I've Got No Choice

1196 Words
I stared at Atty. Harris. Why not him? After all, he is skilled in all fields, not to mention his physically fit athletic body. Yeah, he possesses that kind of physique that females would ogle over. I have seen that happen inside the courtroom, female judges not exempted. The suits he wears are not enough to hide his masculine features. He is excellent at computer games, too. From what I heard from his classmates in law school, he spends his extra time inside his computer game room. He has everything that I don't. So why me? Why not him? "Atty. Yvette..." Judge Anderson said. That cut my deep thinking. I quickly shook my head and squint my eyes. This is not the right time to be thinking like this. I should be focusing on what matters most. I came here to clear things out and ask my name to be taken out from that list of players inside the Asylum. That's my real goal. I didn't come here to argue about working with the playful Atty. Harris right in front of me.  "Atty. Yvette..." Atty. Harris greeted and smiled. I stared at him, maintaining my poker face. Insulting. What is this person grinning about? It is as if we haven't fought inside the court in the past. He is staring at me with his smile reaching both his ears. Is he pretending to forget the case we fought against? Did he forget the things he did to secure his victory without any regard for the ethical standards we are supposed to follow in the legal field? I shook my head as I thought about what he did. There is no way I am working with this man. His values are totally different from mine. We have opposite beliefs and principles, so what made Judge Anderson pair him with me? He knows who I am and what I stand for. I swallowed hard. This is totally unacceptable.  Shaking my head, I turned around and proceeded to the door. I am about to leave the room when I heard Judge Anderson say something in a loud voice.  "You are the best we've got, Yvette! Don't you get that?!" Judge Anderson shouted at this point. He addressed me with my name! He must be really angry now.  My eyes widened. He never shouted at me like this in the past. I felt uncomfortable. This is the first time in eight years. Is this game really that serious? This man, Judge Anderson, from the very first time I met him, never got angry at me for anything like this. It seems so shallow to be angry for, considering a man of stature like him.  Letting out a heavy breath, I turned around and walked slowly towards him. When I am near him, I drew nearer and whispered loud enough for him to hear. "I want a clear explanation, not an assurance that I'm not alone. I want that explanation clearly from you and not from another. If you want me to continue, make me understand. You know where to find me." I bowed my head and turned around. With this statement, I know that he already knows what I mean. I walked past the living room where our frat mates are. They are obviously staring at my every move. I don't care. If this is the reason for me to be kicked out from this group, then it's not worth staying here with them. Without looking back, I walked towards the main door and walked out of the place.  I breathed heavily as I walked towards my car. This is it, I have said my piece. It's up to them to interpret what I mean. I hope that Judge Anderson would not disappoint me. I drove to my house and slept directly after taking a shower. I felt too tired after what I've been through today.  The next day, I woke up and straightaway brewed my favorite flavor of the coffee. Holding the mug in my hand, I walked towards the veranda on the second floor of my house. Sitting down on the chair, I sipped a little of my coffee and placed the mug on the table on my left. I stared at the open.  "You are the best we've got." That statement from Judge Anderson kept replaying on my mind. I frowned. Could it be that he means more than those words? But why is he not saying anything to me? I just wanted to be clarified.  Dingdong! Dingdong! I paused. Who could be so early to come here? I do not remember setting an appointment with anyone this early today. Anyway, I stood up and answered the door.  "Judge Anderson?! Aunt Claire?!" I exclaimed when I saw the couple in front of my door.  "Hi dear," Aunt Claire greeted with a smile. "We just want to have breakfast with you today." Her eyes looked at the basket held by Judge Anderson.  My eyes followed hers. Muffins. Aww, Aunt Claire's muffins are my favorite!   "You said that I know where to find you..." Judge Anderson said and looked at me meaningfully. I nodded. So this is what it is.  "Not here, dear," Aunt Claire said and looked at Judge Anderson. "Talk at the veranda. I will take care of the kitchen." I nodded and opened the door wide to let them in. It's not the first time for them to come here. Actually, we spent some happy times here so Aunt Claire is familiar with all parts of my house except my bedroom. I led the way to the veranda and Judge Anderson followed. I motioned for him to occupy one chair surrounding the table, a little near from where I am sitting.  "It's not my personal choice, Yvette. It was the group's. They have high expectations and so much faith in what you can do," he started.  I turned my head on my side and met his eyes.  "Are you telling me that in all aspects, I beat Atty. Harris who has been a known computer player ever since? Why me? Why not him? He is physically fit, smart, and cunning enough to win. You know I don't possess those qualities. He has them all. He could have been the perfect fit for that game," I reasoned out, resentment evident in my voice. What's the point of hiding it to myself?  Judge Anderson smiled and stared at me.  "Do you have something against Atty. Harris?" he asked while staring at my facial expression.  That question caught me off guard.  "Absolutely not!" I shouted but I can feel my face and ears getting heated. Gosh, why am I blushing at this point? Hurriedly, I turned my head on the side to avoid getting caught with this expression. "You may not understand now but you will as you go through the game. You possess the strongest willpower coupled with that extraordinary discipline and wisdom. I know what I saw in you so if you're asking me to remove your name from the list, I'm sorry but I can't. I have no power to do that in the first place."
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