2. Shopping

1925 Words
Ashley's POV "Ashley?", Ian's voice comes from outside of my room where I have been since two days. I didn't go down for breakfast and they probably got the hint after Martha tried to get me to come. They left food and everything at my door.  "Yeah?", I ask from my position on the bed, not bothering to get up.  "Honey, you start school from tomorrow so let's go and buy you some essentials", he says and I grunt before getting up. I like to go to school, not because I feel like making friends or s**t but I would rather be out of the house as much as I can. I cannot bear to see, who I once called my father, be cozy with the children that aren't even his by blood while I sit on the sidelines. Even though he promised he would make it up to me, I am not sure if I want that.  "Coming", I say and I hear his footsteps retreat.  "Ash, you can do this", I get in the shower and try my best to not scrutinize my body in the mirror. I can see that I have lost weight again. My hips are slender than I last saw them and I can see a faint outline of my ribs. I sigh before wrapping a towel around me and leave the bathroom, wearing the jeans and a t-shirt that I picked out. I put my hair in a messy bun and wear my glasses before going down.  "Morning sweety", Martha wishes me and I nod at her before taking a seat on the table which is like a mile long.  "I hope you like pancakes", I bit my tongue from telling her that we really didn't have that luxury for breakfast everyday. "Yeah thanks", I start eating them without much delay, savoring the taste in my mouth. I refrain from moaning out loud as it hits my taste buds.  "You guys coming with us?", Ian asks his other two kids. Blake refuses while Chloe agrees.  "Come on then", after finishing breakfast we all get in his beautiful Mercedes and rather than letting a driver drive, he takes the wheel, making me sit in the passenger seat, much to my dismay.  "So honey, I hear you do well in school", he tries to make small talk, which is extremely awkward but I know my mom wouldn't have wanted me to behave this way so I reluctantly answer him but whilst looking outside.  "I pass".  "Your GPA is really good and if you keep it up, you can get any college you want", he says and I have half a mind to give him a reality check but I stop myself.  "Whatever", I mutter under my breath.  "Chloe, you will help Ashley here, won't you?".  "I don't need any help", I say in the most polite tone I could muster.  "I meant with the school and everything. I know you don't need help with your studies. You are already ahead of the class this year. Chloe and Blake are in your year as well and I am sure they will help you adjust", he says and Chloe smiles at me when our eyes meet in the rearview mirror.  "Of course. You can sit with us for lunch. I will introduce you to our friends", she enthusiastically says and I just nod, already making plans on sitting alone under a tree or something.  "We are here. You girls go ahead and start shopping, I will catch up with you after a phone call. Keep your phone on you, Chloe".  "Okay dad", she says and unknowingly pulls my heartstrings. "Buy whatever you need honey, don't worry about the expenses", he whispers in my ears and I catch myself before saying something that could hurt him bad.  "Let's go", Chloe takes my hand in hers and drags me towards the shops and I sigh. This is going to be a long ass day.  Its been five hours since we came here and Chole has dragged me to every possible store here except the grocery and the crockery store, thankfully. What I understood about Chloe is, she loves shopping but is extremely picky when it comes to clothes and other accessories, complete opposite of mine. I just bought a few jeans and tops while she almost restocked her entire closet, not that I am judging. She is used to it while I am not.  "Hey dad", we find him sitting in the eating area, talking on his phone.  "Yes, they are done. We will be home in a few honey", he tells Martha.  "Okay. Love you too", he hangs up and focuses his attention on us. He looks at the my bags and then at Chloe's, frowning at the lesser bags in my hand. I place them on the floor and sit on the chair, exhausted from the trip.  "You feeling okay honey?", I almost tell him to stop calling me that but don't. "Just tired".  "You should probably eat a little more Ashley, you look really thin since I last saw you".  "You saw me three years ago Chloe", I give her a 'are you kidding' look.  "But you have lost too much weight Ashley".  "Let's not talk about it, yeah?", Ian says, giving her a look. She sighs before looking at the menu.  "What will you have?", Ian asks me.  "Just a burger and fries".  "The pasta here is really good though", Chloe says.  "I am not that hungry", she nods before telling the waiters about our orders. He writes down and leaves.  "Did you girls get everything you needed?" "Yes dad", she says and I merely nod, not wanting to talk much. My chest still feels a little tight from walking for too long.  "Ashley?" "Yep", I rest my back on the chair and close my eyes for a minute.  "I just need to freshen up", Chloe excuses herself and Ian turns to me.  "Are you feeling okay? Do you want me to make an early appointment?" "No. I am alright".  "Its no pro-". "I am fine. I don't need to go", I snap at him unintentionally. His eyes flash with hurt and I feel guilty for snapping at him.  "I am sorry. I didn't mean it".  "Its okay, honey. I understand", he says and we both sit in silence while Chloe comes and they strike up a conversation while I avoid talking to either of them.  "Let's get going?", I wear my jacket that I brought with me, feeling cold.  Ian carries my bags and some of Chloe's while she holds some of hers. I try to object but he just smiles at me and starts walking forward.  Once we reach the mansion, a servant comes and takes some of the bags from Ian and Chloe, carrying them inside while the other takes my bags and carries them upstairs, to my room.  "How was shopping?", Martha asks as she comes out, apron tied to her waist and her hair in a bun. Ian kisses her before removing the jacket and hanging it on the wall beside the door and we both do the same.  "We got everything we needed mom", Chloe says as Blake comes downstairs with his a boy along with him.  "Come one have lunch with us Ryan", she says and the boy, Ryan, who looks my age smiles at Martha.  "I would have loved to Martha but I have a date with Hannah", he says and his eyes land on me and he frowns before recognition flashes in his eyes.  "You must be Ashley. Blake told us about you", he says and puts his hand forward. I shake it and he smiles but I don't.  "Yes, I am".  "Nice to meet you".  "Same", I reply and pull my hand away from his.  "You are beautiful", he says and my eyes meet his. He looks sincere but I am not sure.  "Thank you", I nod after replying.  "Stop flirting with my sister", Chloe says.  "You are dating my best friend asshole", she says and Martha glares at her.  "Be nice, Chloe".  "Yeah be nice and I wasn't flirting. I always appreciate beauty when I see it", he winks at me and I raise an eyebrow.  "You have never told me I looked beautiful".  "Who said anything about you being beautiful, sister?", Blake smirks and they both laugh while Chloe stomps on Blake's foot making me hiss in pain while Ryan moves before she could do the same to him.  "Get out before I kill you", she glares at Ryan who tipped his imaginary hat and fist bumps Blake before leaving.  "See you tomorrow Ashley", he says and waves at me before getting in his car and driving away.  We all sit at the table and have our lunch. They all talk amongst themselves while I give one word answers whenever I was asked a question.  "I will be in my room", I say and I leave the table. I have a stack of books waiting for me and I have no interest in sitting here and invading their family time. I know I am being bitter but its going to take me some time to even get used to having people around, let alone accept them as family which I am not sure will happen anytime soon. The afternoon and evening passes in a blur. When you have the company of books, you tend to forget your surroundings at least that's what happens to me. This no way indicates that I am a good girl or something but this simply says that I prefer the company of book rather than people.  "Sweety, come down and have dinner with us", Martha says as she pokes her head in after knocking on my door.  "I am not really hungry", this might be the first things I have said to her while looking in her eyes. "You should eat something. You have to take-", I cut her before she could say anything further.  "I am fine. I ate an orange that was kept here", she sighs before putting a smile on her face.  "Okay, if you insist. I will keep some food in the fridge, if you get hungry, okay?" "Okay. Thanks", she nods and smiles before closing the door softly and leaving.  "I miss you mom. Come back and take me away from here", I look at the photo of us both smiling. We were out on a picnic. She finally had an day off since forever and we decided to go to the park. We packed some snacks and called it a picnic. We played badminton for sometime and just talked about anything and everything.  I miss my mom a lot. She singlehandedly raised me after my father left us. I admit, he used to send child care and all but everything happening, it wasn't enough but never once did my mom complain. She worked two jobs to keep up with all the expenses along with my school fees. She even tried to get a loan so I could go to New York but I refused. I didn't want to go there on the expense of my mom working like a crazy person to make ends meet.  The reason I loath my father is because, he never once asked how my mother was in the first few years. He ignored that topic like plague and me being a naive little child, I too never pushed him. I have no why and how he stopped loving here and I hope, one day when I ask him, he will give me the answer, the truth.  I change into my pjs and get into bed after setting the alarm for tomorrow.  My mom invades my dreams and I smile, while chasing her down the hill near out house, her smiling face looking at me with love and adoration.  "I love you mom", I snuggle into the blanket, thinking of them as my mother's warm embrace. 
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