
1059 Words
        Charlotte has fixed in her mind that she should be the reason for the death of the princess. She is thankful to the fruit for causing this but she wants to kill her. Soon she started to think what she should do to kill her. She is very big now and no one is able to hurt her. Soon she had an idea. She started to pray for Osiris for his help. As she is a goddess and Osiris servant. He came in front of her. She told everything to him.          How Cedric is murdered by the Princess with her evil thoughts. It's not a way to die to a noble person like Cedric. How she used him for gaining the pure fruit and how she killed his parents and how she cheated him. She told everything to him. Osiris already knew everything about it. But he listened to her very carefully to understand the emotion in her. She is deeply disturbed. So he supported her and asked her what she wanted.          She asked for his sword. Osiris has a sword named DEMISER. It's so powerful that it could kill anyone. It's the most powerful weapon known till now. Its power is so much that Osiris is also vulnerable to it. So it should be used very wisely. Osiris never gives it to anyone. But here he is also very sad that his pure disciple got murdered.          So to avoid the upcoming problems. He gave her his demiser but under one condition. It only works for three strikes. It could only take 3 lives. After that it returns to Osiris. But his condition has an inner meaning. It's the same time that Lucas in qubetron is thinking of making elegants his servants even after he got the Inferno Kingdom.          Osiris is playing his trick for killing both of the evils in both planets. So his condition has another meaning other than this. So he had only given 3 strikes. It could only take 3 lives. Charlotte has agreed to it and took the sword. The people on that planet will die because of the infectious spores. It's now literally a dead planet.          Everyone on that planet dies even if she didn't take the sword and kill the princess. But it's her emotion to kill the princess with her own hands. She asked if she could return to the Osiris after this entire over. She doesn't have any work here to do as Cedric passed away and after her revenge is over. So she wants to go back to her birth place.          He said he is very much welcome but he has another work for her to do and after that she can return. She agreed to it. After that Osiris disappeared. The demiser is a sword with a diamond blade and golden handle. It has a symbol on it indicating that it's the deadliest weapon known. Charlotte with her magical powers, she had grown to the level of Princess.          They are now very big and strong. That cute Charlotte known till now is like a warrior. She is very angry with red eyes and looks like a lion. She is looking so fierce now. He is standing at the back of Nicole. Nicole turned back and saw that Charlotte had a sword. Nicole came running towards Charlotte and attacked her. She is so much more powerful than expected. Nicole is never letting the sword clash on her. It's understandable and acceptable as after all Nicole is a warrior queen. She is a very trained and skilled warrior. So she never let Charlotte strike on her.          They were fighting very ferociously. Charlotte is trying to s***h her sword on her but Nicole is defending her and attacking back. They were fighting neck to neck. At a point Nicole beat Charlotte so hard that Charlotte lost her grip on demiser and it flew away. On landing of the demiser. It fell on one of the people running from them. He got killed. So now only two strikes left to kill her. She took the sword very swiftly and again started fighting.          So many people crushed under the feet of them and so many people are still running from there. Soon Charlotte used her tactic and started to fly in the air with her wings. She is flying and attacking while Nicole is attacking from the ground. They are fighting like hell. Even from the ground Nicole is fighting very powerfully to kill Charlotte.          Charlotte is trying very hard to s***h her. At a point Nicole managed to stuck her down with a punch and took away the demiser from her. Nicole is pressing the demiser on Charlotte while Charlotte is defending her hand and pushing away Nicole. Soon Charlotte flickered her wings very fast that caused the sand around her to create a storm.          The sand fell in Nicole's eyes and fell back. Soon Charlotte raised and took away the sword from her hand and started to pierce it in her heart. The tip of the sword started to touch her chest and the wounded part started to shine. Slowly the piercing is going very deep and Nicole is shouting in pain. In this way after very much struggle, Charlotte killed Nicole. Charlotte returned to her original shape and she was very exhausted and fell down.          But she is laughing very loud that now Cedric's death finally has a meaning. This planet is now dead. She is very happy that she is able to kill the person who is responsible for Cedric's death. All the people on the planet are infected with the deadly spores and they will die with agony and pain. They will suffer for Cedric's death.          She fell down and went unconscious for several hours. She is so exhausted. She was alone there as all the people had run away very far from that place. So no one would take the demiser fall aside of her while Charlotte is unconscious. After a while, she woke up. Demiser is present there by her side of her. And no one was still around.          It's over now. She prayed for Osiris to appear. He appeared. She asked as now everything was over. She can come back. But he reminded her that she has work to do before she can come back. What’s the work that Osiris wants to do with Charlotte?  To be continued….   

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