
538 Words
Narrators P.O.V. Sisquo walked up to Cruz's family home through a secret entrance. It was a beautiful mansion in the countryside. As beautiful and welcoming as it was on the outside, it held a lot of dark secrets on the inside. He was going to set those secrets free. He didn't know how, but he knew he would figure it out, as he started with the mansion and then the brothels. He was tired of taking everyone's s**t. He decided he would start taking what he deserved. He had no plans of working for anyone else. They would now be working for him. They would fear him. He was going to start fresh and build everything from the bottom up. He could trust no one. He didn't knock. He just walked in and began shooting anyone that came in his way. One bullet is straight to the head or heart. He wasn't shooting to wound; he was shooting to kill. He didn't want to waste any bullets. Cruz had always commended him on his efficiency. He never told them he learned how to be an accurate shooter in foster care when his foster father took him hunting. He knew everything about the home and security. He had come in through a private entrance that Cruz had made and only told his wife about it. Security didn't see him coming, so they were all sitting ducks. As he walked upstairs, looking for the last person he knew was in the house, he paid no attention to the blood all over his hands and clothes. He wiped away what was on his face with the back of his hand and continued searching for Cruz's wife, Lena. She was his second wife. Cruz killed his first wife, and he forced his current wife, Lena, to marry him. When he reached the main room, he banged on the door and kicked it. "Open up." He yelled. The door to Cruz's and Lena's room flew open, and there stood Lena. She was in white silk lingerie, breathing hard as she had heard the gunshots and didn't know what was happening. Sisquo stepped into the room, standing so close to Lena that his bloody clothes stained her white lingerie. She reached up, pulled his face closer to hers, and kissed him passionately. " My Love, I thought you died with the others. Where have you been?" Sisquo picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around him as he stalked towards the bed and dropped her on it. They frantically began to kiss each other, and Lena paid no mind to his blood-soaked body and clothing. They had started an affair behind Cruz's back months ago. Cruz didn't love her and just wanted her as eye candy for the rest of the world to see. Whenever Cruz went out of town, Lena would sneak out and meet Sisquo. Always at a different place and time, so no one gets suspicious. "What happened, my love? Where have you been all this time? I thought you were dead." Lena told him, and she let out a deep sigh and relaxed. " You can't kill someone who is already dead," Sisquo said before he kissed her passionately.
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