Chapter Two

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I wake to the sensation of Flavius's fingers gently combing through my hair. Warm shock waves radiate from his tender hands. Yawning, I turn over to look at him, his deep brown eyes glow amber in the midday sunlight like small flakes of fire. I reach a hand out, lightly caressing his face with a soft smile. I shudder as my body fills with the heat of Flavius's emotions. "Did I wake you?" Flavius questions gruffly, tiredness echoing through his voice. "No," I answer with a shake of my head. Sitting up, the fur blankets that once covered me slip off. I stretch my arms above my head with a slight sigh. Turning over to look at Flavius, I smile faintly. "We should begin packing for our journey," I mumble. Flavius flips himself over on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. "It feels like since I've met you my life has been thrown into utter chaos. But somehow that doesn't bother me," he sighs. "A little chaos is good every once in a while. And think about it: once Loki is old enough, he will take over the horde. Then we will have all the time in the world," I say. I sit up, slapping Flavius on the thigh, "Now come on, get up." Flavius jumps from my sudden attack, rubbing his leg as he sits up. A smile playfully tugs at the end of my lips. I jump from the bed, stretching my body out. Flavius turns himself onto his back and stares up at the ceiling before pulling himself from the bed. I grab two brown satchels that sit against one of the many bookshelves carved into the cave wall of my room, tossing one of the bags to Flavius. "The Horde of Fates is located in the far north. The journey will be fairly long, so pack well," I tell him. Flavius nods in response and begins to pack his things. I fill my satchel with various clothing items and a few books. "Why are you packing books?" Flavius asks curiously. "Since we are visiting another horde without sending a messenger ahead, I need to bring something that will serve as a gift. Those of the Horde of Fates are known knowledge seekers. I have many books in my private collection that have not been seen since The Fires. They should serve as a suitable present," I say. "I knew your collection was vast, but I didn't realize you had books from that long ago," he says in awe. "When I was little, my grandfather saw my love for literature. So, when he left the horde, he gifted his collection to me. Many of the books I own are hundreds of years old. I even have a copy of king Sindre's journal," I tell him. "Had I known you loved books this much, I'd have bought you some back in Mimmgar," he says. "I wish you had. Samirya is rich with history that I would have been fascinated to learn more about. But who needs a book when I have a man that lived there to tell me," I say with a wink. Flavius chuckles and we get back to packing. After we finish, I grab Flavius by the hand and pull him out of my room. "I have a present for you," I chirp. "And what might that be?" he asks with a raise of his brow. "It is a surprise," I tease. I lead Flavius through the endless cave-carved corridors. We walk until we reach two large iron doors. Placing a hand over Flavius's eyes, I shove the doors open, leading him into the room. I uncover his eyes and watch his face. Flavius's eyes go wide as he looks around the room. The room is decorated with large perches, shoots, and tunnels, and the space is filled with Miniature SpitFires. The tiny purple dragons fly about the room, the large metal collars that hang around their necks glint on the sun. "What are these?" Flavius asks in awe. "These are Miniature SpitFires, mounts used by dragon slayers for hundreds of years. Go ahead, you can pick one," I tell him. "Why are you giving me one of these?" he asks. "When we travel to places like the Horde of Fates, it would be safer for you to ride on one of these instead of on me. Not to mention SpitFires are strong, and loyal. I would feel more comfortable if you had one with you for when I am not around," I explain. "I appreciate the extra protection, but you don't always need to worry about my safety," Flavius laughs. "Flavius, I do worry for you. There are going to be things that you encounter that make even me seem weak," I say. "Well, who am I to turn down a gift from a lady when she asks so nicely," he teases with a smile. "Be careful, they have a tendency to bite," I warn. As Flavius continues farther into the room, the SpitFires begin to crowd him, taking in his scent. These dragons, though small compared to me, are the size of large horses. Their tails flicker back and forth as they continue to sniff him. Flavius wades through the crowd of dragons until he comes upon a SpitFire much smaller than the rest. Her scales are a brilliant lilac compared to the deep violet of the other SpitFires. She slowly approaches Flavius sniffing his outstretched hand. Flavius uncurls his fingers, reaching for her head. In one swift movement, her jaws snap down on Flavius's hand. He lets out a yelp of surprise but does not try to pull his hand away. Blood drips from the mouth of the small SpitFire. She makes no move to rip Flavius's arm off, which is a good sign. "Flavius, stay very still," I say. I dash towards them on steady feet, sneaking behind the little dragon to hit her upside the head. She releases Flavius's hand, letting out a slight whimper. I grab her by the collar, lifting her up and staring fiercely at her, my eyes glowing with fury. "No biting," I seethe, tossing her to the ground. The tiny dragon slides across the floor. She stands up. Shaking her body, she lets out a hissing noise bouts of smoke puff from her nose. I release a deep growl from my chest watching as she lowers her head. I turn towards Flavius, grabbing his hand to examine it. "Luckily, she did not bite you very hard. Honestly, be grateful you still have your arm. I will be sure to punish her accordingly," I tell him. Flavius places a hand on my shoulder, "Hold on. Please don't do anything. I don't think she was actually trying to harm me, it felt more like she was testing me," he says. "You are bleeding" I point out, "she clearly was trying to hurt you." "Ellie, I think I want her as my mount. I'm asking you not to hurt her," he pleads. I release a long sigh, "Fine, but if she hurts you again, I will dispose of her," I warn stubbornly. "I'm sure Vega will be inclined to listen to me," he retorts. "Vega?" I question. "That's what I'm calling her," Flavius tells me with a slight smile, petting the SpitFire's head. "Well since you have made your choice, let us go," I say tugging him along. Flavius grabs Vega's collar, pulling her with us. We leave the room heading out into the hall. "You will need to learn how to control Vega by tomorrow so we can leave as soon as possible. I am going to take you out and teach you before tonight's horde meeting. But first, let us look at that hand," I tell him. I take Flavius to the hordes medical ward to quickly treat his wound. We walk in silence down the stony path until we reach the small medical ward. The room is empty accept for the rocky shelves carved into the cave wall filled with medicines. I sit Flavius down in a chair and proceed to open a chest of bandages. Once his hand is cleaned and bandaged I lead him and Vega out into the forest. Holding Vega down, I force her into a saddle, much to her dismay. She snaps at my hand, her teeth grazing my flesh. I retract swiftly only to plant a hard hit on the top of her head. "If you keep hitting her she'll only become more aggressive," Flavius sighs. "She is not like training a dog, dragons must be dealt with by using force. You must show her who is in charge or she will only continue to test you," I say. "Still, I feel bad," he replies. "Despite these dragons unintelligent look, they are very smart. Show her sympathy and she will be the one controlling you. Now, let us get you on her," I hurry him along. I help Flavius onto Vega's back. Standing in front of them, I grab onto the reins, leading them around the small clearing until she is used to Flavius. Their first take off into the sky ends with Flavius flat on his back with Vega standing over him. She had shaken him off her the moment they went airborne. I pull Flavius from the mud, dusting his pants off. I plant a smack right in the center of Flavius's back. "Now let us try that again," I shout. Helping him back onto Vega, I grab the reins and proceed to lead the take off. The moment Vega's paws leave the ground I release my grip on the reins. Flavius shouts in surprise as Vega flies straight upwards. I watch as he yanks on the reins willing her to stop. But the stubborn dragon continues her descent towards the sky. I let out a roar of laughter as Flavius clatters to the ground along with his mount. Vega picks herself up, shaking out her body. Flavius drags himself into a sitting position sweeping a hand through his tangled hair. "I think I've had enough of this," he groans. I bend down towards him, patting him on the back, "Come now, little human; the day is still young, do not give up yet," I giggle. I spend the rest of the afternoon teaching Flavius to mount and ride Vega. Much to my surprise he catches on quite quickly, despite his few tumbles into the dirt. He practices how to navigate the tiny dragon through the trees. I erupt with laughter as Flavius falls off Vega once more, tumbling to the ground. I offer him a hand, pulling him up. "That should be enough for now. We will practice some more tomorrow," I say. I cast my eyes upward, looking upon the now darkening sky. "We should head in now, it is about time for the horde meeting to start." What do you guys think about Flavius's present? I always have so much fun writing these chapters so I hope enjoyed it please don't forget to vote and comment! If you'd like to read more I always post one chapter ahead on g*******l!- Ray
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