Chapter Two-1

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Chapter Two “No!” Marie screamed as the naked man threw open the closet doors. “No! Don’t!” She threw up her hands defensively, but he brushed them aside and grabbed a handful of her long, dark hair. She shrieked as he hauled her to her feet. She panicked. All those weeks of women’s defense training had taught her what to do against a lone attacker, but absolutely none of it seemed to apply in this situation. She could go for his groin. That was supposed to be the most vulnerable spot on a man. But her attacker wasn’t wearing any clothes, and that would mean grabbing his swinging c**k, still wet and glistening from Cheryl’s mouth, and she just couldn’t bring herself to do that. Even if she did, there were two more men, and she couldn’t possibly handle all of them. In the end, all she could think to do was scream and yell as she was hauled out of her hiding place by her hair and dragged over to where the other two men stood waiting on the mat. Cheryl, still coughing and sobbing for air, looked up at the sound. Her eyes were unfocused at first. She blinked a couple of times and then her eyes opened wide as she recognized Marie. Then a sly and knowing smile crept across her very messy face. She shook her hair back and straightened up a little. Her smile turned into a smirk. The grip on her hair hurt, but Marie barely noticed the pain. She was too thoroughly scared for that. After what she had seen them do to Cheryl she didn’t want to think about what they might do to her. She kept screaming. Here, down below, it was almost impossible for anyone to hear her and come to her aid, but it was the only thing she could think of to do. Still screaming, she called the three men every foul name she could think of, including some that she had forgotten until now. The naked man steered her over until she was standing directly in front of blue-suit. She looked up at him and tried to spit. He slapped her first, hard enough to shut her up. The naked man held her up, or she would have fallen. “That will be quite enough, Miss,” blue-suit said mildly. “No one can hear you but us, and we’ve heard quite enough of your invective.” He sounded as calm as if he was sitting at his desk in a corner office somewhere. Marie glared up at him, her chest heaving for air. She gulped once and tried to compose herself. She didn’t want to get slapped again. Up close, blue-suit seemed even bigger. The top of her head didn’t quite come up to the level of his chin. “What are you going to do to me?” she demanded. Her voice was shaky. “Not a thing,” blue-suit smiled down at her. “Unless you begin screaming again, or decide that you want to join in the fun.” “I won’t…either one,” Marie said defiantly. Her voice still quavered a little. “Let her go, Jay,” blue-suit nodded at the naked man. He let go of her hair and stepped back. “Now, just why are you down here, Miss?” blue-suit asked. He regarded her closely. “You must be one of our new pet’s friends, right? She just can’t keep her pretty mouth shut.” He laughed at his own joke. “So, I suppose that she’s told you all about our little games down here.” “She did,” Marie nodded. “I’m sure that you were properly horrified,” he went on, smiling warmly. Marie nodded again, warily. “And now, here you are. Would you tell us your name, please?” “Marie.” “Did you see everything from your little hiding place?” “Yes.” Now Marie had to look down and away from him. His eyes were almost the same shade as his suit, and it seemed like they were looking right through her. “Did you enjoy the show?” “No, I didn’t.” Marie didn’t look up. Behind her, she heard Cheryl begin coughing again. “I came because I was worried about my friend…what you might do to her.” “Of course you did,” blue-suit nodded. “Would you like a closer look at her?” He didn’t wait for an answer. He just took Marie gently by her upper arm and guided her over to Cheryl. Cheryl looked up, first at Marie and then at blue-suit. Up close, poor Cheryl looked like even more of a mess. Her face, torso and thighs were spattered with gobs of semen and saliva. Some of it had gotten into her tangled hair. “There,” blue-suit said. “She’s perfectly all right. Aren’t you, slave?” Marie flinched at the sound of that word. Cheryl merely nodded and opened her mouth. She didn’t look at Marie. “Why are you doing this?” Marie wailed. “Are you asking me or our little pet here?” blue-suit countered. “No matter. I can answer for both.” He seemed unbelievably calm, given what had gone on here only moments ago. “We’re doing it because we like it. She’s doing it because she likes it. Is that a sufficient answer for you?” “I heard you say that you’d keep her here for as long as you wanted,” Marie said. “What if she doesn’t like that?” Blue-suit laughed. “We’re only keeping her here until we’re done with her initial training.” “Training? For what?” Marie was horror-stricken. “Do you think that this is the only place where we play our games?” Blue-suit looked at Marie. She still couldn’t meet his gaze. “No, indeed,” he went on. “We have a nice, private little hideaway out in the country. We go there when we really need a chance to unwind. We plan to bring your friend along with us some time, but she has to be properly broken in to make it worth our while. She’ll make a very good s*x slave, once we’ve trained her up.” “You’ve done this before?” Marie stepped back from him, shocked. “Of course we have, many times,” blue-suit nodded. “We told your friend here of our plans for her, and she left work a little early today, just to get a jump on her training.” He looked at Cheryl and smiled, then turned back to Marie. “I think you must have left your work even earlier so you could get here ahead of us. Your concern for your friend is admirable, but I don’t think that was your only reason for coming down here.” “Fuck you,” Marie spat. Blue-suit slapped her again, but not quite as hard as before. Marie staggered back, to be caught up by the naked man. “You can stay if you want,” blue-suit told her. “Or, you can leave. We won’t stop you. But if you choose to stay, you’ll have to behave yourself. Understood?” “Yes…sir,” Marie answered meekly. She felt like an unruly child chastised by a teacher, and that struck her as very strange. She was relieved to hear that she could leave, but she was still worried about Cheryl. “You’ll be perfectly safe from us if you choose to stay,” blue-suit continued. “Unless you change your mind and decide to join in.” He paused, looking from her to Cheryl and back again. “In the meantime, there is something you could do for your friend,” he said. “What?” Marie asked, suddenly suspicious of some trick. Blue-suit nodded towards Cheryl. “She’s a real mess right now. There are showers back there, through that door.” He pointed to the door at the end of the narrow passageway between the stacked desks. “Why don’t you go back there with her and help her get cleaned up? You can untie her. I’m sure she’d appreciate that. She must be getting a bit uncomfortable by now.” Marie looked at Cheryl, who nodded hopefully, keeping her mouth open. She hesitated. If she just left, would they leave Cheryl tied up like that? If she stayed, maybe she could talk some sense into her friend, but would they let Cheryl leave if she wanted to? She shook her head. “I’ll stay,” she said. “For now.” Blue suit smiled. It was a professionally warm and friendly smile, but Marie didn’t find it at all reassuring. “Good,” he said. He reached into his pocket and fished something out. “Please put these on her before you bring her back out. She still has a lot of training to complete.” He held the handcuffs out to her. Marie accepted them before she realized what they were and what she was doing. Worried that if she threw them down she might get slapped again, she held on to them. “The showers are that way,” blue-suit pointed again. “Best get a move on.” Marie went over to Cheryl and helped her get to her feet. Her friend seemed terribly unsteady on her feet. She kept leaning heavily on Marie, staggering a little, bumping into and brushing up against her. Marie thought of all the gunk that was getting onto her clothes and she gritted her teeth. She steered Cheryl down the passageway and through the doorway. *** “Oh, my God!” Cheryl exclaimed in an excited half-whisper as soon as Marie had shut the door behind them. Cheryl’s unsteadiness seemed to have evaporated. “Did you see the whole thing? Did you? I took them all on!” She giggled. “I sucked them all dry! Did you see?” “I saw,” Marie frowned. “But I wouldn’t go bragging about it if I were you. It looked like you didn’t have any choice.” “Mmmm…” Cheryl’s smug smile returned. “I won’t have any choice after you handcuff me and bring me back out to them either.” “What?” Marie felt herself blushing. “Don’t be silly. I want to talk you out of all this.” Naked, bound and sticky, Cheryl came closer, still wearing that annoying little smile. Marie backed up half a step, trying to avoid physical contact. The room they were in was a small one, with small lockers taking up two of the walls. There were only two other doorways besides the one they’d just come through. Both were on the right-hand wall. One was a regular door, marked ‘Lavatory’. The other was wide, tiled and doorless. Marie could see another room through the wider doorway. It looked a lot like a shower room from a high school gym, only a lot smaller. Cheryl stopped, barely a foot or two away. “I don’t believe you came down here to talk me out of it,” she said. Her smile hit a new, higher level of smug. “Well, I did!” Marie snapped. She felt like slapping Cheryl, but thought that her friend might actually enjoy it. Cheryl nodded as if she didn’t really believe it and turned her back to Marie. “Well?” she asked, looking back over her shoulder. “Are you going to untie me? Or do you want to wash me down yourself?” She grinned and wriggled her hips. Marie resisted the sudden urge to swat Cheryl’s shapely rear. She made no rejoinder. She couldn’t think of one. She began untying her friend’s hands, yanking and jerking at the ropes with more force than was necessary. She could have sworn that she heard Cheryl snickering. “Is my ass red?” Cheryl asked as Marie freed her hands. She wriggled her hips again. “You know damned well that it is,” Marie replied without looking. “You’re going to have bruises.” “It’s a small price to pay if I can earn my collar this weekend,” Cheryl shrugged and the knot Marie was trying to loosen slipped out of her fingers. “Hold still, dammit,” Marie complained. Then she realized what Cheryl had just said. “Earn your what?” “My collar,” Cheryl answered. From the tone of her voice Marie could picture the self-satisfied smirk that went with the words. “My slave collar,” Cheryl went on. “If everything goes right I could earn it this weekend.” “Congratulations,” Marie snarled. She worked the knot loose. Cheryl’s hands were free now. Cheryl sighed with relief and began rubbing them together. “I can barely feel my fingers! They had me tied up really tight! Could you be a dear and get these off of me, please?” She indicated the ropes still circling her torso just above and just below her breasts. They had slid down a little, but they hadn’t fallen off, and they were still soaked with…fluids. “I think you’re crazy,” Marie sniffed. “I’m not touching those things. Get them off yourself.” Cheryl chuckled and fumbled the ropes free. They fell to the floor and Cheryl stepped out of them. She turned to face Marie again. The ropes had left deep red marks on her wrists and body. Marie shuddered as she looked at them. Then she had to look away. She and Cheryl had occasionally showered together at the health club that they both belonged to, but that had always been with other women around. This situation felt much too intimate somehow, and Cheryl seemed especially naked. “Hug?” Cheryl took a half-step closer, holding out her arms. Marie backpedaled into one of the lockers. Cheryl dropped her arms and giggled. “You act like you’re afraid of me or something,” she said. “Oh, well,” she shrugged. The gesture made her breasts jiggle a little. She reached up and pulled her tangled hair back with both hands. “I really am a mess, like ‘A’ said. I guess I’d better take my shower before they get impatient and come in here to clean me up themselves…though I wouldn’t mind that.” She turned towards the shower room.
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