A Malicious Set Up

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Courtyard, Household of Abasi Aarun, Thebes Egypt. 1st Month of Flood, Thy, 1400BC “You need to be home as soon as possible. Do not step out of the carriage Zahra” Rashida warned her daughter. “Mama,” Zahra turned towards her mother. She wrapped her cloak around and lifted the veil on her shoulders to cover her golden locks of hair. “Father said I should follow through the kitchen,” then she stepped forward and lowered her voice. “And that this is one of the most expensive wine he has ever purchased. Under no circumstances should this chest ever be found unguided by superior authority.” She whispered, looking straight into her mother’s brown eyes. “Fine” she heaved out a sigh. “I am your mother after all. It is not my fault I have such a beautiful girl under my care who is unmated. Where is Mintaka?” Rashida looked over her shoulder. “Here!’ Mintaka chirped, scurrying towards Zahra. “Oh good.” Rashida touched a hand to her chest. “You know you cannot leave here unchaperoned.” Then stepping forward she glanced side to side before lowering her tone. “I want you to have company so that the likes of that man whoring lieutenant does not find you and leave you defenseless” she whispered harshly, her voice filled with distaste. Zahra let out a soft giggle and her mother smiled affectionately at her daughter before raising her shawl to cover her whole hairline so that no one would recognize her. “I need to go Mama, lest the Pharaoh be kept waiting” she said. “Alright darling. Keep your self safe. And watch out for each other” Rashida glanced at Mintaka. Mintaka flashed her kind mistress a toothy smile and she shook her head with a small smile. Rashida had always been fond of Mintaka and normally treated her as a daughter than slave. Also, Rashida had taken off the silver band around Mintaka’s neck that signified she was a slave. This was because no slave could be mated to anyone without being set free from their master. So in the event that Mintaka finds her mate, she would already be set to go off with him. Rashida had applied the same rule for all her servant girls because she knew what the mate bond was like and she would never want to hinder anyone from their happiness. The girls waved away Rashida and with a fierce neigh of two horses, their carriage took off. The girls kept slight banter as they rode past houses, inns and temples. Egypt was a glorious place to live in and they were often awed by it’s beauty no matter the amount of times they rode by. In no time, they had already arrived the Aarun bar. Warriors and horses of different colors and strength lurked around the exterior. Zahra pressed her lips together firmly and unconsciously rose the shawl above her forehead for fear of being noticed. The mating season was near approaching and men were already searching for girls to keep them company through the season. During the mating season, girls like her in the high class or upper middle class would go through a series of events to find matches in their same class. They spent the whole year preparing themselves so they would be able to find a mate, chosen or fated. But other men, most especially soldiers of lower or mediocre ranks only looked for a partner to satisfy their needs for the season. After that, they would move on. The two girls stepped out of the the chariot and stood side by side as the men lifted the chest out of the chariot. “Careful” Zahra called out, staring determinedly at the chest. She did not wish for her father to open it and find a broken bottle of such expensive wine. "Do not worry Zahra," Mintaka giggled into her mistress's ear. "I did not see then drinking wine in the middle of the day. They would not dare drop the chest" Zahra shook her head and flashed a fond smile at her chirpy friend before they headed towards the back of the parlor and away from the curious eyes of the Pharaoh's soldiers. As soon as Zahra entered the storage room of her father's beer parlor, her whole body flushed with a wave of heat. Her cheeks flushed and turned so red she had to let out a gasp. She felt like a wave of hot air had been fanned towards her. She turned towards Mintaka wondering if she felt the same way but instead Mintaka gazed upon her worriedly. "Are you well Zahra? You look as though you saw a ghost but your cheeks are crimson as a rose" Mintaka asked. "I- I am fine" Zahra shook her head before placing the back of her hand on her forehead. "Ra's sun is quite hot today I feel a little faint." she continued. "Then we must make haste back to the villa. I can deliver-" "Mintaka this is my task" Zahra objected. With a disapproving frown, Mintaka put a hand to Zahra's forehead. "You are burning up Miss. At this rate you might come down with a fever and I cannot let you stand further. The Ushabtis will escort you back to the chariot so you can rest while I summon your father" "Fine" Zahra nodded faintly before turning around with the male servants. As soon as she was outside in the sun, she felt much better. That is strange, she muttered to herself with furrowed eyebrows. Zahra felt a shadow block her away from the harsh sun. What was going on? When she looked up, her face paled again. Not him again, not Potiphera. Not the very stubborn and vile lieutenant that was keen on making her his mate and newest wife. He had no hair on his head for he had shaved it all off and he was extremely tall and intimidating in appearance. But Zahra was not afraid of him and was only repulsed by the mere mention of his name. "Leave us!" He snared at Zahra's male servants. Zahra's eyes widened with incredulity. "Sir her father has ordered for us to take her back to the family carriage. She is unwell and needs to sit" One of her father's men said. Zahra almost breathed a sigh of relief at the lie told to save her until she heard the vile lieutenant's words. "I do not care about that ! Now leave us!' He declared, his eyes turning pitch black. His canines extended and he bared his much more superior wolf to the servants so that they fled away in fear. "What are you thinking!" Zahra hissed angrily at him, her chest heaving up and down with anger. Potiphera licked his lips lustfully and stared longingly at her body. That only seemed to fuel Zahra's rage. "Do you even know what you are doing? If anyone finds me here with you my honor will be questioned and I will not be able to attend the mating festivals this year!" "You do not need to go for all that Zahra. I can just marry you straight away, right here and now" He dared to inch forward. The beast inside Zahra awakened and when she took a peek at Potiphera, she saw red. "Stay away from me" she snarled, her canines extending. Zahra knew she had to cool down or else she would reveal her secret. However, she knew she had to teach him a lesson. “Why is that how you welcome me after a victorious war?” He chuckled. “Kiss my feet and cleanse it with your hair-“ Zahra’s beast let out a growl and launched her fist straight into Potiphera’s face. At once, she felt better. Even though this was extremely unladylike and might get her into a lot of trouble, the stupid bastard was going to get what he deserved. When she looked back up into his face, there was a serious bruise forming on his cheekbone and his nose was bleeding. His canines extended but he staggered back, a painful grimace on his face. “Why you stupid b***h!” He swore out loud and cupped his cheekbone. “Losing your temper like a damn boy walking into adulthood!” “You have not even progressed into adulthood if you cannot control your tongue and your manly urges. Stay away from me or everyone will find out how their precious Zahra launched a bloody blow to the Lieutenant’s face!” She bellowed at him and stormed away. “Mark my words Zahra! You will never see your family again and you will beg for my mercy on your knees!” He screamed back at her. She balled her fists and turned towards him with a snarl on her face. “I challenge you Potiphera! Do you worst!” She spat. And with that, she scurried away to her carriage before anyone noticed what she had done. Surely he was making empty promises was he not? ******************** The god Amsety fidgeted with his finger nails, saw dirt in them and his lips curled upwards. He stunk and could see the dirt of that Nubian desert on his arms. If those bloody whores staring at him from the other side of the bar did not notice it, he did. A particular dark haired one batted her eyelashes at him. Amsety rose a brow. She smiled, slowly ran her tongue across her bottom lip and bit it. After that, she slowly threw down the hand of her sheath dress. Amsety snarled and his eyes flashed angrily at her. Immediately her face paled and she lowered her gaze before turning towards the lower ranked soldiers. “Live a little” Ammon snorted at his friend. Amsety glanced at his friend before shaking his head. “You criticize me everyday for having a harem and now you want me to live a little? A little bit hypocritical or am I wrong?” He snorted. “At least be nice” Ammon huffed. “To what? A cheap w***e?” He rolled his eyes. “Point made Pharaoh.” Ammon sighed. Amsety smirked and pushed a long strand of his raven locks behind his ear. “Why are they taking so long to serve us?” he frowned. “I am certain he wants to give us something special and is preparing at the moment. Besides, we haven’t been here for more than Five minutes” Ammon said. “I will go check on them Pharaoh” Potiphera, his lieutenant bowed his head. “I am well accustomed with this place and the owner.” And before Amsety could say more, Potiphera was gone. The Pharaoh furrowed his eyebrows but then shrugged it off as he leaned back on his seat. If he did not know Potiphera better, he would have thought he was up to something in his best of interests. But he was a good soldier and he would always put his King first. Amsety inhaled deeply and pushed his neck backwards. Then slowly he gasped and opened his eyes wide with shock. His eyes flashed gold and he delved into his mind, a vision coming to him. Gold mist swirled around a field of already harvested grain. Then he heard a small giggle and a figure started to run towards the West. She was wearing a simple and overflowing white linen dress but jewelry that told she had a wealthy background. Her golden curls were lifted up by the gold mist and made her look like an Angel- or perhaps goddess. Who was she? She was of small stature but something about her told Amsety she was anything but. He could almost tell she was extremely beautiful without even seeing her face. Something about her shiny hair, about the way she danced around this field seemed- seductive when it was anything but. Why would she not turn and look at him? He tried to chase after her but she soon vanished- and so did his vision. “What did you see?” Ammon inquired curiously. “Golden curls, golden mist, field of grain” Amsety frowned. This was the first Time he had a vision of this nature. Never in his life had he ever seen a woman in his visions.... Anmon was about to say something but suddenly, looked uncomfortable. “What?” Amsety asked. “Surely you cannot smell that?” He frowned. His eyes started to turn dark, his wolf surfacing. “Ammon calm down-“ “Mate,” he grunted, his claws surfacing. “She is here,” Amsety furrowed his eyebrows at Ammon as he stood up and inhaled deeply. He had no words or knew what to do to assist Ammon. Ammon stormed off from the table he was seated at and started to take long strides towards the service area. He smelled her before he saw her. Cinnamon skin, long brown hair braided backwards. She was trying to scurry into the storage room but Ammon was not going to let her. Moving swiftly he grabbed her hand and backed her up against the wall. Mintaka could only stare back in shock. She knew what this meant. She knew what those electric sparks running down her spine meant and definitely knew why her insides were exploding with butterflies. Most especially, she knew why he seemed so attractive to her. She may not be a werewolf, but she knew that she was his mate. A smile tugged her lips upward and Ammon smiled back at her, knowing she acknowledged their bond. “Mine” he muttered. “Y-yours” Mintaka nodded back and flung herself into his arms. But soon, Ammon was hoisting her over his shoulders and whisking her away from the beer parlor. ******* Potiphera wiped his nose with the back of his hand and slipped into the storage unit. He had been watching Zahra ever since she came to this building so he knew what she had delivered. Ancient wine from Greece. He opened the chest and took out one of the bottles. After that, he walked to a drainage and poured half of its content into it. He had to do this quickly while everyone was focused on Ammon and Mintaka. He threw down his briefs and tipped his manhood to the head of the wine. Then he released his urine into bottle. “I’ll make you pay Zahra, starting with your father. I will make sure he dies” he muttered to himself, an evil smile on his face. Luckily for him, the bottle was not transparent and was a maroon shade. When the bottle was full, he put back on the cap and cleansed the bottle with his garment. As soon as he heard footsteps he hurried back to the chest, placed the bottle at a very obvious place and raced out of the back door. It may work and it was also possible that it may not even though he was sure it would work out. Even if his plans came to naught, he was going to try again another day. He peeped through the hole in the door and watched the maid open the chest, hoping she would pick the one he had sabotaged. “Take the first bottle to the Pharaoh” Abasi Aarun ordered. The maid nodded and picked the exact one he had done damage to. An evil smile graced his lips. Time to watch his plans come into fruition.
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