Wine and main stream movies

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Dean was interrupted by Blade's loud sniggering that rose and fell as the man sniggered more . He turned around , exasperated by the unending noise to see what was making Blade so amused and saw May glaring at Blade , He was still laughing though . " We should split up and open the windows , get more light in and reduce the stuffiness ", Dean said , hoping to get the sniggering as far away from him as possible . May nodded and practically ran off with Blade chasing after her and snickering , like a couple of kindergarten children , Dean watched them , confused by the dynamics that governed their relationship . Of the two , May had seemed more capable of bullying anyone , at least way more than Blade who seemed to want to be everyone's friend and like he had succeeded at it before ,it was almost like he had no idea that he looked like the good looking bad guy from every main stream movie . Dean slowly walked down the church's aisle , opening windows and admiring the state of the church , the church had been kept and maintained in great shape , it was obvious that the owners or the ones that had used it had really loved it . He reached the altar and stopped to stare at it . The light coming from the ceiling and from the windows somehow converged at the altar , giving it a glow that could only be described as spiritual , something akin to the presence of God , it left Dean in awe . He moved towards the altar and climbed the few stairs that elevated it . There was a wide table at the far end that carried golden cups or more precisely , golden goblets . Yes , the golden ones that people generally only saw in pictures and books . Kind of like the chalice that everyone had assumed to be the holy Grail because of the Indiana Jones movies . Well , he could not generalize all people to have not seen things as magnificent as that , some people definitely had access to things like this . The table had been covered completely with a white cloth , the white cloth still looked fresh albeit slightly dusty and the only sign that it was not recently arranged there was the dust about the body's and bases of the goblets . Dean carefully moved the cups aside to raise a section of the white clothe to check if perhaps the table was maybe , just maybe golden too . It was not in the least bit golden bit was rather an old , wooden table that was even chipped at the corners . He knew some life lesson lay around the covered old table and the glittery surface , but Dean hated relating to life lessons or proverbs or whatever . The table was built like a cup board though , so Dean moved around to where the front and opening should be and pulled on the handles . The cupboards door opened and Dean picked up his flashlight again to light the inside of the cupboard to see what secret weapons lay in there . There was no secret weapon or more gold , it was filled with wine . Dean picked one up , he did not know much about wine but it seemed to be pretty old and expensive wine . He stood up with the bottle and placed the bottle on the table . He could hear Blade and May talking as they walked back down , since it was just the three of them, all their talking was echoing and you could tell of someone was even so much as whispering or tiptoeing , great features for the horror movies May seemed to hate so much . They got down and looked around ,their eyes taken in the altar in awe like it had been for Dean , their eyes eventually found Dean towards the corner of the altar and they began to walk towards him . May's hands were around her head as she walked , when she noticed Dean looking at her hands , she grinned . " All that running around made me damn hungry , I do not know how long I can continue to eat protein bars ", She told him in protest . Blade's eyes were still moving over the altar , he turned towards Dean and May . "Do you think this was once a church or has it just been a prop in this game of theirs ? Designed for this very function ? ", He asked , his eyes still on the convergence of light . Dean shrugged . "The church seems quite old and seems to have aged the way a good tool would have , like it has been properly taken care of ", He admitted . May nodded . " The houses too looked the same ,like there had once been families living inside them , but we can not still tell if that means they were once inhabited of it is all just a giant set ", She suggested . " It could also be that whoever the people of this place were , they had taken part in this game too ", Blade told them , his suggestion sending them reeling with negative thoughts that they could not handle . " All of this does not matter , seeing as I am too tired and hungry to think straight ", May said as she walked off . May moved off the altar and slumped into a seat on the first pew , she raised her hands towards Dean . " Save me , father ! ", She cried out . Blade turned his backpack around and unzipped it , he ran towards her with his brown paper bag from earlier . " Will you let me save you from the claws of hell with a little roasted chicken ? ", He cried too as he held out the paper bag to her . She nodded with a smile and grabbed the paper bag from him . " I found wine to go with that ", Dean announced . Dean pointed behind him as he informed them , drawing their attention to the wine that he had placed on the table , next to the goblets . May jumped up , revitalized and pushed the paper bag back into Blade's hands , they both ran up the altar and towards the table . When Dean turned to see what they were doing , he was not really shocked . May cradled the bottle in her arm while Blade looked like she held the cure to a plague he suffered from . Dean figured that it would not be a good thing to tell them that the table was filled with lots of bottles , he did not want to have to watch over drunks , that is if the wine was even safe to be drunk . Dean turned specifically to May and tilted his head . " Aren't you underage ? ", He asked her . She glared at him and then smiled softly , the smile not reaching her eyes . " I am also in a game with steels chasing me around ,I really do not think my age should be a string of contentment ", She stated with a flip of her hair . Dean grimaced , unable to argue with that , she was incredibly right . " It is a bone of contentment indeed ", He said to her . May finally awoke from a reverie and held the wine to the light , she began to read the words out . It was Italian , so she read it slowly . " del ... lo spirit... o ", She stammered . Dean snorted , grinning as he walked ahead and took it out of her hands . " It reads Vino dello Spirito . It is Italian for wine of the spirit ", He told her . May scoffed at him and dusted her back as she stood up. " You speak Italian ? ", She asked . Dean shook his head as he observed the altars pulpit . " How do you know what the words on the wine say then ? ", Blade asked . Dean swiftly turned around , surprised to hear Blade's voice so close to him . They were both behind him with wide eyes , really , they were just children . " I used to tutor this kid , his parents were into theatre and he was casted to play Dionysus in a spring play , I watched him practice ", Dean told them as he thought of the kid and his incredibly dramatic parents , the kid had hated his parents accompanying him anywhere . Blade and May exchanged glances , looking more confused than before . May was the one that spoke about it though . " How does that relate with you speaking Italian ? ", She questioned , unsure if what Dean had just told them . Dean thought about it for a second . She was right , he should have explained simpler . " Dionysus is the Roman God of wine and entertainment , the play was in Italian too so the kid's parents made a rule that the kid could only speak Italian at home to perfect his lines , so I learnt a few words and sentences while the kid practiced ", He explained , enunciating his words like he would have for a kid he was tutoring . Again , it seemed that Dean's story did not cut it for them , they turned around and went back to admiring the wine . What had they expected ? A story of how he had been imprisoned by Italian mafia for years and was only able to communicate through the wall with another prisoner after learning Italian ? Ridiculous ! One of these days , his story would impress them . Even he was beginning to sound ridiculous . Light caught Dean's eyes as he stared at the wall imagining there was a prisoner beyond it . He moved toward the wall behind the table , it had been decorated and covered in satin . Dean grabbed one end of the satin and ripped it all off . " Mother of God ! What are you doing ? ", May screamed , still maintaining the farce that she was an eighteenth century maiden at the church . Dean ignored them and placed his head on the wall as he moved , knocking softly . He finally stopped when the knocking sounded shallow , he stood back to examine it . He could feel Blade and May breathing down his neck as they struggled to see what he was up to. He touched it , there was no break in the wall . He pushed it and it budged , he pushed it again to see what direction it could go . Oh , it was built like a sliding door , there was no need to use force . Dean gently slid the rest open . " Wow , it is just like a hidden room ", May said . Dean rolled his eyes , it was an hidden. room . " Do you think it was built to hide from the end of the world ? ", She asked again. Dean ignored both of them and got out his flashlight again . It was a small room that had been unoccupied for a while , it wasn't dusty but it was quite musty . It was painted sunset yellow and had drawings of crosses , different styles and length , like a child had scribbled on the walls . It had a bed , the kind that had curtains around it and a large reading table to the corner , there was even a lamp on the table. A picture of the previous pope rested on the wall , his hands that carried the signet ring was being kissed by a young Reverend . Dean turned off his flashlight . " I guess I have found my own room ", Dean said .
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