5.Where are you

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For the next two days, Jeni and friends enjoyed gaming alot. Everytime Jeni plans to meet up with Alex, Merlin comes in between. Infront of him she act as a innocent lovely girl, Jeni very well know that she is totally different person in real. Next day they ll reach their first destination, an awesome beach where we can find people of all races and color. The beach itself always energetic. So Jeni was reading about their first destination, Rubi came with a happy face. she suddenly hugs Jeni. "hey what happened to you...why are you sooo happy" "i met him today... again..." "you mean..." . "yes Ethan" She was blushing while saying his name. "He told me to hangout with him in our first destination if I'm free. and gave me his number " "omg... Are you guys actually planning for a date??" "nope, because i told him as my bestfriend might get loney so first i should ask her, so here I'm . if you're going to be with Alex, i ll go, otherwise i ll turn it down" jeni saw her friend getting sad she instantly say this , " why not, don't bother about me. I ll go with Alex, may be i can talk to him about my feelings... " "woah that's great dear... all the best..." After Rubi left she started to get nervous. She thought 'how I'm going to talk to Lexy, that he is the only male species I'm comfortable with, or may be this is love, let's be boyfriend girlfriend.' The more she think about, the more nervous she became, so she went out to the balcony to relax. As she reached there she thought about the mysterious man she saw the that night. even in these two days whenever she goes into a group of people, she unknowingly search for him. But she never saw him after that night. Somehow she felt someone was watching her, her heart beat raced and when she turned nobody was there. ------------------------------------------- Christy After meeting her he felt some uneasiness. He thought may be I'm attracted to her body. That's why I'm thinking about her. So he tried to avoid the places where they might see each other . But today again, he saw the girl in the same place. she was wearing a off shoulder yellow sundress, she look short today, cute too. heck, what am i thinking, he blame himself. Suddenly, as if she knows his presence she turn around, but christy was faster to hide. So avoided the meeting and left the place. Tomorrow we will reach one most famous beach in Asia, might hangout with my buddies and enjoy some booze and girls , after that these disturbing thoughts will eventually go, he thought to himself. ------------------------------------------- The next day everyone was getting ready, excited for their first destination.. Jeni was really nervous,mainly because her best Friend is going on a date, and she is not sure about Lexi's plan for today. she really wanted to hang out with him and have a proper talk, but she just couldn't take the initiative. So when they reached the port, Jeni patiently waited for Alex. Alex came with a group of football buddies, and told her about their today's adventure plans. Jeni just dont want to spoil their plan, so she told them to carryon. "Jeni, are you ok?? why i feel like you're nervous " Alex ask studying her expression. "nothing Lexy, I'm just so excited to be here" she hides it. "So what's your plan today?? its a boys night otherwise i would have asked you to join us" "hey no problem dude, I'm just waiting for Rubi. we also got plans for the night" "fine, then call me if you need any help okay" "sure, enjoy the night". He just hugs and left with his team. Jeni was so confused. If she stays here any longer, Rubi will come. then if she finds her lonely like this, she will definitely drop her date plan and join her. she just dont wanna spoil her friends night. Even if she was scared, its a crowded beach with awesome party vibe. she hopes to survive the night alone. So she left the place and get into a Restaurant hut, and started her main hobby, eating... After having a good meal, her nervousness is gone, and she felt like one among them in the ambiance. There is music, a dance floor and cool breeze what more do you want. Ofcourse there is booze n boys too, but she is not interested in these two. So after feeling the vibe to dance, she just joined the group of people dancing in the floor. She never danced in college, she hides her wild side to herself. but here all are strangers around,so she don't care a bit. She was so lost in the rock music, continuously danced again and again. ------------------------------------------ On the other side, Rubi was enjoying her date with Ethan. After almost an hour she met with Alex and buddies. when they saw each other, and noticed Jenis absence, instantly asked, "where is Jeni??" at the same time. Later they found out that their friend is missing, as she don't want to spoil their friends night, she left alone in that beach to enjoy herself. Rubi started to panic, as she know Jeni is not familiar with this place. And drunkards, kidnaping, every worst things came to her mind, she was really getting anxious. Alex and friends spilt into teams and went out to search for her, but she couldn't calm down. She felt really bad for leaving her bestfriend like this, if something happens to her she cant think of the rest. So here Ethan takes action too.. He quickly share Jeni's picture as she was missing, search immediately in their w******p group of cruise. He knows his friends were more familiar to this place so it will be easy for them to find her. Ethan's best friend was christy, and he knows he will be partying, and he won't have any interest or time for these kind of things. So he didn't call him for help. ------------------------------------------- Where as Christy was just making out with Violet (as he keeps changing girls, she is the stubborn one who chasing after him , even after knowing its just plain s*x for him ). He feels thirsty, and took a break for drink, he opened his phone . Suddenly he saw the news of missing girl, as he saw her picture, his heartbeat race, he felt like a pain in his heart and the need to protect her. So he immediately left the place, without saying anything to Vi. He directly went to meet Ethan, when he saw Christy he was surprised. Christy maintained professional manner, as this is his responsibility too to find the passenger on his Cruise. Ethan wants to ask more to Christy,, but he knows the situation is not right. After getting information from Rubi, he also started searching. According to Rubi, its hard to find Jeni in a bar or dance floor, she might be sitting ashore of the sea. Alex thought so too. But Christy felt something different about Jeni, so he didnt miss a bar or dance floor he was passing by. As he know she might be deppressed , and scared to stay alone in the shore, she might be in a crowded place. He was crossing a dance floor, suddenly he caught the wild kitten dancing on the floor as if she don't give a damn about anything. Some of people on the dance floor was wearing a mask. so Christy also put one and went straight to her. Her back was facing him. He was dumbfounded by her hip movements, suddenly he also start to move with the beat. She felt some one was behind her and moving sync with her moves, she felt excited. she turned to face him, but as he wore a mask, she couldn't see his face, only his deep sea blue eyes was noticed with her hazel ones. He ask for her hand, out if excitement she gave him, this is her first couple dance. As she touch him there was a sudden vibration going in her whole body, she felt full of sparks wherever they touched. He started with gentle movements, later on it was getting more intimate. She dont know why she was responding to him to the same way, there was an unknown need, unknown thirst for each other. He move closer to her earlobes, and she was lost in her own world, she couldn't think of anything else. Her cheeks were flushed tomato red. when his breath touch her earlobes, she instantly closed her eyes.He moves his hand from her palm to her back, suddenly hugs her,, she was so lost in her hug, both of them continued to move in sync. Suddenly she got the same fragrance, which makes her come out of her trance, and she gently pushes him and left the dance floor. She was a hot mess. This was her first time to be this intimate with a man, and that fragrance. She thought her mind may be playing tricks, it is some random stranger. She was lost in her thought, suddenly somebody smacked her head from behind. "Oops..." Jeni was so confused, and turned around to find the angry face of Rubi. She thought about how to explain things to her, as she know very well about her anger. But suddenly she was taken to a hug by her. "i***t,,, i was so scared when i found that you were not with Alex... Thank God Ethan's friend helped us to find you." "I'm so sorry Rubi , i just didn't want to spoil your night.. i thought i can manage it,, see I'm unharmed " she was smiling like an i***t to make Rubi smile. "Ethan call your friend and ask him to come here, i just want to thank him personally " Before Ethan could respond, Jeni was taken into a tight hug from behind. She very well know who it was, "Lexy, I'm absolutely fine,, please don't gimme lectures, i won't repeat it" she told him with a shy smile. Suddenly he turned her around and kissed her forehead, "Jenny, i was so scared when i found that you were missing, don't ever repeat this" Jeni was suddenly taken aback with the kiss, she don't know how to respond. Rubi interrupted the unease moment, "common guys, lets go, I'm heck tired of searching all over there. And here she was enjoying on the dance floor". Jeni was so embarrassed that she was just plainly smiling. "so you can dance,i am ashamed to say I'm your bestfriend. Now i really think you hides alot my cupcake" she likes it when he calls her cupcake and she was enjoying his care, but even then when lexy kissed on her forehead she couldn't feel the spark . Whereas with a small touch there was sparks all over her body with that mask man. Strange..!!! she thought to herself. They left after that. There was a shadow watching them, and was getting pissed over the show infront of him.
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