No escaping death.

2052 Words
Amara looks down on Zane and his father as she sits still in the tree. She wonders why this guy has such an obsession with her. She is nothing special, just a she-wolf that wants some freedom, now she has a mate that is so bloody arrogant she wants to kill him every five seconds and ad obsessed half breed that wants to make her his mate!  "What the f**k! Goddess, you are a real pain in my ass. I did not ask for a bloody mate, but you go and give me two crazy males, fighting over me. I don't want this. Please take them away! I will personally send them back to you!" Amara talks to the Goddess in her heart. "He is not our mate! Our mate is much more handsome." Her wolf growls at her. "I don't give a f**k what you say, you stupid b***h. If it was not for you we would not be in this position right now, " Amara talks to her wolf in her head. "Our mate is right you have a foul mouth." Her wolf complains. Amara pushes her wolf back and starts moving away slowly from the group of people below her on the ground. She heard enough she will need to move her wolves far away from here, they will be looking for her and her wolves in this area. She moves away slowly just then she sees a bunch of wolves running in the direction of the hunters and the hybrid. She also sees the bat that is following them. "s**t, wolves of the Blood Moon Pack and that stupid Xavier Scott is leading them! What the f**k are they doing here." Amara thinks to herself. "Amara wolves are heading straight for the hunters. What should we do?" Steward mind links her. "Nothing for now, but bring some of our warriors here and let Sheila lead the other to the west as far away from here as possible," Amara links Steward back Soon Steward and some of their best warriors join her, she shows him and the warriors to stand down. They will be watching first, she is not in the mood to get involved with a war that had nothing to do with them. "Stand down, this is not our war." She links Steward and her warriors. "They are our kind Alpha, we can not just sit here and watch them getting slaughtered." Steward links back. "I know but I want to see what the Blood Moon wolves can do and if they can fight." Steward has his bow ready in case they need to help. Amara also gets her bow out and the warriors do the same. They will not let their kind be slaughtered by hunters, but she also first wants to see what will happen and whether Zane Black and his father will fight Xavier Scott. She is still wondering why they are so afraid of Xavier Scott. As the wolves near the hunters, they slow down, they are watching them from the woods. The bat flies down and lands near Markus Black. He changes to a vampire and whispers something in Markus Black's ear. She sees Markus freeze up he walks to his son. "Wolves are near and it looks like a big Alpha is leading them, let's go it may be Xavier Scott. It is Black Moon wolves." "I will fight him tonight father. He took what was mine!" "Are you crazy? Do you want to die young and never have the chance to get the Queen of Rogues as your mate? Let the hunters do their job." Amara looks at Markus and Zane Black, she loses even more respect for them as they run away and let the hunters do their dirty work for them. She takes aim and hit Markus Black in the shoulder with her arrow, Steward saw it and as Zane turns around to help his father an arrow hits him in the leg. Both of them falls to the ground. "Bloody assholes, want the hunters to do their dirty work for them, not on my watch," Amara says to Steward who is smiling. She is angry. She looks at the Black but soon her attention is back at the fight that is about to take place. She sees Xavier Scott and his wolves moving slowly towards the hunters. The hunters are nervous she can see if as they heard what Markus said to Zane, they know the wolves are close but they can still not see them. Xavier moves closer and he gets ready to attack. He jumps out of the woods and lands on the one called Morris, his friends aims with his gun to shoot Xavier, but Xavier turns around holding the hunter in front of him and the hunter shoot Morris in the heart. Soon the wolves are all over the hunters, the hunters did not expect so many wolves and soon they are overpowered. Amara sees Xavier's brother the young Peter and at the same time she sees the hunter shooting the bullet is heading right at Peter's heart as he is distracted by another hunter he is fighting. Amara takes quick action and jumps out of the tree, she runs and tackles Peter the both of them rolls over and the bullet hit the tree behind Peter. "Wow, thank you, Luna," Peter says and Amara is angry on the spot. "Don't call me that you f*****g dumbass." She is still shouting at Peter when a flash comes towards her. Zane Black grabs Amara in his arms and starts running with her. "f**k the sleeping arrow must have warned off." She thinks to herself. At the same time, she bits Zane on his arm that is holding her. A black wolf jumps on both of them out of nowhere. Zane stumbles and Amara goes flying into a tree. She is knocked out. The black wolf runs to her and first makes sure she is okay before he turns to Zane Black, he growls and Zane knows if the wolf gets a hold of him he is dead. The wolf standing in front of him is Xavier Scott! The only wolf he fears. He hears a growl next to him and looks at his father's wolf. "Run Zane! I will keep him busy, you get away." His father mind links him. "No dad, he will kill you!" "I am old you are still young, now go! I don't know how long I can hold him off. Forget about the Queen of Rogues for now. She is not worth your life. Run my son, I love you!" "Dad, please run with me." "I am to slow use your bloody vampire speed and get the f**k out of here, Zane." Zane has no choice but to listen to his father. He did a stupid thing, he should not have gone after the Queen of Rogues when he woke up. He waned her so badly, now his father is going to have to pay with his life for what he has done. It is all her fault she shot them with an arrow, he knows by now that is what she and her wolves do. He still loves her though and he will forgive her anything, even for the death of his father. Zane feels the tears running down his cheeks as he runs back to his territory. Amara comes to and sees the big black wolf standing in front of her. He is facing another black wolf and she knows it must be Markus Black. "Wow, what happened? Is Markus facing Xavier, to safe his son?" Amara thinks. Her head is hurting, but she will heal soon. "You killed my father Markus Black and today you will pay dearly for it," Xavier growls at Markus. "He killed my mate. He deserved it! I will die happy knowing he is also dead." Markus growls back. Then Amara sees the side of Xavier Scott that everyone is so afraid of. His eyes turn golden, his wolf starts to glow a golden colour. The beast in front of her has no trace of Xavier Scott, the beast is just wolf with no human side. He jumps forward and she can only look on in horror as he rips into Markus Black. Amara can not look away she can only stare at the beast that is ripping Markus Scott into pieces. There is nothing left of the black Alpha wolf of Markus Black when the golden beast at last stops. His coat is covered in blood. He turns around to Amara, where she is still sitting next to the tree and Amara is sure she is going to die. The beast in front of her walks slowly to her. She sees Steward aiming but shakes her head. She doesn't think a sleeping arrow can stop this beast. She looks into the golden eyes, the golden eyes turn soft as he looks at her. "Mate." He growls. Amara stretches out her hand and touches him. His big head bows down to her and her smell her. He takes her hand in his big mouth and leads her to a little river nearby. She looks into the river and sees her eyes shining silver. "What the f**k is happening to me?" She thinks to herself. The golden wolf gets in the water and washes the blood of his coat. She wants to touch the golden coat. She runs her hands through the soft coat and the big wolf comes and lies next to her, his big head on her lap as she looks at this magnificent bit cruel creature. He falls asleep and she just sits there next to him holding his head on her lap. She doesn't know how long they sat there next to the little river, she fell asleep her head resting on his back. When she wakes up she is lying in the arms of a naked Xavier. He is still fast asleep and she remembers what happened the night before. She looks at Xavier. "Did I dream of the golden wolf?" She takes off her cape and covers Xavier with it. "Hey, wake up!" Amara pumps Xavier in his ribs. "Wow, did I sleep all night with my beautiful Luna?"  Xavier asks sitting up looking at her. "Care to explain? What the f**k happened last night? What the hell was that whole golden blood wolf thing. You scared the living s**t out of me Xavier Scott." "Oh, that is my wolf, the bad wolf that comes out to play sometimes, I guess there is nothing left of Markus Black?" "Yeah, no s**t you ripped him to pieces." "Did my wolf hurt you?" "No, he just brought me here to this little river washed the blood off himself and we fell asleep here, as I was too bloody afraid to piss him off!" "If he did not hurt you the first time he will never hurt you," Xavier says but he does not look at her, his face is cold as he turns away from her. He can not believe he lost his wolf in front of his mate. He guesses that she will never want him as a mate now. He gets up. He feels ashamed for losing his wolf and let the golden wolf comes out. "Do you have clothes I can borrow?" Xavier asks coldly. Amara looks at him and sees that he has changed, he is not the joking Xavier anymore and she can guess why. "I am not afraid of you, you know." "What?" Xavier looks at her. "The wolf, the golden wolf he was friendly to me although I was afraid at first, I fell asleep with him. I trusted him. He was gentle with me, never touched or hurt me at all." "So you are not afraid of what you saw? He is a beast, Amara, he kills that is all he does." "No, it is not. He is lonely I felt his loneliness. I think he is cool and I like him more than I like you!" For just one moment Xavier's eyes turn golden, and there is a big smile on his face. The golden wolf likes heir little mate.
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