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Five years old. “She’s growing too fast!.” Helios said to his sister. They both turned to each other, Yennefer turned back to Alora and shook her head with a huge smile on her face. “No she isn’t!!.” She replied and her smile widened. “She’s perfect!!, plus with your genes what do you expect!!.” Helios was worried, he took a deep breathe. “Are you sure?!.”Helios asked and Yennefer nodded at him. “Come on, she looks like a teenager!!.” “She’s a Lycan with growth sprouts!!, what do you expect from her?!.” Yennefer asked. Alora was on the field running around with a personal maid who kept the young princes at arms lent, not letting her come too close or run too far. At age two Alora had been able to transform into her wolf with ease, her father was strong but it seemed his hybrid daughter would be stronger . Yennefer was training her up in a strict way. She made the little girl too tough for her age!. But then it’s Yennefer! She was also scared for the Princess' safety. “Bring her for dinner!!.” Yennefer yelled from the balcony where she and her brother watched Alora play. “How’s Winfred?!.” Helios asked. Yennefer looked down at the child who was staring up at them. “She might hear you!.” Yennefer said. “She can hear me! She's a Lycan!!.” Helios replied. Yennefer looked down at the child with sad eyes. “She’s getting cold!!, nothing is working on her!!.” “Nothing?!.” Helios growled. “She’s dying!!!.” “I am trying my best!!, she’s a human!!, her body was torn trying to give birth to Alora!!, I can’t just bring her back to life!!, I am a hybrid not a god!!.” Yennefer told her brother with a low tone. Her eyes were filling up with water knowing she might not be able to save Alora’s mother. “ I want to save her!!, I want my little niece to get a mother!!, to know how it feels to have your mother by her side!!.” Yennefer said with her bottom lips jutting out. Yennefer got off her chair and walked into the house with anger. Helios slammed his fist on the hand of his chair, he took a deep breath and got on his feet. Alora ran into the house, she hopped on her father. Helios smiled and carried his child in. “Helios she’s old enough!!, we need to move!.” Yennefer said. Their dinner was placed before them, Helios looked at his child who stared at him!, her eyes demanded answers. “Did I miss the fun?!.” “No you came right on time!!.” Yennefer replied. “Uncle Aiden, can you tell my dad I am perfectly fine here!!.” Alora asked. “She is perfectly fine here!!.” Aiden said. “We need to protect her! She's growing,her powers and strength are more than her age!!, she may be too fast!.” Yennefer said with a shrinked back. “I literally said that a few minutes ago!!.” Helios protested like a child. “You were referring to her body stature and look!!, I am referring to her abilities!!, she’s growing to be a strong hybrid!!, and I am afraid too fast!!, and I am sure you both know the percussion of that!!.” She replied. “What’s going to happen to me?!.” Alora asked. Yennefer looked at the little girl who was holding on to Aiden, she was shivering with sparkling gold eyes. “I am sorry baby!, we just have to move!.” Yennefer replied. “Will mummy come along?!.” Alora asked. Both Aiden and Helios were short of words when they heard her, it could only be one person who could have told her. Aiden growled at Yennefer while Helios punched the table with his fist!. He frowned at Yennefer without saying a word. “What do you think?!.” Yennefer asked. “That I will just let her grow up without knowing her mother and then one day!!, she wakes up from her slumber to meet her child who doesn’t even know her?!.” Yennefer asked. “You should have asked us first!!.” Aiden scolded. “I know she’s your mate!!, but she’s a daughter to me!!, I will never do anything that is not for her own good!!.” Yennefer yelled. “I will be with mummy if you all are done arguing, come see her!.” Alora blurted, she got off her chair and ran out of the dining room. They were all radio silent for a while until Aiden got off his chair, his chair made a screeching noise breaking the silence of the dining room, he walked towards the exit and then to the direction Alora ran through. “You know why I am worried!!, they will come for her as soon as her powers develop!!.” “She’s already developing!!.” Helios clicked. Helios got off his chair, he walked down the hallway leading to where Winfred laid like a sleeping angel, he stared from the door how Aiden stood a few steps away from Alora, she was staring at her mother. Alora had tears in her eyes and didn’t say a word neither did she cry. Alora took a few steps towards her mother, she carefully climbed her mother’s body, when Helios saw that he flung the door open and rushed in trying to stop her but Aiden pushed him back. “Let her!!.” Aiden told his brother. “When will you wake up mummy?!.” Alora asked with a faint tone. Her eyes were closed as she imagined what it would be like with her mother around. Alora went on to speak with her mother! She didn’t know if her mother could hear her or not, but she went on to speak. “All you do is lay down in this beautiful garden all day!!, without doing anything but sleep!,and sleep and sleep!!. Don’t you want to see me?.” Alora asked. “Of course she does!.” Helios told Alora. “Then she should wake up!!.” Alora yelled, tears rolled down her eyes and her voice went silent. She cried in mute, Aiden pulled her up and carried her like a baby in his arms. “Things happen for a reason!!.” Aiden told her. Aiden walked out with Alora in his arms, she didn’t stop sobbing even after several pet talks from Aiden she still went on crying. “She won’t stop!!.” Aiden complained to Yennefer who hissed at him like a snake and harshly took Alora from him. “When will my mummy come back?!.” Alora asked Yennefer who went speechless, she looked at Aiden who was afraid in her eyes. “You showEd her!!, why are you scared?!.” Aiden asked with anger!. “She found her mother herself!!.” Yennefer replied. “I too wanted to keep it a secret but the child found her mother herself!!, and what do you expect me to say?. Emm no honey it’s a dead random woman!!.” “My mum is dead?!.” Alora asked. “No!!, she will wake up!!, I am just give your dumb uncle an instant!!.” “How the hell did she find her garden ?!.” —— Alora was found asking about her mother’s whereabouts, Yennefer was asked the most since she was like her mother figure and closest to her. Alora had cried for hours just to get answers about her mother. Yennefer would always relate the situation to her brother who one day decided to talk to his daughter even though he didn’t know what to say to her or how to convince her. “Your mum is on a business trip!.” Helios lier. Yennefer rolled her eyes and walked out, she expected more from him,she was glad that her nieces were going to know the truth but to Helios she was too young to know such bitter truth. That morning Alora woke up from her slumber. It was a Saturday and she was allowed to wake up late, she was bathed, dressed and she walked to the dining hall for her breakfast. She sat next to her father’s seat, they all rose and bowed to their king, except his daughter who was busy playing with her cutleries. Helios sat down and so did they, their breakfast was served and they all dinned. Just like a normal Saturday for Alora went exploring during her nap time, she walked around into the old rooms she always knew. She didn’t seem comfortable with just the old rooms. Her eyes fell on a weird looking door, she pushed the door but it was locked and she couldn’t get in even after repeatedly banging. Alora ran around searching for a chair she could use to see what was kept in the room she wasn’t allowed to go into. “What are you doing?!.” Yennefer asked her. Alora looked down at her feet, she looked at Yennefer with fear, Yennefer got on one knee, she cupped her face. “What is it?!.” Yennefer asked. “What’s in that room?!.” Alora asked. “Emmm it’s your mummy’s room!!.” Yennefer lied. “My mum?!.” Alora asked in shock. “Can I see her?!.” Alora asked. Yennefer thought for a while, she looked at the girl's face and knew Alora won’t let her be till she allowed her in. “Okay!!, but do not tell anyone about it!!.”
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