Chapter 4 Against All Odds

1914 Words
                                                                                                                    Elia I stared out of my car window at the empty burnt out warehouse behind the hospital. My wounds were not healed, the doctor was right about that but I couldn't afford to waste another day resting. We needed to get the hell out of here before the FBI can track us. It was really hard to bribe them. Though, there was just one more task needed to be finished and that's why we sat here waiting for it to get done. Getting a FBI agent off the trail.  "Are you sure Nate hasn't reported anything yet?" I asked Mario. "If he has then we can't kill him. That will definitely put them on our trail,"  "I am positive," He muttered, lighting a cigar. "He had a hunch so he decided to investigate but to reach higher officials you need proof, that he doesn't have as of yet. And after tonight, he won't be needing to collect anything anymore,"  I eyed Mario and inwardly grimaced. Killing was a part of our job, that's who we were but unlike me, who was bounded by responsibilities and legacy, Mario actually liked killing people, which to me was totally sadistic. The taste of power was too overpowering for him than anything else. "Good," I muttered.  "The doctor did you good," He commented. "Maybe we should smuggle her with us so that she can look after you?" "No need to drag her into any of this," I replied. "She has done her job, we can take it from there,"  "She was beautiful," He added after sometime. "Bellissima!"  "Hmm," I muttered. "Concentrate on your job now, will you?"  "Fine," He rolled his eyes. "Look, here he comes,"  We peeked out of our tinted windows and surely there came a guy, completely hooded and stopped just near our car. He looked all around him and then lighted a cigarette.  "How did you lure him?" I demanded.  "A couple thousand dollars to his partner," He answered plainly. "Always works,"  I stared at the guy and felt bad for him. Betrayal was one of the most woeful act a person could commit. Whatever you do, don't betray those who trust you. To me that was unforgivable.  "Wait here," Mario said, climbing out of the car. "We will get this job done,"  "Okay," I nodded, feeling grateful. I still felt sick and my wounds still hurt. The last thing I wanted for the next couple of months was to get shot again. Or stabbed for the matter.  Snuggling down further into the plush seat, I closed my eyes feeling tired as hell. In the thirty years of my life there hardly has been peace. Ever. Watching dad when I was a child doing all this stuff seemed so much fun. Made him like a hero to me. Now, not so  much.  Ten minutes later, I heard the gun go off, another highly familiar sound to my ears. The job was done and now I can finally go back home. I scoffed inwardly at the word. There was no home for me. Just a palatial place made of bricks and concrete. Home is where peace is. Home is where your family is and I had neither. Not in meaning at least. In literal terms, I had a big family none of whom were mine blood. It was just me, like always.  "Sir?" One of our man peeked inside, looking grim. "We have a problem,"  Of course we do...When do we not have a problem? "What did you do?" I hissed, glaring at the body lying on the road. It was the doctor. What was her name? Charlotte? Scarlett. What on earth was she doing here? "Knocked her out," Mario answered, looking bored as always. "Caught her snooping," "She could have died," I pointed out grimly. "That's the point, isn't it?" Mario rolled his eyes.  "Get her into the car," I ordered one of my men. "Now," "Excuse me?" Mario demanded. "Are you out of your mind?"  "Get in the car," I said. "We will figure it our once we get to the hotel. Knock her off with some sedatives for now,"  "What?" Mario started but I gave him my no-discussion-anymore look and that shut him off.  "And how are we going to get her inside the hotel?" He asked scornfully.  "I will carry her," I answered. "Girlfriend passed out, simple,"  And that's exactly what we did. Once we reached our hotel, I grabbed the good doctor in my arms and carried her up to my suite and settled her down in my bedroom, without interference from anybody on my way, thankfully.  Of all the people in the world it has to be her. How can I kill the person who saved my life? I was an asshole for sure, a murderer as well but not a complete lost case like Mario. Killing her would mean adding another milestone in my long list of sins. Killing her was not an option. "So, what now?" Mario demanded, handing me a crystal glass filled with bourbon.  "We can't kill her," I replied, without meeting his eyes. Instead, I stared outside at the city sprawled at my feet.  "Che diavolo!" He cried. "Have you lost it? She is a witness and we don't keep witnesses. That's a rule,"  "Made by me," I retorted calmly, turning to face him. "I can change it," "For what? For her?" He looked bewildered. "She came prying on us. She deserves it! Snoopy little b***h,"  "She was at the wrong place at the wrong time," I muttered, getting myself a refill.  "Perché la stai difendendo?"He demanded. "Why her?"             {Trnsl : Why are you defending her} "Because she saved my life," I answered. "I am indebted to her and I always return my debts,"  "Anybody could have done that," He scoffed.  "Then I would have done the same for anybody," I replied. "You are the one making it about her," "Mamma will be angry," He said, the last nail in the coffin. "You're going against the family," "Since when do I care about rules?" I snapped. "I will do what is right. You can either help me or not, that's your choice," I glared at him and then stormed out of the room. In my bedroom, Scarlett was still knocked out. I glanced at her once and then headed off to take a shower, which was another story with all the stitches and bandages I was wrapped in. How did things get this complicated so fast, I wondered and now with a girl in the story. The last thing I needed. And all because of the motherfucker Giovanni, my archrival and head of the Bianchy clan.  I wrapped a towel around me and walked out, averting my eyes from my reflection on the full length mirror. Another bunch of scars added to my body. Great.  "What did you plan to do then?" Mario demanded notably calmer, leaning by the door as I changed into a loose vest and sweatpants.  "What made you change your mind?" I asked.  "You really thought I would go against you?" He demanded, sounding indignant.  "You weren't very enthusiastic," I pointed.  "Because you were going against the rules that you made," He answered. "I wanted to make sure you thought this through and that it's not just because of some stupid attraction and anything of that sort...," "And?" I muttered, brushing my wet hairs. They have grown quite a lot, I realised.  "I get your point and I am with you," He replied. "So what do you plan because I don't need to tell you that the FBI will come for her if she lives,"  I stared at the unconscious girl blissfully oblivious how her life was going to change and then stared at my ruthless face. I thought she was smart. The way she figured out that I was not a native, that was smart added to the fact that Mario chose the name Duke! I mean from what angle do I even look like Duke? It seems like a dog's name or something. If she never saw Mario killing Nate she would probably be at home now with her family or boyfriend not lying unconscious on my bed with a devastatingly uncertain future.  "We will take her to Amalfi," I answered at last. "With us,"  "Okay...what?" He exclaimed. "And do what?" "Keep her with us until everything dies down here and she's safe...we are safe,"  "Keep her where?" He demanded, looking flabbergasted.  "With me. At my place. I am sure out of the 256 rooms in my estate I can spare one for her," I muttered.  "Carmella will kill you," He stated as-a-matter-of-factly.  "She's not my concern," I muttered.  "Well, let's say she stays with you but what if she refuses to go with us?"He pointed out. "Which she will," "First, I am not asking for her permission," I said. "She will be coming with us. She doesn't have a choice. And to further make sure of that I need you to do something ,"  "What?" "I need you to get every information about her that you can get your hands on. About her family, friends, relationship, dress size, shoe size , education every single thing," I ordered. "And quick,"  "So you're going to blackmail her into being a prisoner, that's your mind-blowing plan?" Mario said sarcastically.  "Yes, kind off," I shrugged. "We need something to leverage. Let's see what we can find,"  "Wicked," He grinned. "Am on it,"  I nodded and he disappeared, leaving me alone with an unconscious girl in my bedroom. When she wakes up tomorrow everything will change for her. And she was to going to hate me for that, not that I care. A part of me felt bad for her but the rational part knew it was better than killing her anyway. After all she saved my life, isn't it?  I walked up to my room with a can of beer and sat down on the armchair by the bed. I could do with some sleep after struggling with mind-numbing pain for the last few days. I took a long sip of the cold beer and stared at the woman sleeping in my bed. A complete stranger.  "Scarlett," I muttered, liking the way my tongue rolled around the t.  It was a pretty name for a really beautiful girl. She had dark jet black hairs and striking green eyes with perfect plump lips and high cheekbones. I wondered what made her choose to be a doctor and spend her days in those ill-fitted scrub when she could easily be on the cover of Vogue or  Vanity Fair with a perfect dress and a little grooming.  When Mario woke me up it was almost dawn. I shot a quick glance to my bed and then dragged my sleepy eyes to him.  "What?" I muttered.  "Here," He handed me some stack of papers stapled together. "All you need to know about her,"  "Oh," I rubbed my eyes and rummaged around for my reading glasses. "Stay here with her. About time she wakes up,"  "Where are you going?" He demanded.  "In the study," I muttered. "To read this and look for potential blackmail material,"  Mario chuckled and sat down on the armchair previously occupied by me. He stared at her and then at me with a puzzled expression as I kept standing there. "What?" He demanded.  "Do NOT touch her," I warned and left before he can say anything else.  Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I stared at the papers in my hand.  Scarlett Emily Williams, Born 1994... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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