Chapter II

1149 Words
It was dark, cold, and damp. The walls were disgusting as they were covered in vines and the walls themselves were cracking and decaying from age. But it wasn’t taken care of because it was a cellar or seemed to be more of a dungeon since there were small rooms that had metal bared doors to keep people either in or out. And it was mostly to keep people inside. So there he sat on the sorry excuse for a bed. It was wooden and had splinters and had warped wood from the dampness of the room. The man who sat there was none other than the king of Kjellberg – king Felix. He had been taken captive by the man with glowing green eyes as he and his wife – his queen – were trapped in the library by some of the man’s dark magic he seemed to have. It was terrifying for him. He didn’t know if his wife was alive or dead. He had been taken before he knew what had happened to her. He was worried sick about it even more so than about being taken hostage and thrown into his cell. He had to figure out what his captures wanted with him and give into their demands if he could so he could get out and make sure that his wife was safe. He was suddenly pulled from his thinking when he heard what sounded like a door opening and closing. Soon footsteps that seemed like they were headed his way as they grew louder with each step taken. Felix stood up from his bed and made his way to the middle of his extremely small cell. He stood there waiting for someone to make their self known to him. But it was dark and he could hardly see even a foot in front of him. Then the walking stopped and he knew that there was someone standing in front of his cell. He waited for whoever it was to speak first, but when they didn’t he grew anxious. “Do you like your accommodations we’ve made for you?” The voice was deep like a man’s voice and yet smooth as silk. Felix could tell that whoever he was talking to seemed to be the type of person who could con someone just by speaking to them – yes with that type of voice he knew they could. “I made sure you would have the best seat in the house while you waited. I’d like to apologize for making you wait for so long but – well you see these things take time.” Felix felt his body stiffen as he was suddenly greeted with glowing red eyes. Whoever this was talking to him with those eyes seemed like a demon from the feeling he got from them. He hadn’t seen eyes like that before and it sent a chill down his spine. “From your lack of a reply I can only assume that you’re surprised. Am I not what you expected?” The voice asked again. And to only again receive no answer from Felix. He heard a deep sigh come from the other side of the bars and watched as the eyes blinked to stay focused on his body. “It won’t be long now. We have the first part of what we need to restore our kingdom to its greater glory. Now faze two of our plan can begin. Retrieving the power that was lost to us when you sealed it away.” The smooth voice spat at the end. It seemed that he had become angered at whatever it was he was referring to with this power. Felix had no idea what he was talking about when it came to this power, but whatever it was he knew that if this thing got its hand on it then nothing good would come from it. “Still not interesting in talking to me? That’s fine. You’ll be talking soon enough. But until then, I hope you enjoy your stay.” The mysterious person finished off before he turned to leave. It was only then did Felix managed to find his voice. “What is it that you want with me! Why go through all this trouble! What power is it that you’re trying to obtain!” This caused the person to turn back and look at him, the red eyes narrowing as he spoke once more to answer his questions. “Darkness. The Darkness that we once had control over that you so selfishly sealed away.” He explained. Felix stiffened. If it was the Darkness that he was after then they were all doomed if he were to obtain it like he wanted. “I sealed it away to protect the innocent lives that were lost because of it. So many people died pointless deaths – “ “Pointless? Oh no not pointless at all. You see that’s the difference between you and him. He knew that great things could come from the power when it was used correctly. You on the other hand were selfish and thought that the world would be a better place so you stole it from him and sealed it away.” The voice explained coldly. “But we’ve figured out where you’ve hidden it. And we’re taking it back.” A mocking tone came from the man. Felix took a step forward and grabbed hold of the bars his nose touching the cold iron. “You’re lying!” “You think so?” He replied calmly and with what sounded like a mocking tone. “Believe whatever it is you want to believe. But we’ve found where it’s hidden and it’s only a matter of time before we get our hands on it. That much I can promise you.” He finished before the red eyes disappeared and the echoing of his footsteps started to recede down the hall. Felix yelled out in anger and pushed himself away from the bars. If what the man said was true then everyone he ever cared about was in danger once again. And what was worse he knew that they were looking for the place where he had sealed away the Darkness. And if he was telling the truth when he had told him that it was found then Felix had even more reason to try and find a way out and inform his council that the hiding place needed protected. But instead he was stuck in a cell in only the Gods knows where. Trapped and feeling more helpless than ever.
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