Help from everywhere

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Grandpa Morrelli is not happy that Dean wants to go home so early. He wants Dean and Harper to mingle more. So he is considering a plan to stay in LA a little longer, but he may need the help of Jayda. Dean wants to return to Dallas in the morning, but Filippo intends to stay for a few more days, even weeks, if he can help. So, after he meets with Carley and Dean's poker night, grandpa Morrelli starts acting as if he is not feeling good. Dean knows his grandfather, and when Filippo stops talking and stays in his room most of the time, Dean gets worried. He knows his grandfather only stays in his room all day if he is not feeling well. In the meantime, Filippo calls Carley and tells her about his plan to stay in LA for a while and make Dean stay, as Dean will not leave his grandfather's side if he is ill. Filippo also calls his wife. Filippo needs her to help him get Dean and Harper together. Melissa Morrelli knows all about Harper and the triples, as everyone has talked about them since they were children. Mellissa knows their grandson needs to find true love, and after Filippo tells her everything and that he thinks Dean is in love with Harper, she gets on the first plane to LA. She can not let her grandson miss out on true love! Melissa did not come with them to LA as none of the Donnas of the Mafia were attending the meetings. They stay home and run the business while their husbands are in LA for meetings. Donna Melissa Morrelli stayed as her grandson did not have a wife yet. Dean gets really worried about his grandfather when his grandmother calls him and asks him to pick her up at the airport as his grandfather is not feeling well. Dean knows his grandfather always wants to be close to his wife when he is not feeling well. So Dean goes to the airport to pick up his grandmother. He wants to talk to her and find out what his grandfather is hiding from him and what is wrong with his grandfather. "Grandma, what is wrong with grandpa?" Dean asks, and Melissa can see her grandson is worried, but she will not rat out her husband. "He is complaining about chest pains, and I am worried it may be his heart," Melissa lies. She feels terrible for lying to her grandson, but it is for his own good. He needs to get over his trust issue and find a wife. Dean is not getting any younger, and Melissa wants to see her great-grandchildren. "Why is grandpa so hard-headed? He should have told me, and I would have gotten him a doctor," Dean says he is worried. "You know your grandfather hates doctors, but do not worry. I called a doctor to go and see him. Someone he may trust," Melissa lies again. She knows Jayda has agreed to help them after Carley talks to her mother and tells her everything. Jayda feels Harper needs to find a good man, and from what she heard about Don Morrelli and his family, Jayda feels that Dean Morrelli is perfect for Harper. "Who did you call, grandmother?" Dean asks, knowing his grandfather will not allow any doctor near him. "Jayda Morgan, she is a Casella, and your grandpa trusts them," Melissa says. "Hmm," Dean says. He looks at his grandmother, who is fiddling with her phone. She seems nervous, and Dean thinks it is because she is worried about his grandfather. Nevertheless, he can not help but feel something is wrong with his grandfather. It makes Dean worry. Dean's phone rings. He does not know the number, so he answers. "Dean, honey, you are home. Why didn't you let us know you were home?" It is his mother's voice. He knows Brooklyn must have told his mother that he is in LA. "Hello, mother. I am not here for long and do not have time to visit you. I am only here for business. Besides, my grandfather is ill. So I do not have the time to visit or talk to you," Dean says. He is not in the mood for his mother, stepfather or stepsister. "Listen, Dean, I miss you and am your mother! I want to see you, and I demand that you come to our house for dinner. I am sure someone can take care of your grandfather for the few hours you are at our house," His mother says. "I am sorry, mother, but no one demands me to do anything. You have your family, and I prefer not to be part of it. I am busy. Good day and please do not bother me again," Dean says. Dean knows it is Brooklyn that asks his mother to get him to go home. Dean knows Brooklyn wants to be more than his stepsister. Dean has no intentions of marrying Brooklyn or taking her on a date. He does not like her and his mother never worried about him before. Melissa frowns. She does not like the way Dean talks to his mother. Dean hangs up as he has nothing else to say to his mother, and he does not want to hear her nagging. "Dean Morrelli! That is no way to talk to your mother! You call her back and apologize now!" Melissa says. "She only called me to invite me to her house for dinner because Brooklyn wants a husband, and I am wealthy, grandma," Dean says. "I do not care. You can take a lady friend with you to dinner, but you will go and see your mother!" Melissa says. She is planning on asking Harper for a favour. Melissa smiles. Dean does not have to know who his date will be, and Harper does not have to know who she will join for dinner at his parents' house. "I do not know many women in LA, and the ones I do know, I do not like," Dean says. "I will arrange it. Do not worry. Call your mother and tell her you will be there," Melissa says. Dean looks at his grandmother with suspicion in his eyes. What is his grandmother up to? "Fine, grandmother," Dean sighs and calls his mother. He tells her that he will be there tomorrow night. Melissa smiles. She knows Harper's grandparents very well. She goes straight to her husband's room when she gets to the hotel. The guard opens for her, and Dean goes to his room. He knows his grandparents want to be alone. So he will give them some alone time before he checks up on his grandfather. Grandpa Morrelli hears the door open. He is quick for his age and jumps up from the chair in which he is sitting and into his bed. He pulls the blanket up to his chin and pretends to be very sick. Melissa comes walking in and laughs. "It is only me. You can stop pretending you are sick, my love," Melissa says. "Mel, honey, you almost gave me a real heart attack. I am so glad you are here! Damn, Dean is stubborn, and Harper is not making it easy, either. I wish I could slap some sense into those kids!" Filippo complains. He pulls his wife closer and kisses her. "Do not worry, darling. I am here now, and I will help you, Carley. First things first. We need to get Harper and Dean alone for one night, and I have a perfect idea," Melissa says. She explains her plan to Filippo, who is excited and glad his wife is on board. "What can I do?" Filippo asks. "Play sick. Did you call Jayda?" Melissa asks. "Not yet, but I will call her now," Filippo says. "Let me call Jayda. We are going to need all the help we can get," Melissa says. She calls Jayda. Jayda knows old Don and Donna Morrelli very well. She comes immediately and goes to the old Don's room. Dean sees Doctor Jayda Morgan walking into his grandfather's room and is worried now. He thought that maybe his grandfather was pretending to be sick so they could stay a little longer, but when his grandmother showed up, Dean got worried. He is even more worried now that Doctor Jayda is in his grandfather's room. He will wait for the doctor and hear what is wrong with his grandfather. In the room, Jayda looks at the old Don. There is nothing wrong with him, and Jayda seems confused. "Uncle Filippo, there is nothing wrong with you," Jayda says. "I know, child, but you can not tell Dean. But you think Dean and Harper are in love, and I will do anything to stay a little longer in LA. We want to give them a chance to realize that they are in love," Filippo says. "Uncle Filippo, don't you think letting your grandson worry about you is a little drastic?" Jayda asks. "No, the little brat can worry for once. He is giving me grey hair and almost married Sienna Agosti! I am glad Harper stopped the plan! I think Harper did it because she has feelings for my grandson," Filippo says. Jayda remembers when they locked their aunt and the man she loved up in a safe house. She can not be a hypocrite and judge the old Don. "Of course, I will help. I am a sucker for true love. I will tell Dean that you need a lot of rest and can not travel now," Jayda laughs. "Thank you, child. I knew we could count on you," Melissa says. Jayda smiles as she takes her bag and leaves. A worried Dean is waiting for her. "Doctor, how is my grandfather," Dean asks after greeting Jayda. "Your grandfather is old, and he needs rest. He needs to stay in bed for a few days. Then I will come and check up on him again. Do not worry, he will be fine, but he can not travel at the moment, and I think he will want you and your grandmother close to him to keep him calm," Jayda lies. She does not want Dean to worry too much, but does not want him to leave. "Thank you, doctor. We will stay until you tell me it is safe to travel with my grandfather," Dean promises. The two older people are like two naughty children, and Melissa calls Dante and Jennie. Dante knows what is going on and promises that he and Jennie will be over to discuss everything with Filippo and Melissa. They also want to see Harper happy. As Dante hangs up, he knows he will have to call Carley. He can not betray her trust, and she must tell her grandmother everything. Carley goes to her grandparents' house. She knows that Jennie will help them, but she has to calm Jennie down when she finds out what Bruce and Brooklyn did to Harper. "Grandma, I will tell you everything, but you need to promise me not to take revenge for Harper. Harper needs to get her own revenge as it will make her whole again," Carley says. Jennie frowns and wonders why Harper needs to take revenge. Jennie nods and waits for Carley to explain. "Bruce and Harper broke up because Harper, Cole, Carol and I caught him in bed with Brooklyn. Harper does not trust anyone anymore, but I have seen how she and Dean Morrelli look at each other, and I believe they are in love. Also, Dean is Brooklyn's stepbrother," Carley explains. Jennie is furious. "I will kill Brooklyn and Bruce! Don't worry, I will not do anything, but I feel like killing them. Anyway, you are right. Harper needs to learn she can trust again, and I think Dean Morrelli is a man of his word and a good man," Jennie says. "I know, but there is one more problem. Dean also has trust issues. I talked to his grandfather, who told me that Dean does not trust women, as his mother married a man after his father's death. So we have two hard heads with trust issues, and we need to get them to realize they are in love," Carley explains. "Wow, okay. We will figure it all out. But, for now, let's go and see Dean's grandparents, and we can all put our heads together to get them to at least see each other," Jennie says. The three go to the hotel where Dean and his grandparents are staying. They sneak up to the old Don and Donna's room, and the guard lets them in fast. Dean is busy with work. But he had seen his grandfather, and he could see his grandfather was looking tired. But, of course, Dean did not know that his grandmother helped his grandfather to look ill and tired with the help of a bit of makeup.
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