Chapter IV

923 Words
It was a dark place. It was a place that was high up in the mountains in a desolate land. Purple haze that seemed poison floated through the air like mist. Everything surrounding the palace was dead. Dirt and harden clay and rock was the only thing around aside from a few dead trees and the sides of the cliff. If you were to walk off one of the edges of the cliff you’d die before you ever hit the ground. The palace walls were a swamp green. The stone was old and wasn’t taken care of making it seemingly abandoned. But it was far from being left. Inside stood the red eyed man in what was a small throne room. The marble flooring was the same green to match the walls. There were some spots where the tiles were broken which added to the already erry atmosphere of the place. He stood facing a broken stone throne. The back of the throne had fallen apart a clear sign that the king that once sat there had fallen. But not for long. The red eyed man was dressed in a black suit dawned with an equally black cloak that draped around his shoulders. Black slicked back hair sat nicely upon his head which made his already pale skin seem even paler. “It won’t be long now.” He called out hearing the sound of light footsteps coming from behind him. Standing there with his hands held behind his back as he kept his gaze on the throne. Hearing the footsteps stop a few foot at his back. “Did you bring it?” He asked, his eyes never moving from their position. He waited a moment for the person behind him to speak, only to receive something that wasn’t his answer. “I want you to know that I will kill you one of these days.” The green eyed man spoke up standing there glaring into the back of the man’s head. His hands were clenched to the sides of his body as he was filled with rage and annoyance each time he looked at the red eyed man. “And when that day comes, I’ll no longer take orders from you.” “But until that day comes, you’ll continued to work for me to help us bring back our king.” The red eyed man spoke up with a tone of authority that echoed off the walls. Turning around red and green eyes met. “Do you have it?” He questioned again hating that he had to repeat himself. The green eyed man paused for a moment before he reached into his cloak and pulled forth the book that he had stolen from the library. This caused a cunning and devious smirk to come to the red eyed man’s lips. “Good. With this we’re already one step closer. Now, give it to me so that I may use the ancient powers from it to show you what true power is since you seem to lack the simple abilities to summon creatures that can’t be killed.” “f**k you.” The green eyed man hissed as he narrowed his eyes. He tossed the book to the other man, who caught it and flipped through the pages looking to see what was inside. He smirked when he came to the page that he had been searching for this whole time. Turning his back to the man he took three steps forward to give himself plenty of room to work. “Now, let me show you how it’s done.” He chuckled as he looked at the text in the book and started to read from it. The ancient language that was once used long ago flowed from his lips as if he spoke the language fluently. The room started to become darker than it had been and there was a sudden chill in the air. Holding out his hand the red eyed man focused on the text and how he was speaking it. Suddenly electricity formed in the air as the atmosphere started to change drastically. A dark purple haze appeared swirling around in a circle as the floor held a red pentagram that formed from the magic held by the words. A flash of light filled the room and a wall of wind broke through and fanned out causing both the men to stumble back slightly. The gust of wind stopped and the light vanished leaving the room seemingly untouched all up for the blacken creature that now stood in the room. It was tall about nine foot and completely pitched black all but for the large white hallowed out eyes. The red eyed man chuckled a bit looking at the looming monster that he had summoned. “Now, go fetch what it is we seek. Go fetch and bring me back the seal that holds the Darkness.” He commanded causing the creature to let out an ear bleeding howl before it vanished into thin air. The man closed the book satisfied with what he had brought to life from the text within the book. Turning he looked back at the green eyed man only to find that he too was gone. It didn’t matter, he would have the darkness soon enough and then they would have the return of their king.
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