it wrong?” A young man suddenly stood up. “It’s me! Hahaha, when I sent Director Shaw an email, his reply only contained the word ‘Received’. I’d thought he didn’t notice me, but…” During his excitement, the teacher looked at Angela and said, “By the way, I’ve allocated all the candidates who weren’t selected but are eligible for reallocation to Professor York. She’s a new teacher and full of drive. I’ll announce her list of students now… Angela Smith… Clara Lopez…” Angela didn’t expect to hear her name there. It was Director Shaw whom she had wanted! Not Tina York or whoever she was! How famous could a newcomer get in the industry? “It’s pretty good to be under Professor York, too, Angela.” In the midst of her fury, Lisa’s comforting words reached her ears. She turned over. When she saw Lisa’s small and pale face, she suddenly vented all her anger on her. “Of course, it’s pretty good. At least I was accepted, but you didn’t even pass!” Lisa turned even paler. Angela blasted Lisa with ruthless words again and again as though she was venting her frustrations. “I was mistaken; not just any random Tom, d**k, or Harry can become Director Shaw’s postgraduate student, yet you still applied for him as a mentor. You sure think really highly of yourself! “You’re too ambitious for your own good, Lisa! Why don’t you take a good look at your capabilities instead? There are fewer than ten people who failed the interview today! Why are you so stupid?” Around them, the candidates who had been admitted into the university looked at Lisa with pity, making her wish she could bury herself in a hole. Nora’s sharp gaze flickered as she stood in the distance and listened to what Angela was saying. Suddenly, the corners of her lips curled upward and she put down her cell phone. The email that she had just sent was still on the screen. Almost instantly after she sent the email, the teacher announcing the results suddenly exclaimed, “Wait a minute! There’s one more candidate who has been accepted!” Tina was taken aback when she heard what he said. She asked, “Who accepted the candidate?” The teacher was so excited that he almost couldn’t speak clearly anymore. He replied, “It’s Anti! This is the first time Anti has accepted a postgraduate student in the university!” As soon as the name Anti was mentioned, the entire hallway fell into silence. All the candidates looked at the teacher who was speaking. Someone asked, “Who is it?” Chapter 153: I’m Her Father! To be able to become a postgraduate student under Anti—and the very first one she had ever accepted at that—Lady Luck must have been practically beaming at them! Everyone’s gazes were fixed on the teacher announcing the results, hoping that he would announce who the lucky fellow was. For some reason, Angela couldn’t help but swallow hard. She turned her head to see Lisa also watching the teacher nervously. At once, she sneered, “What are you looking at him for? It’ll never be you anyway!” Anti had always ignored some of the emails sent to her within the country. Moreover, she only took on two operations a month. How many connections must the accepted candidate have made use of before they finally found her? In the midst of Angela’s thoughts, the teacher announced, “The student is Lisa Black!” A furor went through all the candidates in the hallway, and everyone looked at Lisa. Angela also looked at her in disbelief, her eyes slowly widening bigger and bigger. She suddenly grabbed Lisa by the wrist and demanded, “How did you know Anti?” Lisa shook her head—she was so astounded that she couldn’t even speak. Angela was about to press the subject when someone ran up to Lisa and asked, “Ms. Black, do you know Anti? How did you manage to get them to accept you as their postgraduate student?” “Oh my god, no wonder Director Shaw didn’t accept you. It’s because Anti already has their eye on you!” “Hello, Ms. Black. My name is William Lewis. We’re in the same batch of students this year. I hope we’ll get along in the future.” More and more people swarmed toward Lisa. Even the staff member couldn’t help but walk over and ask, “Ms. Black, do you really know Anti? What do they look like?” Lisa, “!” Lisa, who was still reeling from shock, felt as if all these had just fallen into her lap. It was as if she was in a dream where everything in front of her was unreal. Everyone surrounded her, causing Angela to be pushed back a few steps out of the circle. Her visage was close to contorting from jealousy as she stood outside the crowd and stared at Lisa, who was within. How did this happen? How could this happen?! Why did Anti suddenly select Lisa? In the midst of her doubt, she heard a gentle voice. “You’re Angela Smith, right?” A dazed Angela turned and saw Tina standing behind her. Tina looked at her with a smile and said, “You’ll be doing your postgraduate studies under me from now on. Mm, okay, you’re in charge of contacting the rest of the students for now. By the way, I have some forms that have to be filled up. Come with me so that you can take them and distribute them to the others later.” Although Angela wanted to rush over to Lisa and get the whole story from her, she had no choice but to follow Tina at the moment. The two went to the office building together. On the way, Tina asked ambiguously, “What’s your relationship with Lisa Black?” Angela balled up her fists. There was hatred in her eyes as she replied bitterly, “She’s my cousin.” Tina smiled again. “Oh, in that case, what’s your relationship with Nora Smith?” Angela became even more irritated when she thought of that woman. Didn’t she already reach an agreement with Director Shaw to accept her as his student? Why was she suddenly dropped? She lowered her head and replied vaguely, “She’s my elder sister.” “Your elder sister?” Tina looked at her in surprise. “Isn’t she Lisa’s elder sister?” Angela, who sounded a little irritated, snapped, “We both have the last name Smith, so of course she’s my sister. Lisa’s last name is Black!” Tina narrowed her eyes. Then, she smiled and said, “Oh, it’s because of the admission exercise this time… Those who didn’t know better would have thought that she’s Lisa’s elder sister instead.” Tina immediately clapped her hand over her mouth at this point as if she had accidentally just said something she shouldn’t have. Angela, who had always been one to come up with all sorts of sneaky little thoughts ever since she was a child, noticed her unusual behavior. She asked anxiously, “What do you mean by that, Ms. York?” Tina smiled and replied, “Oh, it’s nothing…” The more she refused to say anything, the more curious Angela became. She stepped forward, held Tina’s arm, and said, “Ms. York, you can just give it to me straight if there’s something you want to say!” Tina glanced at her and heaved a sigh. “Never mind. Since we look like we’ll get along… How about this? Let’s go to the office together. I’ll slowly tell you everything there.” _ In the office. “Did you just say that Nora is able to get in contact with Professor Anti?” Angela’s voice was so shrill that it almost sounded as if it could pierce through the ceiling. She stared at Tina incredulously. “Is that really true, Ms. York?” Tina raised her eyebrows. “Well, I only saw them together once before…” Back when Justin got Anti to operate on the elderly Mrs. Hunt—though it was not known through whose connections she had managed to—Nora had also entered the operating room to study and observe the operation. Even Tina hadn’t been allowed to enter… Later, when she realized that Justin was treating Nora a little differently, she had immediately understood—she must have pestered Justin to let her study Anti’s operation back then! Anti was a legend in the field of medicine, after all. Very few had ever seen her during all these years. Even when she was peeking at them the other time, she had only seen the few people from Anti’s team. She couldn’t tell which one among them was the big boss at all… Angela clenched her fists tightly upon hearing Tina’s ambiguous statement. At the sight of the menacing look on Angela’s countenance, Tina cast her eyes down again and let out a sigh. She said, “I’d thought that you were on good terms with your elder sister, but… Well, it makes sense too. Not only did she not introduce Anti to you, but even Director Shaw… I accepted you as my student because I took pity on you. Otherwise, you would have failed the admission exercise!” Angela’s eyes widened at once. “Director Shaw? What does this have to do with him? Is it also because of her that Director Shaw didn’t accept me as his student?” Tina didn’t say any more but only gazed at her with pity in her eyes. Angela was shaking all over. She suddenly screamed, “Nora! Smith!” She rushed out of the classroom while shouting her name. Once she was out, she burst into tears and called her parents in California at once. Henry and Wendy answered the call together. A crying Angela told them that not only did Nora introduce Anti to Lisa, but she even stopped Director Shaw from accepting her as his student. The two of them were livid when they heard what she said. Wendy sighed and said, “That’s too much of Nora… No matter what, Angela is still her younger sister!” Henry smacked the table and said, “I’m going to book a plane ticket right away! We’ll go over and kick up a fuss tonight! What an unfilial daughter! I’m not going to rest until I make her give me a pretty sum of money this time!” Wendy sighed again. “Is there any use in you going over, Henry? What if Nora ignores us? She has always resented us, sigh!” Henry sneered, “It’ll work! It has to! I’m her father! If she abandons me, I’ll sue her! And the Anderson's, too! We’ll see which one of them is willing to embarrass themselves!” At the same time, Nora’s cell phone rang, and she picked up the call from Lily, who was far away in a foreign country.
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