Natural Moisturizers

1656 Words
It had everything . Everything Dean had suspected . Doritos , Cheetos of the flaming hot category , Funyuns , Pringles , Cheez - its , Lay's chips , Ritz crackers , Reese's peanut butter cups and several other packages that Dean was not familiar with . He bent down and scooped several packs , throwing them in the air and on the cowards that stood by his side . They all opened their eyes and began to jump around . Blade was throwing it in the air and letting it rain over them as he screamed some celebratory phrase that Dean had never heard. May and Jade were clapping their hands together as they jumped . They all seemed intent on creating a ruckus that would inadvertently draw other people's attention and if they were unlucky enough , a golem or two would come their way . Screaming at them would only be hypocritical. Dean took out the gun in his vest and checked the clip , it was filled . He returned it letting the barrel click loudly as he adjusted it . Dean pointed the gun at where they stood , the click must have been enough because they all stood in different stages of a very amateur freeze . " Are you done screaming ? " They all nodded ,Dean nodded too and pointed the gun at Jade who was shaking uncontrollably . Did they really think he was going to shoot them? Dean was impressed with their seriousness . " You pack the bag back up, we'll take turns carrying it back and if anyone else wants to scream loud enough to attract other people and golems , be my guest . I'd be happy to set you up with them ". Blade and Jade immediate got to work filling the sack back up while May smiled a knowing smile at him . When they were finished , Jade reluctantly tapped Dean . " We are ready to go , I'll take my turn carrying now ". With that he ran ahead of them , Dean cleared his throat . " Say , Jade would you be able to do anything about an attack from your front ? " Jade blinked as he tried to comprehend Dean's question , he eventually shook his head. " No , I don't think so ". Dean smiled as he nodded . " Which is exactly why we have a formation for moving in line so get back and let May man the line ". May moved ahead , swinging her hips like he had given her a small country to rule over . Dean ignored all of them as they began to walk , Jade ended up in front of Dean and because the gun was in Dean's hand as they walked , Jade shook all the way . They had walked for a while and Dean was beginning to become quite fatigued . They had not seemed to have walked this far when they had been searching for the sack first . Dean saw an acacia tree in the distance and smile as they passed it , the tree was in great condition . Jade had passed the bag to Blade a while back and they had both been very silent with the exchange . But now , Blade was passing it on to May and there was suddenly noise . Dean might have to really shoot May at the end of it all . They continued walking and walking as they followed the little red flags that Jade and May had scattered on the ground earlier . Wait , Dean spotted something up ahead , another Acacia tree . Dean ran ahead , breaking their formation as he examined the tree closely . No, It was the exact same tree from earlier . May scoffed as she trudged to the side to him . " What do you think you are doing ? " Dean ignored her question as he looked around , he had just assumed his head injuries had gotten him confused with how long they had been walking . " Don't you think we have been walking for a little too long , at least compared to when we came in to the woods ". May grimaced at this and the others ran forward when they heard Dean's observation . " I noticed that the path looked weird and too far but the red flags have been leading us , why would they lead us round and round ? " Shit ! Dean and May realized what had happened at the same time . They were following the wrong path. They both ran over to the first red flag they could find and picked it up . They examined it for a while before Dean finally asked what he wanted . " Look carefully May , is this yours ? " May grabbed it roughly and began to examine it , she threw it on the floor when she was unsatisfied . This left only one other idea . Someone had taken out all their red flags and replaced it in another location . The person must have been following them as they entered the woods , that would have been how he could find all the flags and change their locations. " Why are you both breaking our supposed formation ?" Jade inquired as he pressed his face and body to see between them . Dean beckoned he and Blade closer and pointed around . " This doesn't seem like the path we took yesterday or a few minutes ago , does it ? " Blade looked around , a deep wariness blanketing his face . " While the rest of you did nothing but run , I studied the way and I remember that the path we took yesterday was..." We all stretched forward to hear the next path clearly . "Surrounded by trees , just like here so we are definitely on the right path ". May smacked Blade's head over and over again. Dean snorted in disbelief , what had he even expected ? " It's different from the path we took earlier ". They all turned to Jade , he was pointing at the trees . " The trees here have thicker roots and the sun is almost completely shaded out , the ground too is somehow now full of moisture , I think we somehow got deeper into the woods ". Dean was tittering on the edge of sanity , these had been all the things he had noticed and now they were exposed to something Dean was becoming nauseous as he thought about . " Does this mean , we could be targets to reptiles and s**t ? " Dean retched as soon as May said it . He had just thought not thinking about it would make it go away but of course May had to mention it . He continued to retch , Dean could not stand reptiles or any animals that moved on more than four legs and less than two legs . May grabbed him as he bent over , his stomach caving in . " Hey breath , breath ". He did as she said , trying to hold his breath and exhale smoothly . " Jesus , you are so fragile ". Dean pushed her off him and pulled out the gun again . He turned around the the trees looking for where the moisture was uneven and had began to thin out that would be their exit . He walked around before he found where the moisture was lesser . He motioned for the others to join him with , Blade was holding a rifle he had not noticed before . Blade noticed him looking at it . " Hmmm , I got this from Trevor's place ,it was hidden quite well but not good enough for me". Dean ignored the last part , he was doing a lot of ignoring lately . He turned around and they gathered around him with Jade in the center as they walked . Blade tugged at Dean's shirt and held a finger up , He stopped walking and listened . He couldn't hear anything , he turned back to Blade who was still holding his finger up . Dean heard it then , footsteps around them . Not one or two , there was a third and a very heavy fourth. Blade motioned for them to hide between the trees but Dean would rather not , the thought of the slime almost had him retching again . He lifted the gun , since the trees were covering most of the way , they would have to shoot by the ear . He shot at the first sound he heard , he slid back a little and fell on the dirty,swampy floor. He had never shot a gun and had not expected that amount of recoil added to the already slippery path . Dean was soaked through with the disgusting moisture he had been trying to avoid . One could even say that Dean was moisturized. Someone was suddenly running towards them . Dean got up and began to run too , the others followed him and soon he could see that the moisture had greatly reduced and the trees were thinning out . However , movement in the corner of his eyes stopped him . A man was coming at them by the left side , another one on the right . Dean ceased all of his movements when another guy came walking down the path he had been walking through . With each step he took , his defined body became more pronounced and soon his face was visible enough . Top dog had found them .
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