Whose fault though?

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Hermana ??? Did that not mean sister ? Martha was Juan's sister ? How exactly did that work ? Dean realized that he would have to worry about all that later because he was beginning to notice that Juan's men were inching their hands slowly towards their rifles that rested close to them . " Le Madre que te pariò !!! " Juan suddenly yelled at Carlos who did not seem to care about whatever it was Juan was yelling at him and Dean's Spanish was limited to single words , he should have listened more at school. Dean took out his gun when he noticed Juan pull out his gun and begin to shoot at Carlos and the other purple haired and wide faced man . He could not get across or get his bullets across to them as they were immediately surrounded by the men that had walked in with them and those ones were surrounded by the people that had been hidden around the room . They seemed very content to be taking the bullet for Carlos . Dean turned around and pushed Jade into Blade's arms as the bullets began to fly around them . " We are leaving now ". He yelled to them , to which May scoffed as she slapped a man that had creeped out of the darkness with a rifle and collected his rifle , she used the rifle's butt to smash in the man's face and looked at Dean . Dean grimaced and apologized nonverbally to the poor man . " Yeah , no s**t , Sherlock ". Dean turned around and rushed forward to the table that Martha still lay on while Juan and his men shot at the opposite end of the room . Dean apologized severally before pulling Juan down and pulling the table too , so that Martha's body slid off . As soon as Juan was down , he heard the thud of his sister's body hit the ground and turned to Dean , his eyes wild . " What the f**k do you think you are doing ? " Dean interlocked their hands tightly , not leaving any room for Juan to do any other possibly violent things with his hands . " You said you would escort us out , it is time for you to make do on your promise now ". Juan stared at him like he was out of his mind , did they really expect him to remain sane in all this ? " Are you f*****g Serious right now ? You just threw my sister's body away , are you fuckin Serious right now ? " Actions were of course still louder than words so Dean pushed Juan's other hand and forced him to begin to drag the table with him as they moved back , answering Juan's question of how serious Dean was . They got to where Jade , May and Blade had hunched theirselves to avoid the gunfire . " How are you guys holding up ?!?! " They all turned to him and May especially looked like she was imagining skinning Dean , he pointed at the table they had dragged over . " I brought cover, That has gotta count for something , right ? ". May ignored him while they all carefully transferred theirselves behind the table amidst the bullets that were still flying around . Jade was so silent as he limited all of his actions , his eyes were on the ground and he was shivering . Dean wrapped his hand around him and whispered into his ears. " You are not going to die , I will make sure of that ". Jade looked at him and Dean smiled reassuringly , he was too used to protecting the people around him to suddenly stop now . They all focused their energy on moving the table to the door when they were abruptly stopped by a couple of the people that had been hidden in the shadows of the room . May immediately raised her rifle and pointed it at them without any hesitation . " May , No !!! ". " What ??? Should we also help this guys that are here to kill us ? Treat their wounds ? Mend their broken hearts ? Feed them ? " Dean shook his head wondering how May could manage to hold a grudge in a situation like this . " Let us just refrain from getting unnecessary blood on our hands except you are going to be responsible for their deaths ". May sneered at him and got up on her feet to slam the butt of the rifle heavily into the man's head , watching Dean as she did so . Dean stood up immediately after her and held the gun in the opposite direction , he pulled her back down hurriedly . " Really ?? Standing up in the middle of a gunfight ? Are you trying to make me responsible for your death ". May chuckled bitterly , showing her teeth that seemed to have grown longer . " I do not intend to die wearing hospital scrubs that is just embarrassing ". Dean focused on watching and making sure that no stray bullets from the Carlos' men versus Juan's men battle came towards May . He was soon joined by a furious Juan who was shooting at everything that dared to come on to their path while Dean only shot around them , purposely missing the people he was actually supposed to be shooting at . They were almost to the door and doing fine when a bullet flew past Dean's face , grazing his cheek , he had no time to touch his cheek to see how bad the graze was . He looked for the source and found the purple haired girl blowing the hot air out of her gun's muzzle , she turned to Dean and smiled when she noticed him looking at her . Red lips did not go very well with purple frizzy hair , Dean shuddered . Dean crouched back behind the table and pulled May down along with him . " What the heck ? I am not getting any blood on my hands , I am just shooting at obstacles to get them away from us... " She stopped talking when she noticed Dean's face . "Which one of them did it ? " She c****d her second gun as she tried to stand up in her feet again. Dean hurried to explain the situation before she grew angrier . " The purple haired girl from earlier got out of the gunfight circle ". May observed him from head to toe . " She gave you that bloody graze on your cheek ? " Dean nodded as he raised his hand to touch the cut , he flinched when the cut stung him . " We need to avoid her till we are out of this assembly , she has a vantage point to shoot at us ... ". Dean was barely done with talking when May stood back up and began to shoot in the direction of where the purple haired girl had shot from . Dean tried to pull her down but realized it was faster to push the table to the door while Blade focused on whatever strays made it to them and Juan changed his rounds every sixty seconds while still yelling profanities in Spanish that made Dean want to cry out . They were soon at the door and Dean pushed Jade out first before Blade followed and then he pushed May out too before shouting for Juan's men to hurry out . " Really ? Are you kidding me ? " His shout had made everyone turn their attention to them and Dean had to bend again while Juan continued to shoot through the opening in the door , there was no way they were leaving Juan's men behind , they would make mince meat of them . He waited till the last of them had gotten very close to the doors and then Dean slipped out from behind them and closed the doors, he told them to get something that they could use to hold the doors closed while he turned to Juan and yelled . " Are the windows barred ? " " Yes , the f*****g windows are barred ". Jade pulled out a chain and padlock from his sack and Dean was not in the right situation to ask why he had that with him , he pushed the door open and peeked in , Juan's men had reached the doors . Dean held the door open for them to run out while he threw the bottles of chloroform he had brought into the air and shot multiple times at them before slipping out and closing the door again even as the people in the room pulled and pushed the doors . Blade secured the door with the chains and they all put their weights on the doors so the crazy mob inside did not break the chains and get out . " This is all your fault Dean !! If you had not come back to treat her, we would have been back home sleeping peacefully ". Dean scoffed as he strained to keep his weight on the door amidst the banging . " No , it is entirely your fault May .If you had not challenged her at all , we would never have come here in the first place ". May scoffed louder and snorted . " No, it is completely your fault Dean . If you had not disgraced Juan at the gauntlet yesterday , I would have never seen him today and issued any challenges " . Dean did not believe she was blaming that on him . " No , it is all your fault really, May . If you had not jumped into his fight , I would not have needed to fight and then disgrace him at all ". They both turned to Jade's face and chorused . " It's Jade's fault !! ". But , their attention was immediately deviated when the people behind the doors stopped struggling . They left the doors and one of Juan's men opened the door as far as the chain would let . " They are on the floor , I think they are all dead ". " Sleeping ". Dean corrected proudly . " How ? " Juan's man asked again , his face lit up as he asked . He sounded incredulous like it was a magic trick . Juan turned to him . " Who are you ? "
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