Drop the bomb on me...

2004 Words
They gathered all of their available food and sat on the altar to eat . They cleaned out the goblets with water and asked for forgiveness before using it to share the wine that May had opened quite unceremoniously , spilling most of it around in her attempt . After May had shared the wine , they made Blade wash his hands before splitting the rest of his roast chicken by four ways and then Dean handed out protein bars for them to munch on when they had finished eating . They ate quietly , Dean watched as May and Blade secretly watched Jade , they were probably filled with questions for the boy . As if he knew he was being watched , he lifted his head , he had a little protein bar stuck to the side of his face . May and Blade began to snigger loudly like that was the funniest thing that they had seen this year and the kid's eyes widened as he looked from one sniggering fool to the other in confusion . Dean pointed at the boy's face , trying to communicate what the problem was without actually saying it . " Don't pay attention to them , they can be gravely childish , you just have a little chocolate stuck to the corners of your mouth " , Dean told him calmly . Dean watched as Jade struggled hopelessly to get it off , his fingers touching every part of his face but the part where it was actually supposed to be on . His name suited him quite perfectly . Had he been named that because he was so wanting of care ? Dean could not bear to watch the pathetic struggle to find the chocolate piece anymore or listen to Blade and May's increased snickering . He stood up and used the end of his sleeves to wipe off his mouth , something he had never done even for his sister . Jaymie had never particularly been a messy child and she had hated having help to do certain things , she had always been in a hurry to learn something new to her . When he sat back down , Dean realized that the sniggering had disappeared creating way for a stiffening silence that was even louder than the sniggering had been . He looked around to find the others looking at him like he had a big pile of chocolate on his face , well except May . She looked angry , Dean rolled his eyes and finished his protein bar . Dean was having the rest of his wine when the siren went off . The goblet fell out off his hands as he rushed to cover his ears from the piercing shriek . Yesterday , he must not have noticed how loud it was because he had been asleep and groggy . When the siren finally stopped , Dean opened his eyes that he had closed at some point and found the others still had their hands over their ears with their eyes tightly closed , he was first to take away his hands . He pushed himself out of his seat to the person closest to him first . He gently peeled off Jade's arms from his ears , placing them by his sides . " Hey , hey , It is off . You can put your hands down now ", He said softly Jade opened his Jade coloured eyes that were currently filled with fear . Seriously , what damned person had sent this kid here . He looked Older than May but May would eat him for brunch and still have two servings of lunch . When he turned around , Blade and May had taken their hands away from their ears and opened their eyes . And again , May was glaring at him. The automated female voice came on . HELLO , IF YOU ARE ABLE TO HEAR THIS MESSAGE THEN YOU ARE STILL A LEGIBLE PLAYER WHO HAS MADE IT INTO THE THIRD DAY OF THE GAMES . Dean headed out of the church , pulling Blade along to help with the door . The door was too heavy and thick for just he alone to open it . He held his hand out for Blade to take so he could take him up . At the door , they combined forced effort to get it to budge . ALL LEGIBLE PLAYERS HAVE BEEN DISPLAYED AND HAVE ADVANCED TO THE NEXT LEVEL ON THE SURVIVAL PYRAMID . Dean and Blade pushed the door open and stepped out into the light of the morning , they both looked up like they had hopes of photosynthesizing . Dean quickly found his face attached to a picture of Alec and then he looked through again searching for any familiar faces , he was searching to see if he recognized any of the other Patrons especially May and Blade's . He was however startled by a picture of a guy he had noticed fighting last night , his Patron was even more surprising . Murray McCoy , one of the world's best engineering proteges . He had been Dean's father's mentor with his gentleman engineering , he could at least have gotten someone better looking and smarter if he was participating in this horrendous game . Dean was only mildly disappointed , he remembered his mission with the other Patrons and got back to it . The pictures suddenly faded before he was able to find anything . ALL REMAINING PLAYERS WILL NOW BE INTEGRATED FOR PROCESSING. PLAYERS ARE WELCOME TO CHECK OUT OTHER PLAYERS JUST ABOVE . Dean turned around , there was no other information he was interested in , he had not recognized any of the player Patrons and that was more than he could take for a for a while May and Jade stood outside the church , at the top of the stairs , their faces in the air . Dean had to get to studying the journal to draw out any useful information that could guide them or help them so that they could keep their lives and wits intact band alive. ALL PLAYERS HAVE NOW BEEN INTEGRATED . PLAYER PROGRESS CAN BE MONITORED ABOVE AS WELL AS PLAYER PATRONS. The automated voice was now repeating things Dean had already heard , he climbed up the stairs as as he tried to recall the last paragraph from yesterday , to see if it was the answer , to see if the messages were different . ALL PLAYERS HAVE SIMILAR RESERVES TO CARRY OUT THE GAMING. PLAYERS ARE WELCOME TO BUILD WEAPONS OF THEIR CHOICES WITH ANY OF THE AVAILABLE RESOURCES. THE GAME RESERVES THE RIGHTS TO PLAYER LIVES AND WILL NOT BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR ANY LOSSES . THE AIM AND ONLY RULE OF THE GAME IS TO SURVIVE THE DAY AND ALL OF THE COMING DAYS . GOODLUCK . Dean scoffed , they had not changed a thing , it was the exact same thing They were having people die by crazy human hunting weapons and they could not give a message with their real voices or anything that was respectful enough to not have been prerecorded . Dean went around May and through the doors , heading straight for his room and journal . He settled down and got out the journal , turning the pages till he was at the first page . He looked around for something he could use to write , he had searched for a pen or pencil but found none . In one of the drawers attached to the table , he found paper and some ink in a stone , along with a Quill's feather , perfect . Just how long ago was this ... He took out a bottle of water from his bag and began to grind the ink , he would need to draw his own understanding of the autobots his father had been building . " What are you doing ? ", Someone asked from behind him . To his chagrin, Dean yelped yet again , surprised by the sudden Interruption . He turned around to find Jade looking like the deer that had been caught in front of the headlights when it was very obviously Dean that was the one that was caught in front of headlights . " I am so sorry , I did not mean to scare you ", Jade said as he began to pace about Dean before he eventually stopped . Dean grimaced , he had not been scared , he just hated being crept up on or surprised and now Jade was taking his liberties with his words to him and was still apologizing . " It is okay , you did not scare me ", Dean lied through his teeth Jade looked like he did not believe Dean , he walked forward and stared down at the ink that Dean had been grinding in perplexity . " What is this ? ", he asked ad he stared at the black fluid . " It's ink ", Dean said to him , showing him how it worked . Dean's mom had believed that using natural ink was better so he was used to ink grinding . He , of course could not imagine how someone that had probably never seen something like this would take it . Jade looked like he had more to ask but was being cautious of Dean , Dean sighed . " When you grind the ink you have to be careful that it doesn't become too thick or too faint ". Dean instructed as he passed it on to Jade to grind . " My mum was Bohemian so this was the only way we could write ". Jade chuckled at this and went on grinding while Dean took a look at the first page of the book . After glancing through the first page , he lifted his head to Jade . " What do you know about autobots , like these ones here in the game ? ", Dean asked , hoping that Jade maybe had more insight in the matter . Jade grimaced at the thought of the steel golems . " The usual , general knowledge . What I am sure I know more about is the insane amount of chloroform you have , what were you planning on using it for ", Jade asked as he looked Dean was impressed , the kid knew his way around . " Honestly , I just took it . It is of no use against the steels and is not flammable ,I was thinking of increasing the pressure.....", Jade interrupted him right there . "...To make smoke bombs ", he finished for him . They exchanged a look and Dean laughed . Jade ran his hand through his hair . " I think the only thing I am actually any good in his chemistry ", Jade stated . " For me , I was homeschooled for a long while and my parents were very practical people ", Dean explained . They both chuckled at their revelations . Jade turned around and picked up the box of chloroform . " You go on with your autobot studying, I will try to remember and put down everything I can remember of chloroform , just maybe it could be weaponized ". Dean nodded agreeing , he trusted the kid to handle it . He watched the kid leave first before turning to what he had down. He transferred his papers and ink to the ground and took off his boots before getting in the middle of it , illustrating as he read . He was Soon out of tune with the world as he became lost in ink and an overload of autobot information .
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