Laying Under his sheets.

3841 Words

Bathhouse in Luxor, City Of Thebes, Upper Egypt. 1st Month of flood, Thy, 1400BC Information available for Public Disclosure. The Goddess Bastet. Bastet often referred to as Bast, Baast, Ubaste, Baset and sometimes B’sst was a goddess of Ancient Egyptian religion. She was said to have the form of a lionsss with wings and later on, her domestication which happened around 1050BC led to her keeping the form of a cat. She was a goddess of protection, lion, cats, perfume, fertility, children, music and warfare. There is another goddess named Sekhmet who is said to have the same roles as Bastet. In their Mythology they were both daughters of Ra, had the exact same powers, protectors to the Pharaoh and the Sun God Ra. Later it was said that Sekhmet and Bastet were one and the same feline go

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