Two Angry Fathers

4519 Words

Abasi Aarun Villa, City of Thebes, Upper Egypt. 1st Month Of Flood, Thy, 1400BC Information available for Public Disclosure. The Race and Color of Ancient Egyptians. Deciphering past hieroglyphs of the Ancient Egyptians, it was discovered that the Ancient Egyptians were thought to have Reddish brown skin tones and dark skin tones. Also reading books by historic geniuses like Aristotle, he referred to them as dark. However, Further studies show that Egyptians can be likened to Modern day America. It does not mean that their skin was white but they were compared to America as they have historically been world powers (America is today’s world power) Because of that, they tend to be the melting pot of the world. This meant that people from far and near moved into Egypt for a better life,

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