Micheal meets King Charles.

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Micheal POV: I got ready for the grand ball. I wanted to sneak in and get the king to fall for me. I wanted to trick him. I can shape shift into whoever I wanted as long as I have touched them before or have seen them in person. Or in a photo with enough details. So I made myself into the most beautiful woman I could I know he loves the ladies and I was ready for the easy life, as long as I kept up appearances everything would be fine. I had the taylor make me an outfit that could instantly change to whatever I wanted. Plus she wanted the old hag, wanted a few to keep quiet about it. That took the last of my money. I wanted lunch but I guess that was off the table. My parents are gone they abandoned me at birth. Since they had a shapsifter for a son. They tired until I was two then they left me at an orphanage. Those were hard years growing up they would always tell me I had the devil in me. After year of that getting beat into you, you start to believe it. But that's a whole another story in its own. Let's just say it was hell and I was glad I escaped. The only friend I ever had escaped with me in the end to be dragged back to that place he sacrifice himself the the kids seraching for us so I could escape. He was my one true love. There was all this buzz about a grand ball and the King of werewolfs was trying to find his Mate. I figured I could make some money stealing off of people who attended and maybe I could trick the King into marriage. So I traveled to his kingdom from Japan. It was a long journey but it was a year long what for the ball. So I had time to make it. I figured this would be the job of a life time. Maybe I could even retire to an island after this or buy my title. After I left. So after the outfit was made. I was off. It was a grand adventure just to get to his kingdom. I had to start a riot in the southern edge of the boarder to even get in. I had slept with a guard and was a woman at the time. I have a few women's bodies I would like to use to charm my way into or out of things. She was a blonde I had met when I was a teenager. A Great figure and gorgeous. I slept with him and then slit his throat. I changed back into a guy by accident mid climax and just had to rush the border after that and made my way through. S-h-i-t happens. Once close enough to the place I walked in between the carriages changed and shifted then, made my way into the kings palace. I blended in. Stealing what I could. It was very beautiful inside. I saw the old king and Queen waiting for their son to be announced. Everyone made small talk. While I made my way to the bathroom to hide my stuff I stole, in my bag. It was magical. One of the only things I got left. It was enchanted to be bigger on the inside, than the outside and can change shape and size to be what ever you wanted it to be. After freshing up for the Kings announcement. I needed a break and a smoke. I changed back into my male form, then went out to the balcony near by. I smoked then heard something coming down the hallway. I saw the most handsome man I had ever seen. He was tan with black hair, sexy five o clock shadow on his face. Dressed in a wonderful white suite. It hugged his body in just the right ways. I was drawn to him. Before I knew it was was rushing towards him. he couldn't see me. I bumped into him grabbing his silk handkerchief out his front pocket. Smiling at him then after he turned around. I changed back into the woman. I felt a spark there. That was weird. Not something I normally would. I looked back he was looking at me. He looked so confused then was announced then I went back into the near by bathroom to freshen up after smoking. I was not a bad looking Japanese man at all. I was slender and black hair. I got it frosted tips though. Gray eyes. I guess I looked like a pop star. But damn. why did I have to bump into him. My lady's body I picked out for tonight was unique I went mixed with a bit of everything Green eyes. Seafoam green. With specks of white and black. Dark blonde hair and slender figure, with curves. The dress was a pretty black with green to match my eyes. Gold trimmed. I put on some jewelry I had swiped on the way up here. I had to sleep with so many women. Well when there's a war. Many men are out fighting. So they were lonely and rich. They would not miss a few items here and there. I went back to the party. I looked like a new woman. Well just like the one he saw. I couldn't tell which version of me he liked more. It was weird. He was chatting amongst the guests as the music began. I managed to get his attention again and he asked me to dance. He was standing so close it felt weird to be here with him like I wanted all of the eyes were on us. Jealous woman giving their eye daggers. Changing into stars when he looked their directions. His parents looked at me like I was made of glass. Right through me like they were talking about me. Crap I had to think of a back story. He touched my hand and grabbed my back as the music picked up. Sparks again. It felt like fire works inside of me. Charles POV: After the incident on the stairs waiting to be announced and bumping into the most handsome man I had ever seen. Then him disappearing and the most beautiful woman I had ever seen was standing a few steps from where he had been moments ago. It was weird but they were both intrigueing. I saw here again after walking down the stairs and chatting up a few hot noble girls. Who's breast where popping out at me. I was taking a break from there chests and Looking around for her again. When I spotted her. It was like fate. Music started up when our eyes met. " May I have this dance my first lady?" I asked and then bowed to the beautiful fiar lady. Her breast were twice as big as anyone's here, don't even get me started on her rear end. I had to have her. I reached out for her hand as she bowed her acceptance. She was so graceful. She took my hand and it was like fire works up to my heart. It melted just for her. I knew she was it for me. The sparks where there when you touched your Mate. Also she smells so good like field full of roses. We danced and I noticed my silk handkerchief was gone. That guy took it. I got a bit mad. Then let it go because I found her finally. After a wonderful dance where she felt my aroused erection. We made our way back to my room where I took her out onto my balcony to tell her how I felt about her. I didn't even care I left the ball behind. We looked out at the star then into each other's eyes. " What is your name? " I asked her even though I wanted to rip off her clothes. I had to do this one right. She didn't say anything for a long moment then said. " What do you want it to be, your Majesty?" Giggling. While playing with her hair almost taughting me. " I asked you a real question, did you not feel that between us?" I said seriously? " Yes. " She said she'll back looking away now. She looked on to my kingdom. " It's so beautiful from up here. " I was getting a bit mad she was avoiding the question. " Call me Lady Zoey. " She finally said looking back to me. " Why does it feel that way when you touch me?" She asked. " Are you not a Werewolf? Something else then?" He said. " No I am something way different. And I have been with many people never have I felt that. Not that I am a w***e your Grace. " She said looking away I am sure ashamed now. " Well most of the magical community feels a spark when they touch sometimes even see or smell there true Mate. " I said back. Michael POV: True Mate? Wtf? This was only supposed to be a job not finding true love. How and the hell am I going to deal with this. Can I even go through with robbign him blind if I did I would have every Werewolf after me then, plus my true love is a man. Not a Woman. Wtf. I mean I loved one man before but seriously? At least he is handsome.
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